Salvator duseni (Lönnberg, 1910)

Smith, Paul, Maciel, José, Redin Hurtado, Mikel, Galeano, Sergio, Stepan, Nicole, Brouard, Jean-Paul, Ríos, Sergio D., Ferreira Riveros, Marcela, Smith, Rebecca L., Owen, Matthew, Nicolay, Harald, Derna, Roberto, Vera Burró, Alvaro, Lahaye, Tito & Cacciali, Pier, 2024, Twenty-eight new and significant departmental reptile records for Paraguay, Acta Zoológica Lilloana 68 (2), pp. 347-385 : 371

publication ID


persistent identifier

treatment provided by

Felipe (2025-01-15 17:28:51, last updated 2025-03-14 03:45:14)

scientific name

Salvator duseni (Lönnberg, 1910)


Yellow Tegu,

Salvator duseni (Lönnberg, 1910)

On 15 July 2021 an individual of this species was observed and photographed by SDR, (jointly with Óscar Rodriguez, Juan José Resquín and Nelson Pérez) on the Costanera de Salto   GoogleMaps del Guairá, Canindeyú department (24º04’43.9”S 54º18’42.8”W) ( Fig. 22 View Fig ). The   GoogleMaps species was identified by the small size (compared to other members of the genus), the distinctly yellowish background colouration (as opposed to white or red) and the dark colouration on the dorsal side of the head, supported by other diagnostic characters listed by Péres and Colli (2004). Salvator duseni is strongly associated with the Cerrado   GoogleMaps ecoregion and has been previously reported from Amambay, Canindeyú and Concepción departments. The   GoogleMaps current record extends the distribution approximately 128.5 km to the far east of Canindeyú department from the previous most easterly record at Colonia Ybycuí, also Canindeyú department ( Cacciali et al., 2016b; MNHNP 4342, 4343). The species is considered “Endangered” in Paraguay ( Martínez et al., 2020c).

Cacciali, P., Scott, N. J., Aquino, A. L., Fitzgerald, L. A., Smith, P. (2016 b). The reptiles of Paraguay: literature, distribution and an annotated taxonomic checklist. Special Publication of the Museum of Southwestern Biology, 11, 1 - 373. https: // digitalrepository. unm. edu / msb _ special _ publications / 1 /

Martinez, N., Cacciali, P., Bauer, F., Cabral, H., Tedesco, M., Vinke, S., Vinke, T., Vazquez, D., Ramos, E., Motte, M. (2020 c). Estado de conservacion y lista roja de los reptiles del Paraguay. Boletin del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay, 24, 1 - 128. https: // www. mades. gov. py / wp-content / uploads / 2020 / 12 / 24 _ Supl _ 1 _ 2019 _ BolMusNacHistNatParag _ L. pdf

Peres, A. K., Colli, G. R. 2004. The taxonomic status of Tupinambis rufescens and T. duseni (Squamata: Teiidae), with a redescription of the two species. Occasional Papers of the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, 15, 1 - 12. https: // www. si. edu / object / siris _ sil _ 760865

Gallery Image

Fig. 22. Salvator duseni, Costanera de Salto del Guairá, Canindeyú department (Sergio Ríos 15 July 2021).











