Aldrichiomyza iwasai L. PAPP, 2006

Papp, L., Merz, B. & Földvári, M., 2006, DIPTERA OF THAILAND A summary of the families and genera with references to the species representations, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 52 (2), No. 2, pp. 97-269 : 196-201

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586111

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scientific name

Aldrichiomyza iwasai L. PAPP

sp. nov.

Aldrichiomyza iwasai L. PAPP View in CoL , sp. n.

( Figs 134–135 View Figs 133–135 )

Holotype female ( HNHM): THAILAND: Nan Prov., over and along the rivulet above Mae

Charim waterfall, Nov 7–8, 2004, No. 25, leg. L. PAPP & M. FÖLDVÁRI.

Measurements in mm: body length 3.04, wing length 2.74, wing breadth 1.00.

Frons, face and genae yellow, occiput dark, posterior rim of eye dark only on a section, which is not longer than fore tibial diameter. Gena about as broad as first flagellomere. Proboscis yellow, “knee” area black. Basal parts of proboscis 0.87 mm, labellum at least 0.67 mm (apical parts lateroclinate). Antenna ( Fig. 134 View Figs 133–135 ) largely yellow but grey fumose dorsally. Female arista with long, thickly set black setulae, similarly to the arista of all the females in this genus. Palpus yellow, thin, 0.43 mm long. Apex of palpi with 2 or 3 strong thick setae longer than first tibial diameter at base.

Mesonotum ( Fig. 135 View Figs 133–135 ) black presuturally, postsuturally yellow with a sagittal and 2 intra-alar narrow dark bands from the dark area to the level of posterior dorsocentrals. Scutellum and also metanotum yellow (cf. fig. 1 of IWASA 1997). Pleura largely yellow but anterior part of katepisternum and central part of meron dark. Thoracic chaetotaxy similar to its congeners, i.e. 1+3 pairs of dorsocentrals and 2 pairs of katepisternals present; anterior kepst extremely long, 0.63 mm. Acrostichal microchaetae of a straight sagittal row and 2 pairs of more or less well ordered lateral rows.

Femora yellow, all tibiae black. Fore tarsi black, mid and hind basitarsi, as well as 2nd tarsomeres yellowish, other tarsomeres dark.

Wing veins yellow. M vein sections 0.435, 0.337, 1.07 mm, M vein ratio 3.19. Strong costal fringe just overruns apex of R2+3. Halteres yellow (may be different in (unknown) males).

Abdominal tergite 1 yellow, tergite 2 yellow anteriorly and laterally, posterior half dark. Dorsal surface of tergites 3 to 6 dark with yellow lateral rim, laterally (down) curved parts of tergites also yellow. Female cerci black, at least 0.14 mm, very narrow with short setae only.

Male unknown.

Aldrichiomyza iwasai View in CoL sp. n. is probably close to A. flaviventris IWASA, 1997 View in CoL ( Japan). It does not fit PAPP’ s (2002) key for the Oriental and Palaearctic species of Aldrichiomyza View in CoL : scutellum and also postsutural area of mesonotum yellow but at the same time dorsal parts of abdominal tergites dark. Contrary to A. flaviventris View in CoL , its gena is narrower, sagittal dark stripe of mesonotum only linear, terminal section of vein M more than 3 times longer than intra-crossvein section, while in A. flaviventris View in CoL this ratio is less than 2.5. Of course, male genitalia must be studied, but this awaits capture of a male specimen.

Paramyioides (Spinitrochanter) L. PAPP View in CoL , subgen. n.

( Figs 77–89 View Figs 76–78 View Figs 79–83 View Figs 84–89 )

Type species: P. (Spinitrochanter) horrida sp. n.

Gender: masculine.

Head comparatively large. Two pairs of medioclinate ori setae. 4 pairs of medium long interfrontals. Two pairs of long lateroclinate ors, anterior pair also slightly proclinate; oc and poc pairs strong (the latter crossing); vti very long, vte broken off in our specimen but judging from their bases, they are probably medium-long. A pair of thin, short (0.085 mm or even shorter) medioclinate, additional fronto-orbital seta between posterior ors and vti. Vibrissa shorter than in the nominate subgenus. One or two medium-long cervical pairs present.

Frontal triangle bright yellow, reaches to 3/5 to 2/3 of frons, ocellar triangle small, gena broad. First flagellomere large, arista present ( Fig. 78 View Figs 76–78 ). Pedicel with a medium-long dorsal seta and a wreath of short black setulae apically; scape small with 4–5 pairs of medial, dorsomedial subapical setulae. Mouth opening broad but clypeus thin and half as broad. Palpi large but with small thin setae on apex only ( Fig. 77 View Figs 76–78 ).

Thorax brightly shiny, translucent, its chitinous sclerites are transparent, even thoracic muscles are visible. Basisternum long and thin or hardly discernible. Characteristic thoracic setae long as in Paramyioides s.str., i.e. not the slightest sign of a second dorsocentral pair of setae. Fore and mid coxae with strong setae ventrally. Armature of legs insignificant, except for ventral apical seta of mid tibia, and all of the hind leg. Hind trochanter strongly modified ( Figs 79–80 View Figs 79–83 ), also male hind tibia may be modified. (I must add here that the hind trochanter of P. perlucida is also modified: it bears a short ventral process.) Wing vein M very faint, no dM-Cu similarly to the nominate subgenus.

Abdomen semitransparent. Surstylus ( Figs 85, 87 View Figs 84–89 ) with numerous light thorn-like setae on medial surface. Distiphallus partly membranous, seems different in the two spp. described below. I cannot exclude that similarly to Paramyia species, the distiphallus can be inflated.

Some important characteristics of the new subgenus are similar to those of Paramyiodes s.str.. However, the presence of arista and the strongly modified hind trochanter, make it very distinct. It seems obvious that the translucent thorax and semitransparent abdomen of Paramyiodes are more than just extreme specific characteristics of P. perlucida L. PAPP, 2002 . On the other hand, a loss (reduction) of arista is not a generic feature. So I feel corroborated that none other than the stem species of the Paramyia species is a closer relative of the Paramyioides spp. (cf. PAPP 2005).

Paramyioides (Spinitrochanter) horrida L. PAPP , sp. n.

( Figs 79, 82–86 View Figs 79–83 View Figs 84–89 )

Holotype male ( HNHM, abdomen with genitalia in a plastic microvial with glycerol, also left hind leg separated between two small pieces of cover glass): THAILAND: Trang Prov., Thung Khai Botanic Garden , primary lowland rainforest, Nov 12, 2004, No. 28, leg. L. PAPP & M. FÖLDVÁRI . Paratype female: ibid., Nov 19, No. 38.

Measurements in mm: body length 2.34 mm (holotype), 2.50 (paratype), wing length 2.20, 2.17, wing breadth 0.87, 0.85.

Body and legs almost completely shiny yellow, though mesonotum darker yellow than pleura. Male (and female) anepisternum ventrally with a brown oblique spot, female mesonotum also with a pair of brown, shiny bands from postpronotum to postalar seta through base of supra-alar seta.

Frons yellow, only ocellar triangle dark. Four pairs of short ifr, supralunular pair 0.08 mm. Gena broad, 0.13 mm, genal setae short, anteriorly directed. Vibrissa only slightly longer than first peristomial. Peristomials continued into an oblique row of genal setae (most dorsal one almost on occiput, just below level of antennal bases). Antenna yellow, but dorsal 1/3 of first flagellomere dark brown. Arista 0.41 mm long (holotype), its cilia not dense, 0.03 mm long. Male palpus large, broader than in P. spinosa , with 1 apical, 1+1 subapical (dorsal and ventral) and 4 ventral setae.

Thoracic chaetotaxy as in P. spinosa . Apical scutellar 0.435 mm, katepisternal seta 0.24 mm long, prescutellar acrostichal pair only 0.08 mm long.

Fora tarsi darkened. Hind trochanter as in Fig. 79 View Figs 79–83 . Hind tibia as in Fig. 82 View Figs 79–83 . Hind metatarsus ( Fig. 83 View Figs 79–83 ) with 2 rows of long thick black setae.

Wing clear yellowish, veins yellow. Third costal section shorter than 4th section (0.17 mm and 0.19 mm). Medial vein not visible, discernible only by the straight line of membrane microchaetae. Haltere light yellow (whitish).

All abdominal terga yellow, incl. tergite 5, with brown caudal margin. Epandrium brown. Cerci ( Fig. 84 View Figs 84–89 ) small with 3 pairs of long setae. Hypandrial complex inserted rather high on epandrium ( Fig. 84 View Figs 84–89 ). Surstylus ( Fig. 85 View Figs 84–89 ) almost triangular, only apex slightly proclinate, medial surface with less numerous but long thick setae (thorns). Paramere ( Fig. 86 View Figs 84–89 ) – in broadest extension – curved with broader base and narrow apex, apex itself blunt. Distiphallus ( Fig. 84 View Figs 84–89 ) looks like an intricately sclerotized globular structure below hypandrial complex (I cannot exclude that it can be inflated).

Female palpus thinner, 5 apical and subapical, plus only 2 ventral setae. This kind of sexual dimorphism characteristic also for the type species, P. perlucida female has longer setae on palpus, its palpus half as broad as that of the male. Female abdomen yellow but tergites 1 to 3 brown, tergite 3 very long, 0.43 mm, medially “broken”, i.e. divided. Tergites 3 and 4 with long (0.20, up to 0.23 mm) setae. Tergite 4 caudal 2/5 dark brown, tergite 5 apical half dark brown. Female cerci ca. 0.14 mm long, hairs yellow, longest one 0.09 mm.

The specific epithet refers to the unusual form of the male trochanter and tibia.

The new species is a relative of P. (S.) spinosa sp. n., but the form of the hind trochanter and tibia, as well as shape and armature of the male surstylus make it easily recognisable.

(del. A. SZAPPANOS). Scale: 0.2 mm for Fig. 80 View Figs 79–83 , 0.4 mm for Fig. 81 View Figs 79–83 View Figs 84–89


Paramyioides (Spinitrochanter) spinosa L. PAPP , sp. n.

( Figs 77–78 View Figs 76–78 , 80–81 View Figs 79–83 , 87–89 View Figs 84–89 )

Holotype male ( HNHM): THAILAND: Trang Prov., Thung Khai Botanic Garden , primary lowland rainforest, Nov 12, 2004, No. 43, leg. L. PAPP & M. FÖLDVÁRI.

The wings of the holotype are prepared between two small pieces of cover glass and pinned on the collection pin (the larger piece of cover glass glued to a card), body incl. abdomen are in Canada balsam between cover glasses on a card with a large hole, genitalia are in a plastic microvial with glycerol.

Measurements in mm: body length 1.75 mm, wing length 1.58, wing breadth 0.68.

Body yellow, only frons darker, abdominal tergites 2 to 4 with broad brown caudal bands. Thorax clearly transparent (translucent), thoracic muscles were seen without preparation, also the body was put into Canada balsam through metyl-cellosolve without using sodium-hydroxide or lactic acid. Head and abdomen semitransparent.

All first flagellomere fumose, basic colour yellow. Arista 0.29 mm long ( Fig. 78 View Figs 76–78 ). Gena 0.09 mm broad below eye. Vibrissa 0.11 mm, 7 shorter peristomials present. Palpus broad ( Fig. 77 View Figs 76–78 ) with 4 apical and 1 ventral short setae.

Mesonotum shiny, bare laterally, only 3 microchaetae laterally to the dc-ia line. Thoracic chaetotaxy: 1 pprnt, 2 np, 1 shorter presutural, 1 sa, 1 pa (large) in supralar + 1 pa (shorter) in intra-alar position, prescutellar pair rather thin, 0.095 mm long. Two pairs of strong scutellars, apical scutellar setae 0.35 mm long. One katepisternal seta, anepimeron bare.

Hind trochanter enlarged antero-medially, with two extremely long thick black thorns on distal (caudal) medial edge ( Fig. 80 View Figs 79–83 ). Hind tibia ( Fig. 81 View Figs 79–83 ) thickened but not strongly modified as in P. spinosa , with a ventral row of short thick curved spiculate setae. Hind metatarsus long but normal.

Wing clear light yellowish grey, veins yellow. Costal vein runs to R4+5 only. Costal section between H and R1 veins short, 0.30 mm. Strong fringe on costa only to R2+3. R-M at the level of apex of R1, veins R2+3 and R4+5 slightly converging apically, R4+5 and M rather parallel (the latter discernible only by the straight line of membrane microchaetae). Distance of cross-veins (basal and R-M) 0.13 mm only.

Abdomen yellow, rather cylindrical. Tergites 2 to 4 with broad brown caudal bands. Tergite 5 as well as epandrium yellow. Cerci small. Surstylus ( Fig. 87 View Figs 84–89 ) broadly rounded with more numerous but shorter thick setae (thorns) on medial surface. Paramere ( Fig. 88 View Figs 84–89 ) shorter than in P. horrida , in broadest extension with a broad apical part, but without a sharp anterior tip. Distiphallus ( Fig. 89 View Figs 84–89 ) large, apical part rather narrow and covered by more or less blunt light retrograde pegs.

The specific epithet refers to the long spines on male hind trochanter. This is the most remarkable difference compared to P. (S.) horrida sp. n. P. (S.) spinosa sp. n. is smaller, its male hind tibia simple and details of male genitalia are different.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)














Aldrichiomyza iwasai L. PAPP

Papp, L., Merz, B. & Földvári, M. 2006

Aldrichiomyza iwasai

Papp & Merz & Földvári 2006

Paramyioides (Spinitrochanter)

L. PAPP 2006

A. flaviventris

IWASA 1997

A. flaviventris

IWASA 1997

A. flaviventris

IWASA 1997


Hendel 1914
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