Papp, L., Merz, B. & Földvári, M., 2006, DIPTERA OF THAILAND A summary of the families and genera with references to the species representations, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 52 (2), No. 2, pp. 97-269 : 222-224

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586111

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Aspinilimosina sp. – This genus was described recently (PAPP 2004) including a species from Sri Lanka. 5 m 3 f of a second species, which will be described separately, were captured in Thailand.

Biroina burckhardti L. PAPP, 1995 – 1 f: PF04/26. This female, which is from the type locality, seems conspecific with the holotype male.

Biroina spp. Six specimens of another three species were captured in Thailand.

Coproica ferruginata (STENHAMMAR, 1854) – 3 m 1 f: FSz03/25; 1 m 1 f: PF04/4. A common, almost cosmopolitan species, new to Thailand.

Coproica spp. More than 290 individuals, representatives of 6 or 7 species, incl. C. rufifrons HAYASHI, 1991 . Our specimens were selected from several hundreds (or even, thousands) of individuals, which we captured first of all on elephant dung. However, it seems obvious, that while Coproica species dominate the dipterous populations on dung of large hoofers in the Palaearctic, other sphaerocerids are dominant there in the Oriental region (see below).

Elachisoma spp. Hitherto not recorded from the Oriental region (cf. ROHÁČEK et al. 2001). We have got 22 individuals from elephant, cattle and (possibly) buffalo dung. They represent probably four species (two of them close to E. aterrimum (HALIDAY) , one sp. nr E. pilosum (DUDA )) .

Leptocera spp. Several species (incl. L. salatigae DE MEIJERE, 1914 View in CoL and L. sterniloba ROHÁČEK, 1983 View in CoL , which are listed in the World catalogue) represented by 128 specimens.

Minilimosina (Svarciella) View in CoL spp. – ROHÁČEK & MARSHALL (1988) described ten Oriental species from Nepal and Malaysia. We captured 31 specimens, which will be published in a separate paper together with other Oriental materials preserved in the HNHM .

Minilimosina (Allolimosina) sp. – 1 f: PF04/35. It is the first representative of that subgenus from the Oriental region (cf. ROHÁČEK et al. 2001).

Opacifrons spp. We managed to collect a rich material of 139 individuals representing that genus.

Opalimosina spp. Ten specimens of four species from Thailand (one of them probably O. pseudomirabilis HAYASHI, 1989 ). A fifth species is from Vietnam.

Paralimosina spp. We seem to have a species rich material of the true Paralimosina species (52 indiv.).

Paralimosina eximia species group. 23 indiv. of several species. It seems obvious that these species do not belong to Paralimosina but to an undescribed genus. It is important to describe that in the near future, since these species are characteristic for the dung of large hoofers in the Oriental region (together with species of a related genus with unpaired mid tibial setae and with a subocular row of setae).

Philocoprella sp. 1 m 1 f: PF04/25. Hitherto not recorded from the Oriental region (cf. ROHÁČEK et al. 2001). In the HNHM there are specimens also from Taiwan.

Phthitia (Kimosina) spp. In the HNHM there are three specimens of two species ( Thailand 2, Vietnam 1). As far as I am informed, no representative of them has hitherto been reported from the continental part of the Oriental region .

Poecilosomella spp. Our collection in 2004 resulted in capturing 108 individuals, those in 2003 11 ones. They are representatives of 13 species. A paper is planned to publish in the near future with descriptions of seven new Oriental species (three of them from Thailand).

Pterogramma sp. – 1 f: PF04/28; 1 m: PF04/35; 1 m: PF04/36; 1 m 1 f: PF04/43. We wholly agree with SMITH & MARSHALL’ s (2004) decision to confine the genus to species with a single fronto-orbital pair, etc. However, we seem to have a true Pterogramma from Thailand although it is advisable to study these specimens in the frame of a revision of the Oriental species excluded from Pterogramma .

Pseudopterogramma ” spp. Almost all the species described from regions other than the Neotropics, and a number of undescribed species from the Oriental region must be separated in a distinct, still undescribed genus (cf. SMITH & MARSHALL’ s 2004).

Pterogrammoides thaii L. PAPP, 1989 – 1 m: PF04/36. The types are from rather distant localities: Khao Sabap NP (Prov. Chanthaburi) and Kaeng Krachan NP (Prov. Phetchaburi). It was a surprise to find this flightless minute fly again. Our specimen was captured during a pouring rain along a path in a primary rain forest.

Pullimosina spp. Eleven specimens of two species. The extra-Holarctic species of the genus badly need a revision.

Rachispoda spp. Seventy individuals of several species are preserved from Thailand in the HNHM.

Spelobia (Bifronsina) spp. Seven indiv. of two species. There is at least one new Oriental species of the subgenus (also from Nepal).

S. ( Spelobia ) sp. The species of the true Spelobia are not so numerous in the Oriental than in the Holarctic region. However one specimen was found from Thailand and there are much more from Vietnam and Taiwan in the HNHM .

Spelobia dudai species group. sp. 1: 1 f: PF04/4; 1 f: PF04/6; 1 f: PF04/29; 1 m: FSz03/25; sp.2: 1 f: PF04/31. The first species must be a coprophagous one. There are species in several other genera resembling to those of that species group. Their evenly medium-sized interfrontal setae and mid tibial chaetotaxy define them as true Spelobia species.

Spinilimosina spp. 106 specimens of several species. There is more than one undescribed new genus, which superficially resemble Spinilimosina in the Oriental region.

Telomerina sp. One male ( PF04 /4) belonging obviously to that genus was collected.

Terrilimosina sp. Only 1 indiv. from Thailand.

Trachyopella (T.) spp. 49 individuals of several species of the nominate subgenus.

Trachyopella (Insulomyia) spp. Thirty specimens of at least three species are preserved in the HNHM from Thailand .

Trachyopella (Nudopella) collinella (RICHARDS, 1946) – 18 m 25 f: PF04/37. A widespread species (Oriental, Australasian and Oceanian) new to Thailand (cf. ROHÁČEK et al. 2001). Our specimens were captured on compost (rotten grass).

We have to note that a significant number of the sphaerocerid specimens from Thailand (more than 400 indiv.) belong to undescribed genera (which were not mentioned above).


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)













Papp, L., Merz, B. & Földvári, M. 2006

L. sterniloba ROHÁČEK, 1983


Minilimosina (Svarciella)

Roháček 1983

L. salatigae

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