Papp, L., Merz, B. & Földvári, M., 2006, DIPTERA OF THAILAND A summary of the families and genera with references to the species representations, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 52 (2), No. 2, pp. 97-269 : 190-191

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586111

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scientific name




Allometopon (Calometopon) nobile FREY, 1960 View in CoL – 2 m: PF04/17; 1 f: Fang (Prov.): Mae Fang NP, Doi Pha Hom Pok, 21.11.2003, 1430m, along creek and forest road, No. 9, leg. FÖLDVÁRI; 1 m (HNHM): Vietnam, Cuc phuong, Pr. Ninh binh, 1966. V. 11., leg. Topál. It was described and formerly known only from Burma .

Allometopon (Calometopon) View in CoL spp. n. aff. atromaculatum HENNIG. sp. 1: 1 m: PF04/38; sp. 2: 1 m: PF04/26; 1 f: Fang (Prov.): Mae Fang NP , Doi Pha Hom Pok, 21.11.2003, 1430m, spring, leg. A. SZAPPANOS .

Allometopon (Calometopon) sp. or representative of a new subgenus. 1 m: PF04/42. A small species, wing length 2.65 mm only. Body and legs all sulphurous yellow with a brown acrostrichal stripe. All the setae yellow. Abdomen dark brown, except its base. Only 2 pairs of fronto-orbitals, one inclinate lower and one reclinate upper pair. Arista densely dark setose. Calyptra and fringe blackish, wing veins yellow. Cross-vein R-M well distal to middle of discal cell, intracrossvein section of M 0.22 mm, terminal section of M 1.23 mm. This is a peculiar species, indeed. We made this short description only to call attention to this specimen.

Clusiodes (Clusiodes) sp. n. 1 m: PF04/12; 1 m: PF04/14; 5 m: PF04/19; 3 m: PF04/25; 1 m: FSz03/17.

C. (Microclusiaria) obscuripennis FREY, 1960 View in CoL – 1 m 2 f: PF04/25 (Nan Prov., nr Mae Charim waterfall). As far as I we can judge from its rather incomplete description, our specimens are conspecific.

C. ( Microclusiaria View in CoL ) sp. aff. obscuripennis FREY, 1960 View in CoL – 1 m: PF04/25. It is a closely related but different species.

C. (Steleoclusiodes) nigrifrons Frey, 1960 View in CoL – 1 m: PF04/28; 1 m 1 f: PF04/43; 1 f: FSz03/21. It was described from Kambaiti, Burma.

Craspedochaeta spp. Our material is rich in the representation of this genus. Representatives of six species were found (three f were not relegated to any of them).

Craspedochaeta sp. aff. biseta HENDEL – 1 m: PF04/28; 4 m 4 f: PF04/35; 1 m 1 f: PF04/42; 1 m: PF04/43.

Craspedochaeta sp. 1 (? borneoensis SASAKAWA) – 1 m: PF04/28; 4 m: PF04/29; 3 m: PF04/38; 1 m: Orosz & SZIRÁKI No. 34; 1 m: OROSZ & SZIRÁKI No. 43. Palpi black with yellow apex, first flagellomere blackish, at least so apically, thorax, incl. pleura all black, fore and mid coxae, femora and tibiae black.

Craspedochaeta sp. 2 . 1 m: PF04/36; 1 m: PF04/42; 1 m: PF04/43. Similar to sp. 1, i.e. 1st flagellomere dark, palpi all dark, but meron, anepimeron, base of abdomen and mid as well as hind femora mostly yellow.

Craspedochaeta sp. 3 . 1 m: PF04/12; 1 m: PF04/14; 1 m: PF04/25; 1 m: Tham Sakoen NP, 30. 11. 2003, 19º 23’N 100º 38’E, along creek at forest border, leg. A. SZAPPANOS. Similar to the former spp., but palpi black and yellowish, mesonotum yellowish, reddish laterally, similarly to meron and anepimeron GoogleMaps .

Craspedochaeta sp. 4 . 1 m: PF04/7. Fore and mid coxae black, but legs otherwise yellow, 1st flagellomere blackish, but proepisternum and notopleura yellowish.

Craspedochaeta sp. 5 . 1 m: PF04/7; 1 m: PF04/42. Fore coxae as well as all legs yellow, 1st flagellomere yellow or even whitish, male with extremely long genal seta, pleura all dark. Taking smaller differences into consideration, the specimens from North Thailand and South Thailand may be distinct.

Hendelia (Aristohendelia) extensicornis FREY, 1960 View in CoL – 2 m: PF04/7; 1 m: PF04/12. The subgenus and species were carefully described and depicted, based on specimens collected at Kambaiti, Burma .

Hendelia sp. (? a new subgenus) – 1 m: PF04/9. Head structure similar to that of Aristohendelia. First flagellomere as long as pedicel, arista flattened, as long as pedicel plus 1st flagellomere combined., the flattened part occupies its 5/6. One extra large re-and slightly inclinate fronto-orbital, plus 1 minute posterior frorb pair, aligned with ocellars (!). Ocellars large, postocellars very thin straight but as long as posterior frorb. Infraorbital pair very anterior (opposite bases of antennae), very thin and only 0.175 mm long; vti extremely long, vte very long. Mesonotum with a pair of dark brown vittae behind anterior notopleurals back not to the scutellum, just outside dc lines. Thoracic macrochaetae : 1+2 dc pairs, no propleural setae; apical scutellars very long, lateral scutellars short, plus 1 even more basal pairs of sc setulae present. Wing with dark brown colour on apical 1/3, intra-crossvein section of M 0.505 mm, terminal section 1.83 mm. Fore tarsi black and strongly flattened, legs, incl. coxae otherwise yellow. Abdomen black.













Papp, L., Merz, B. & Földvári, M. 2006

Allometopon (Calometopon) nobile

FREY 1960

Allometopon (Calometopon)

Frey 1960

C. (Microclusiaria) obscuripennis

FREY 1960


Frey 1960

aff. obscuripennis

FREY 1960

C. (Steleoclusiodes) nigrifrons

Frey 1960

Hendelia (Aristohendelia) extensicornis

FREY 1960
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