Lichonycteris degener, G. S. Miller, 1931

Don E. Wilson & Russell A. Mittermeier, 2019, Phyllostomidae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 9 Bats, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 444-583 : 524-525

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Lichonycteris degener


80. View Plate 38: Phyllostomidae

Pale Brown Long-tongued Bat

Lichonycteris degener View in CoL

French: Lichonyctére du Brésil / German: Hellbraune Langzungenfledermaus / Spanish: Liconicterio de Brasil

Other common names: Pale Brown Long-nosed Bat

Taxonomy. Lichonycteris degener G. S. Miller, 1931 View in CoL ,

“Para,” Parj, Brazil.

Although based on a South American specimen, J. E. Hill in 1986 synonymized L. degener under Ll. obscura . Taxonomic changes suggested by T. A. Griffiths and A. L. Gardner in 2008 again differentiate L. obscura from L. degener , based on cheekteeth morphology and distribution of L. degener east of the Andes. Monotypic.

Distribution. Recorded from E Colombia, N Venezuela, Guyana, French Guiana, N & E Brazil, E Ecuador, E Peru, and C Bolivia. Reported from Suriname, but this could be a mistaken locality, probably a confusion between Dutch Guiana and the Dutch Colony in E Pernambuco, Brazil, considering travels made by the collector of the specimen. View Figure

Descriptive notes. Head—body 46-55 mm, tail 6-10 mm, ear 10-6 mm (from dried specimen), hindfoot 8: 6 mm, forearm 33-35 mm; weight 6-10 g. The Pale Brown Long-tongued Bat is small. Dorsum is blackish or dark brown, with clearly tricolored hairs having dark gray to black bases, whitish middles, and dark tips. Underparts are dark gray-brown,slightly paler than dorsum. Muzzle is slightly elongated; lower jaw extends just beyond upper jaw. Noseleaf is small (c. 4 mm tall). Tail is shorter than naked uropatagium. Wings attach to feet, near bases of toes. Dental formula for species of Lichonycterisis12/0,C1/1,P 2/3, M 2/2 (x2) = 26. Anteroposterior length of Cis about equalto or longer than anteroposterior length of P,; anteroposterior length of M, is equal to orless than 1-3 mm.

Habitat. Primary and secondary evergreen forests and savannas from lowlandsto elevations of ¢. 600 m.

Food and Feeding. The Pale Brown Long-tongued Bat supposedly feeds on pollen and nectar and occasionally insects and small fruits as other species of Lichonycteris . One individual was captured with unidentified grains of pollen on its hair.

Breeding. Pregnant Pale Brown Long-tongued Bats have been captured in August ( Brazil) and October ( Ecuador).

Activity patterns. No information.

Movements, Home range and Social organization. No information.

Status and Conservation. Not assessed on The IUCN Red List. The Pale Brown Longtongued Bat was recently separated from the Dark Long-tongued Bat ( M. obscura ), which is classified as Least Concern. In Brazil, the Pale Brown Long-tongued Bat is listed as data deficient. In general, it is rare in its known distribution.

Bibliography. Gardner (1977b), Griffiths & Gardner (2008a), Hill (1986a), Mantilla-Meluk, Jiménez-Ortega & Baker (2009b), Reid et al. (2000), Reis (1984), Reis & Peracchi (1987), Reis et al. (2017), Taddei & Pedro (1993), Zortéa et al. (1998).














Lichonycteris degener

Don E. Wilson & Russell A. Mittermeier 2019

Lichonycteris degener

G. S. Miller 1931
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