Onchodellus montanus, Şahin & Özbek, 2018

Şahin, Gülhan & Özbek, Hasan Hüseyin, 2018, Mites of the family Pachylaelapidae in Bayburt Province, Turkey (Acari: Mesostigmata), with a new record and three new species, Zootaxa 4514 (2), pp. 243-255 : 251-254

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4514.2.7

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scientific name

Onchodellus montanus

sp. nov.

Onchodellus montanus sp. nov.

( Figures 26–31 View FIGURES 26–27 View FIGURES 28–31 , 35, 36 View FIGURES 32–36 )

Diagnosis: Edges of the dorsal shield clearly fused to ventral side of idiosoma: dorsal shield longer than 600; two pairs of postero-lateral teat-like gland pores gdZ1 and gdS4; gland pores gdZ1 anti-axial position to linage Z1¯Z 2; lateral and opisthogastric on soft integument with 11 pairs of setae; genitiventral shield wider than long; anterior tips of peritremes far from base of setae z1; setae J4 and J5 different length.

Material examined: Holotype, female, Aydıntepe Wold, 40° 29' N, 40° 6' E, alt. 2518 m, 1 June 2014, in moss. Paratype: 1 female, Sarımeşe Village , 40° 27' N, 40° 18' E, alt. 1655 m, 17 June 2014, in moss and grass GoogleMaps .

Description. Female.

Dorsum ( Figure 26 View FIGURES 26–27 ). Dorsal shield 621¯693 long, 328¯382 wide at the widest point, length/width 1.47¯1.54, oval, its surface with distinct transverse lines between setae j6 and S5, bearing 30 pairs of pointed setae, and two pairs of postero-lateral teat-like gland pores gdZ1 and gdS4; gland pores gdZ1 close to S3, in anti-axial position to line Z1̄Z2, and well separated from each other. Edges of the shield clearly fused to ventral side of idiosoma ( Fig. 35 View FIGURES 32–36 ). Dorsal setae j1 about 24, z1 8¯10, J4 42¯46, J5 very short (11¯13 µm), other setae 40¯60 long.

Venter ( Figure 27 View FIGURES 26–27 ). Sternal shield 187¯195 long, 77¯100 wide at level of coxae II, ornamented with reticulate pattern, bearing four pairs of pointed setae and three pairs of pores; st1 clearly longer than other sternal setae (st1 55¯64; st2̄st4 31¯53). Genitiventral shield wider than long, length/width 0.84¯0.91, ornamented with reverse “V” like lines, having two pair setae. Anal shield 92¯100 long, 151¯154 wide, length/width 0.59¯0.66, trigonal, its surface without any ornamentation. One pair of metapodal shields present, abutting to posterodistal margin of peritrematal shields. Lateral and opisthogastric on soft integument with 11 pairs of setae (four pairs of marginal and seven pairs of ophistogastric). Anterior tips of peritremes clearly separate from base of setae z1.

Spermathecal apparatus. Sperm access system associated with coxae III, tubes long, tenuous, slightly narrowed to anterior side ( Fig. 28 View FIGURES 28–31 ).

Gnathosoma. Hypostome with seta h3 longest, h2 and palp coxal seta pc shortest and subequal in length. Epistome with straight denticulate lateral margins and central projection deeply furcate, fishtail-like with strong apical serration ( Fig. 29 View FIGURES 28–31 ). Chelicera well developed; movable digit about 62 long, with a large subdistal tooth, a small subdistal denticle and terminal hook, fixed digit about 57 long (to the dorsal seta), with a distal hook, a subdistal tooth, and two medial teeth; pilus dentilis minute ( Figs 30 View FIGURES 28–31 , 36 View FIGURES 32–36 ).

Legs. Chaetotaxy normal for the genus ( Mašán, 2007). Femur II with small spur-like projection ventrally. Tarsus II with a thicker spur-like setae pl1 ( Fig. 31 View FIGURES 28–31 ).

Male and developmental stages. Unknown.

Etymology. The name of this species refers to the high altitude type locality in the Soğanlı Mountains in Turkey.

Notes. Mašán (2007) evaluated the species group classification of some species of the genus Onchodellus and established five species group and some ungrouped species. There is a clearly distinguishable Onchodellus strigifer species group including five species, O. strigifer , O. neglectus Mašán, 2007 , O. slovacus Mašán, 2007 , O. striatifer Mašán, 2007 , O. tegulifer Mašán, 2007 . These species have two teat-like gland pores gdZ1 and gdS4 close together, pores gdZ1 close to setae S3 and antiaxial to the line Z1̄Z2, and setae J5 less than 20 (in females). Onchodellus montanus sp. nov. is clearly a member of this species group and has these character states. The new species is clearly distinguishable from other species in this species group by its longer body length (more than 600), and the edges of the dorsal shield clearly fused to the ventral side of the idiosoma, the characteristic ornamentation of the dorsal and ventral shields, and the number of setae in the lateral and ophistogastric region (shared only with O. strigifer ).

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