Oncotympana undata, Lee, Young June, 2010

Lee, Young June, 2010, Checklist of cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Luzon, Philippines, with six new species and revised keys to the species of Oncotympana Stål and Psithyristria Stål, Zootaxa 2621, pp. 1-26 : 11-13

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.198106



persistent identifier


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scientific name

Oncotympana undata

sp. nov.

9. Oncotympana undata View in CoL sp. nov.

( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 )

Type material. Holotype: male ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 ), E. Luzon, Quirino, Sierra Madre, 35 km E. of Naptipunan, S. Pul. Lupa, 15°58’N 121°29’E, 11–12 III 2005, J.H. Lourens ( IRSNB).

Etymology. The specific name is from the Latin undatus meaning “wavy” in reference to the long and wavy uncal lobes of this new species.

Measurements of types (in mm, 1 male). Length of body: 25.3; length of forewing: 34.3; width of forewing: 11.4; width of head including eyes: 7.3; width of pronotum: 9.6; wing span: 74.7.

Diagnosis. This species is distinguished from O. brevis by the following characters: forewing comparatively long and slender (ratio of forewing length to forewing width approximately 3.01 versus 2.83 in O. brevis ); hind wing long, its apex passing (barely reaching in O. brevis ) the junction of mediocubital crossvein (m-cu) and M4; timbal cover with anterior inner margin truncate and slightly concave (roundly convex in O. brevis ); uncal lobes with triangular apex directed laterad in ventral view (in O. brevis , uncal lobes with truncate and laterally acute apex directed downward in ventral view).

Description of male ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 ). Head reddish ochraceous with following black marks: median spot enclosing ocelli, with its anterior end reaching frontoclypeal suture and posterior end reaching posterior margin of head; pair of spots on supra-antennal plates; three pairs of small spots between the median spot and compound eyes; pair of spots on anterolateral corners. Supra-antennal plates developed and produced anteriad. Distance between lateral ocelli and compound eyes slightly less than or about as long as twice the distance between lateral ocelli. Postclypeus barely swollen. Antenna ochraceous to dark brown. Ventral part of head light green to greenish ochraceous with black marks. Postclypeus laterally margined and with medial longitudinal fascia on about posterior half, small V-shaped mark on about anterior one-third and fasciae along anterior three to four transverse grooves. Anteclypeus with central spot. Rostrum black apically; passing posterior margin of hind coxae.

Pronotum reddish ochraceous. Inner area of pronotum with following black marks: pair of medial longitudinal fasciae broadened at posterior ends; pair of spots or longitudinal small fasciae between median parts of paramedian fissures and posterior ends of lateral fissures; pair of fasciae along lateral fissures, often not complete; pair of curved fasciae along lateral margins of inner area; other irregular marks. Pronotal collar with pair of spots at lateral corners; with posterior marginal area very narrow. Anterior margin of pronotum wider than head including compound eyes. Anterolateral pronotal collar with one to three indistinct teeth.

Mesonotum slightly greenish ochraceous with following black to fuscous marks: medial longitudinal fascia suddenly broadened from about middle posteriorly to reach anterior margin of cruciform elevation, broader than median breadth of sublateral marks on lateral sigilla; pair of small roundish spots just enclosing scutal depressions; pair of rather indistinct obconical paramedian marks falling on submedian sigilla; pair of long obconical, but rather indistinct, sublateral marks falling on lateral sigilla; pair of small spots on posterolateral corners. Cruciform elevation green to greenish ochraceous with fuscous anterior subapical parts and posterior margin. Thoracic sternites greenish ochraceous.

Legs ochraceous with black to fuscous marks. Fore-femur with minute subapical spine as well as primary and secondary spines, all black except their brown tips.

Wings hyaline, comparatively long and slender. Forewing barely tinged; comparatively short and broad. Vein R+Sc mostly reddish ochraceous. Infuscation present at bases of apical cells 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 and on CuA2. Minute spot appearing on each hind margin of RA2, RP, M1–4 and CuA1, forming a series of spots on subapical margin of forewing. Base of ulnar cell 1 with black node. Basal membrane reduced and gray. Hind wing long, its apex passing the junction of m-cu and M4. Base of hind wing jugum gray.

Operculum greenish ochraceous; much wider than long, with widely rounded posterior apex barely reaching posterior margin of sternite II and with posterolateral corner slightly concave. Opercula widely separated from each other.

Abdomen about as long as or slightly longer than distance from head to cruciform elevation.. Tergite 2 ochraceous to brown (maybe due to discoloration) with medial darker patch. Tergites 3–7 mostly fuscous each with ochraceous caudal margin and pair of sublateral ochraceous patches, the latter being densely covered with silvery hairs. Posterior margin of tergite 3 distinctly wider than anterior margin of mesonotum. Timbal cover ochraceous inwardly and greenish outwardly, without marks; globose, about 1.3 times wider than long, with anterior inner margin truncate and slightly concave, not angled, and with posterior inner corner being widely separated from posterior margin of tergite 2. Timbal slightly revealed anteriorly in dorsal view. Abdominal sternites mostly fuscous with bluish posterior margin on each of sternites III-V.

Genitalia ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 C, D): Pygofer barrel-shaped in ventral view. Uncus bifurcate. Uncal lobe curved outward, with spine on its lateral margin and with triangular apex directed laterad in ventral view. Both uncal lobes forming heart shape with their basal inner margins, which is longer than wide. Dorsal beak triangular, about as long as anal styles. Basal lobe of pygofer absent.

Distribution. Philippines (E. Luzon).


Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique

















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