Lacon monticola (Candèze, 1897)

Platia, Giuseppe, 2015, New species and records of Elateridae from North Pakistan, mostly collected by Guido Sabatinelli in 2011 - 2012 (Coleoptera)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 13, pp. 3-52 : 5-6

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.11372600

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scientific name

Lacon monticola (Candèze, 1897)


Lacon monticola (Candèze, 1897)

( Figs. 3, 3a View Figs , 45 View Figs , 129 View Figs )

Material examined. 5 spcm. (1♂, 4 ♀♀) - Pakistan: KP, Hazara distr. , Kaghan Valley, Shogran, 2700 m, V.1981, T. Porion leg. ( CPG; CRG) .

Described very shortly on a single specimen, I give a more complete description below.


Male. Not shiny; entirely dark-brown covered with moderate, short, recumbent, fulvous pubescence.

Frons flat on vertex, deeply impressed from the middle to the anterior margin, this straight, not protruding above the clypeus; punctures broad, deep, simple, with very short, shagreened intervals.

Antennae short, just reaching the middle of pronotum, serrated from the third article on, second article small, globous, third triangular, nearly as long as wide, fourth triangular, just longer than the third and as long as wide; fifth to tenth a little shorter than the fourth and wider than long.

Pronotum as long as wide, widest at middle, moderately convex on the disk, rather flattened along the lateral margins, with a short, shallow depression at the basal slope; sides subparallel at the middle, gradually narrowing to the base, slightly sinuate before the posterior angles, the latter short, truncate, divergent; lateral margins complete and totally visible in a dorsal view; punctuation coarse, punctures on the disc deep, simple, with more or less variable and short, shagreened intervals, gradually denser towards the sides where are nearly contiguous.

Scutellum quadrangular, flat, very densely punctured.

Elytra 2.0x longer than the pronotum and as wide as it, depressed inside of the humera from the base to before the middle; sides gradually dilated from the base and widest behind the middle then narrowing to the apices; surface densely punctured with indistinct striae.

Wings reduced just exceeding the middle of elytra and not able to fly.

Aedeagus as in Figs. 3, 3a View Figs (length 1.78 mm).

Female. Very similar to the male with a larger body. Bursa copulatrix sclerified as in Fig. 45 View Figs .

Size. Length 10.50-13.00 mm; width 3.60-4.20 mm.

Distribution. “HiMALAYA” ( CATe, 2007). New species FoR PAkisTAN.













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