Papp, L., Merz, B. & Földvári, M., 2006, DIPTERA OF THAILAND A summary of the families and genera with references to the species representations, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 52 (2), No. 2, pp. 97-269 : 139-140

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12586111

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Laurypta spp. Seven specimens of three species represent that genus from Thailand. One of them may well be L. leptura (EDWARDS, 1928) , which was described from Malaysia. Unfortunately, there are two spp. in our material with extremely long cerci.

Lapyruta EDWARDS, 1923 . 1 f: PF04/17, of a medium-sized, yellow bodied and yellow winged species. It readily keys out to this New World genus. The only known species was described from the West Indies.

Neoplatyura spp. Five individuals of three spp. were captured. Hitherto only one sp., N. tjibodensis (EDWARDS, 1927) has been reported from the Oriental region (unfortunately I have not seen its type).

Proceroplatus spp. Three males of two spp. were collected. Hitherto 4 spp. have been reported from the Oriental region (CDO, under Mycetophilidae, COLLESS & LIEPA 1973 ): two of them from Sri Lanka, one sp. each from Borneo and Bangla Desh. It is worth mentioning that some of the earlier records of Proceroplatus are questionable. It is advisable to restrict the genus only those species with evenly setose mesoscutum, setose laterotergite, setulae on anepisternum dorsally, short Sc vein, no Sc 2 vein, rather short Cu 2 and long R5 vein and with flattened flagellomeres.

Pyratula sp. A single m (PF04/19) plus one damaged indiv. without abdomen were captured. Only one species is known from the Oriental region ( BECHEV 2000).

Ralytupa pendleburyi EDWARDS, 1928 . The only Oriental species of this predominantly Afrotopical genus (34 known species, BECHEV 2000) was described from Thailand (Nakhon Si Thammarat), but not found in our material. The genus is known to me based on Afrotropical species. I am afraid, it is impossible to decide on the relegation of R. pendleburyi without a study of its type.

Rutylapa spp. We captured and pinned 20 specimens of eight species. Most of the Oriental species have a flagellum with spiculiform apical flagellomere. Only four spp. were formerly described from the Oriental region, but it seems probable, that Rutylapa is a species rich genus (or even, the most diverse one) in the Oriental region.

Truplaya sp. 1 f: PF04/24.

Xenoplatyura spp. Eleven individuals of three species are in our material. None of those spp. seem conspecific with the three spp. in the CDO.

In addition, representatives of at least four undescribed genera are in our material (represented by 9 specimens). A longer, separate paper is planned on the Oriental species of Orfeliini , where all the new taxa will be described.











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