Hypostomus roseopunctatus Reis, Weber & Malabarba, 1990

Terán, Guillermo E., Aguilera, Gastón, Díaz, Federico Ruiz, Koerber, Stefan & Mirande, Juan Marcos, 2020, First record of Hypostomus roseopunctatus (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) for Argentina., Ichthyological Contributions of PecesCriollos 65, pp. 1-4 : 1

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.11558362



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scientific name

Hypostomus roseopunctatus Reis, Weber & Malabarba, 1990


Hypostomus roseopunctatus Reis, Weber & Malabarba, 1990 View in CoL

figs. 1 View fig , 2; tabs. 1 View table 1 , 2 View table 2 .

CI-FML 7797 . 1 ex, 57.2 mm SL. Miriñay River , Uruguay River basin, Corrientes, Argentina. 29°33'42.19"S, 57°30'36.85"W. Coll.: Terán, Aguilera, Ruiz Diaz & Mirande, Sep 2019 ( figs. 3 View fig , 4 View fig ) GoogleMaps .

The specimen presents the characters described for Hypostomus roseopunctatus ( Reis et al., 1990) : low number of teeth in each premaxillae and dentary (9-12, species range 6-16), eight scutes accompanying the dorsal-fin base (species range 9-10), three scutes bordering the posterior margin of the supraoccipital (species range 3), and the proportion of the mandibular-ramus length in the interorbital width of 2.3 (species range 2.1-3.6). Also, the alive specimen presented dark brown background and irregularly yellow to pink spots.

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