Tenuipalpus uvae De Leon, 1962: 205

Nascimento, Renata S., Castro, Elizeu B., Tassi, Aline D., Mineiro, Jeferson L. C., Carrillo, Daniel, Ochoa, Ronald & Oliveira, Anibal R., 2024, The flat mite Tenuipalpus uvae De Leon (Acari: Tenuipalpidae): descriptions of all stages, ontogeny of setae and morphometric analysis, Zootaxa 5485 (1), pp. 178-200 : 180

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5485.1.13

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Tenuipalpus uvae De Leon, 1962: 205


Tenuipalpus uvae De Leon, 1962: 205 View in CoL

( Figs 1–14 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 View FIGURE 6 View FIGURE 7 View FIGURE 8 View FIGURE 9 View FIGURE 10 View FIGURE 11 View FIGURE 12 View FIGURE 13 View FIGURE 14 )


A species of Tenuipalpus Donnadieu, 1875 ( Tenuipalpidae Berlese, 1913 ), type species: T. palmatus Donnadieu [= T. caudatus (Dugès], with characters of sensu lato group as presented by Castro et al. (2016, 2022). The species exhibits the following specific features: FEMALE—Anterior margin of prodorsum with a pair of median triangular projections forming a notch; central region of prodorsum and opisthosoma medially elevated; dorsum mostly smooth, with a layer of interspersed microplates. Setae v2 distinctly shorter than setae sc1 and sc2; sc1 and sc2 strongly serrated, rodlike; opisthosomal setae c1, c3 and d1 short, serrated, slightly longer than setae d3 and e1; setae e3, f2, f3 and h1 serrated, similar in lengths, except e3 slightly shorter; h2 whip-like. Ventral surface of propodosoma finely striate anterolaterally, mostly smooth centrally; genital region with soft striae (plates not developed); with a single pair of intercoxal setae 3a and 4a; setae ag, g1 and g2 smooth. Palp three-segmented, with a single seta ul’ on tarsus. Leg genua I–II each with three setae (d, l’, l”); tibiae I–II each with three setae (d, v’, v”). MALE—Anterior margin of prodorsum similar to that of the female; dorsum weakly ornamented; setae similar to those of female. Ventral surface of propodosoma similar to that of the female; opisthosoma with mostly transverse striae between setae 4a–ag, curved striae laterally to setae ag and longitudinal striae on anal valves. IMMATURE—Prodorsum in the deutonymph and protonymph mostly smooth, with a pair of median triangular projections forming a notch anteriorly; larva without notch, with anterior margin of prodorsum and legs with colliculate sculpturing. Setae v2 distinctly shorter than setae sc1 and sc2. Dorsal opisthosomal setae large and serrated, rodlike, except d3 and e1 minute in the deutonymph and protonymph, c1, d3 and e1 short to minute in the larva, and h2 whip-like in all stages.














Tenuipalpus uvae De Leon, 1962: 205

Nascimento, Renata S., Castro, Elizeu B., Tassi, Aline D., Mineiro, Jeferson L. C., Carrillo, Daniel, Ochoa, Ronald & Oliveira, Anibal R. 2024

Tenuipalpus uvae

De Leon, D. 1962: 205
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