Keetia namoyae O. Lachenaud & Q. Luke, 2017

Lachenaud, Olivier, Luke, Quentin & Bytebier, Benny, 2017, Keetia namoyae (Rubiaceae, Vanguerieae), a new species from eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, Candollea 72 (1), pp. 23-26 : 23-26

publication ID 10.15553/c2017v721a2

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Keetia namoyae O. Lachenaud & Q. Luke

sp. nov.

Keetia namoyae O. Lachenaud & Q. Luke View in CoL , spec. nova ( Fig. 1).

Typus: DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO. Prov . Maniema: Namoya , Mwendamboko Hill, 4°00’05”S 27°32’94”E, 12.IV.2008, fl. & fr., Bytebier & Luke 2796 (holo-: BR [ BR000000524731 ]!; iso-: EA!) .

Foliis glabrescentibus et coriaceis venulis tertiariis inconspicuis K. tenuiflorae (Hiern) Bridson et K. mannii (Hiern) Bridson similis , sed ab ambabus speciebus conspicue differt ramis floriferis alternis (nec oppositis) cum indumento sparso et valde appresso, inflorescentiis paucifloris, floribus majoribus corollae tubo c. 4 mm longo (nec c. 2 mm) fructibusque majoribus c. 20 X 20 mm apice paullo emarginatis.

Scandent shrub to 2 m high, with branches alternate and directed backwards, subtended by normal (not modified) leaves. Twigs rather sparsely covered with very stiffly appressed hairs, which persist for a long time on the woody, medium brown bark. Stipules c. 2 mm long, shortly triangular with apex laterally compressed, with same indumentum as twigs, very soon caducous. Leaves with petiole 4-7 mm long, stiffly appressed-pubescent; blade elliptic, acute at base, acuminate at tip, 4-9 X 2.2-4 cm, very coriaceous, glabrous above, sparsely appressed-pubescent on midrib beneath, drying dull brownish-green with underside paler; lateral nerves 4-6, not strongly prominent; tertiary veins invisible or almost so; small tuft-domatia present in axils of lateral nerves along midrib. Inflorescences cymose, 10-15-flowered, c. 1.5 cm long including c. 0.5 cm long peduncle, shortly branched, sparsely pubescent. Bracts small, c. 1.5 mm, triangular and acute at apex, ciliate. Flowers (4-)5-merous; pedicels 2-5 mm, densely appressed-pubescent. Calyx split almost to the base into narrowly triangular teeth c. 0.75 mm long, shortly ciliate on the margin. Corolla cream; tube cylindrical, 4 X 1.5 mm, glabrous outside, hairy inside with a ring of long (c. 1 mm) abruptly deflexed hairs near the lower 1/4 th, and short sparse hairs above reaching just under the throat; lobes 2 mm long, reflexed, glabrous. Flower buds cylindrical with a rounded head. Anthers almost completely exserted, erect, c. 1 X 0.5 mm. Disk shortly pubescent. Style glabrous, exceeding throat by 3 mm and ending in a hood-like stigma c. 0.7 mm long. Fruit slightly obovate, 20 X 20 mm, rounded at base, very shallowly emarginate at apex, glabrous; pedicel reaching c. 8 mm.

Etymology. – The species is named after its only known locality.

Distribution and ecology. – Keetia namoyae is only known from the type locality in Maniema Province, eastern D.R. Congo ( Fig. 2). It was found only once in disturbed, open secondary rain forest, at an altitude of 977 m. The following species were recorded in the vicinity: Adenia tricostata De Wild. , Aidia micrantha (K. Schum.) F. White , Aptandra zenkeri Engl. , Argomuellera pierlotiana J. Léonard , Boehmeria macrophylla Hornem. , Celosia globosa var. porphyrostachya C.C.Towns. , Crassocephalum rubens (Jacq.) S. Moore , Cyperus distans L.f., Dichapetalum sp. , Dichapetalum parvifolium Engl. , Dioscorea sp. , Monanthotaxis sp. , Justicia tenella (Nees) T. Anderson , Lindackeria schweinfurthii Gilg , Macaranga sp. nov. (Bytebier & Luke 2805), Puelia ciliata Franch. ,

[Bytebier & Luke 2796, BR] [Drawing: Antonio Fernandez]


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