Lycosepsis oedipus L. PAPP, 2006

Papp, L., Merz, B. & Földvári, M., 2006, DIPTERA OF THAILAND A summary of the families and genera with references to the species representations, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 52 (2), No. 2, pp. 97-269 : 161-162

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586111

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scientific name

Lycosepsis oedipus L. PAPP

sp. nov.

Lycosepsis oedipus L. PAPP View in CoL , sp. n.

( Figs 51–53 View Figs 45–53 )

Holotype male ( HNHM, left mid leg lost): THAILAND: 8 km E of Doi Anh Kang , over a rocky brook, Nov 2, 2004, No. 17, leg. L. PAPP & M. FÖLDVÁRI.

Paratypes: 1 male (abdomen with genitalia in a plastic microvial with glycerol): same as for holotype; 1 male: Doi Inthanon N. P., Pha Sum Ran Waterfall, forest & along the brook, Oct 30, 2004, No. 8, leg. L. PAPP & M. FÖLDVÁRI; 1 male: Mae Fang NP , Doi Pha Hom Pok , 21.11.2003, 1430m, spring, leg. A. SZAPPANOS .

Measurements in mm: body length 3.75 (holotype), 3.67–3.86 (paratypes), wing length 2.54 (holotype), 2.50–2.70 (paratypes), wing breadth 0.75, 0.74–0.77.

Head black, 0.625 mm long, 0.49 mm high, interfrontal stripe covered by thin grey microtomentum. Shiny orbitalia involve base of anterior fronto-orbital seta, i.e. go to 4/5 of frons. Face wholly membranous, clypeus U-shaped, only 0.010 –0.012 mm high. Anterior 2 fronto-orbital pairs proclinate and slightly lateroclinate, posterior fronto-orbital lateroclinate and slightly reclinate. Ocellars short, 0.175 mm, postocellars divergent, 0.275 mm. Vti convergent, vte lateroclinate. One pair of short supralunular ifr. Vibrissae thin, 0.175 mm long. First flagellomere globose. Arista long curved, bare.

Thorax and abdomen shiny “leathery”, black, mesonotum with a thin sagittal grey microtomentose stripe. Prothorax dark, postpronotum to pprnt seta diffuse greyish yellow. 2 +2 dc pairs, 3rd pair much closer to 4th than to 2nd, and mostly shorter than 2nd. 2 very long np pairs, 2 short pa pairs, anterior intra-alar (or, presutural) intermediate in length to np and pa. Scutellum with a long (0.075 mm) conical apical process. Scutellar length to base of process 0.105 mm. Basal sc satae shorter than process. Apical scutellars emerge from a wart, 0.40 mm long (holotype).

Fore coxa black, mid and hind coxae yellow. Tibiae dark shiny brown, except for apical part of mid tibia. Lateral surface of femora dark, except for bases, their medial half less dark, e.g. medial surface of t2 only with a broad subapical dark band. Fore basitarsus yellow, tarsomeres 2–5 black, mid and hind tarsi yellow, last tarsomere (or tarsomeres 4–5) may be infuscated. Length/thickness of hind leg:

f3 80 (holotype) 93 (paratype) 14 (holotype) 19 (paratype)

t3 80 93 11 14

Mid femur anteriorly with 1 black spine at middle. Mid tibial armature: 2 long dorsal setae at 14/58, 29/58, anterodorsals at 36/58, 51/58, a short anteroventral at 41/58, 51/58 each, plus a dorsal and a ventral sbuapical each. Anteroventral 1/5–1/4 of hind femur with 3 spines, the proximal one is the longest and it emerges from a conical process. Fore femur medioventrally with 5–6 long, slightly proclinate black thorn-like setae on apical 1/4.

Wing much longer than broad, racket-shaped, no anal lobe. Wing evenly brown, slightly darker in apical part of cell r1, veins brown. Cell r1 narrow, costa thickened, their width at middle 1.8: 2.5. R2+3 apical curvature variegate, consequently R2+3-R4+5-M costal sections vary from 21:11 to 27: 11. M vein sections: 45: 30: 89. Halteres dark brown, apex of knob (back to almost its half), as well as a part of stalk, light, whitish yellow.

Abdominal tergite 1 caudally and T2 cranially with an inverted broad V-shaped yellow spot. Setae on S8 0.19 mm long. Epandrium seems somewhat higher than in L. biseta . Cerci ( Fig. 51 View Figs 45–53 ) with rather numerous long setae. Surstylus ( Figs 51, 53 View Figs 45–53 ) rather long, setae long on caudal surface and short medially ( Fig. 51 View Figs 45–53 ). Subepandrial process of surstylus short. Ejaculatory apodeme ( Fig. 52 View Figs 45–53 ) robust, asymmetrically fan-shaped, stalk thick with a small cylindrical process, basal part semiglobular, intricately sclerotized.

Lycosepsis oedipus sp. n. keys to L. hamata in ANDERSSON’ s (1976) key, which seems a more abundant species in the Oriental region (see below). Its hind femur is much thickened, there is only one strong spine on the anterior side of mid femur, and fore tarsomeres 2–5 are black. This combination of characters, as well as details of male genitalia, separate L. oedipus from L. biseta and L. hamata .

Lycosepsis hamata ENDERLEIN, 1920 View in CoL – 9 m: PF04/17; 3 m: PF04/25; 1 m: PF04/19; 1 m: PF04/9; 8 m 10 f: FSz03/9; 1 m 1 f: FSz03/11; 4 m 6 f: FSz03/17; 1 m 1 f: FSz03/18; 4 m 4 f: FSz03/21; 2 m 4 f: Rong Rian Ban Mai Phang Kba , 800 m, dry creek bed, N 19° 36’ E 100° 45’, 25. XI. 2003, leg. A. SZAPPANOS (60 indiv.). It was described from Taiwan and repeatedly reported from that island (otherwise known also from Sumatra) GoogleMaps .

Lycosepsis spp. 9 f: PF04/17; 1 f: PF04/19. 2 f: Tham Sakoen NP, 30. 11. 2003, 19° 23’N 100°38’E, along creek at forest border, leg. A. SZAPPANOS; 1 f: Mae Fang   GoogleMaps NP, Doi Pha Hom Pok, 21.11.2003, 1430 m, spring, leg. A. SZAPPANOS. I do not want to risk any misidentification, so I did not try to identify females of Lycosepsis View in CoL .


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)














Lycosepsis oedipus L. PAPP

Papp, L., Merz, B. & Földvári, M. 2006

Lycosepsis hamata



Enderlein 1920
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