Denticollis oculatus, Platia, 2015

Platia, Giuseppe, 2015, New species and records of Elateridae from North Pakistan, mostly collected by Guido Sabatinelli in 2011 - 2012 (Coleoptera)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 13, pp. 3-52 : 18-19

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.11372600

publication LSID


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scientific name

Denticollis oculatus

sp. nov.

Denticollis oculatus n. sp.

( Figs. 26, 26a View Figs , 84, 84a View Figs , 121 View Figs , 156 View Figs )

Material examined. Holotype ♂ - Pakistan: Islamabad , Sect. 7 (33°43'N, 73°03'E), m 600, 20.VI.- 20.VII.2011, G. Sabatinelli leg., at light ( CPG). 1 Paratype ♂ - same data as HT, 15.VII.2012 ( CPG). GoogleMaps

Diagnosis. A large species distinct from all the known species of the genus because of the antennae with a twelfth simple article.


Male. Very shiny; entirely black with brownish shadings on elytra; covered with fine, recumbent on elytra, semierect on sides of pronotum, yellowish pubescence.

Head with eyes very convex and particularly developed, as wide as the anterior margin of pronotum, frons quadrangular, impressed from the middle to the anterior margin, this thickened at the angles, simple at the middle where it is merged with the clypeus; punctures coarse, deep, umbilicate with variable, shiny intervals to contiguous.

Antennae with twelve articles exceeding by four articles the apices of posterior angles of pronotum, pectinate from the third article on; the second article simple, very small, as long as wide; third to eleventh articles pectinate; the third with a lamella as long as the article, fourth to tenth articles with lamellae longer than the articles, eleventh article with lamella shorter than the article, the twelfth article simple, shorter than the penultimate, subellipsoidal.

Pronotum 1.25x wider than long, widest at the apices of the posterior angles, regularly convex; sides moderately and regularly arcuate, suddenly divaricate at the posterior angles, the latter long, acuminate, strongly divergent; a trace of a short carina; lateral margins hardly distinct, partially obsolete; punctuation not uniformly distributed; punctures deep, simple, very variable in density, on the disc on average with intervals very shiny and larger than their own diameters.

Scutellum quadrangular, ridged at base, sparsely punctured.

Elytra very elongate, 4.2x longer than the pronotum and wider than it, convex; sides subparallel for about the basal two thirds of their length then gradually tapering to the apices; surface densely punctured with striae not clearly distinct.

Anterior rim of prosternum short and truncate.

Aedeagus as in Figs. 26, 26a View Figs (length 2.31 mm).

Size. Length 18.6-19.3 mm; width 4.35-4.50 mm.

Etymology. The name is derived from the very convex, developed eyes of the species.













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