Corimbion mutabile, Bezark, Larry G., Santos-Silva, Antonio & Galileo, Maria Helena M., 2016
publication ID | 10.11646/zootaxa.4107.4.6 |
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Plazi |
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Corimbion mutabile |
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sp. nov. |
Corimbion mutabile View in CoL sp. nov.
( Figs. 8–13 View FIGURES 8 – 14. 8 – 13 )
Holotype male. Integument dark-brown, except: palpi yellowish; distal third of antennomere III and about distal half of IV reddish-brown; antennomeres V-XI reddish-brown (lighter toward distal antennomeres); elytra gradually lighter toward apex, becoming yellowish-brown on distal quarter; basal third of elytra with large, subelliptical, yellowish macula laterally; each elytron with oblique, yellowish band, starting at center of disc, slightly before middle of elytron, reaching suture, finishing about level of middle of subelliptical macula; center of mesosternum and mesosternal process yellowish-brown; meso- and metacoxae, meso- and metatrochanters, and peduncle of meso- and metafemora mostly yellowish-brown; club of meso- and metafemora reddish-brown; approximately basal half of protibiae, and basal third of meso- and metatibiae noticeably darker, with remaining surface light reddish-brown; tarsi reddish-brown; ventrite IV reddish-brown centrally, yellowish-brown laterally; ventrite V mostly yellowish-brown.
Head. Frons moderately finely, abundantly punctate; with short, sparse, white setae. Area between antennal tubercles and upper eye lobes moderately finely, abundantly punctate laterally; with short, sparse setae; with one long seta on each side close to upper eye lobe. Vertex finely, sparsely punctate; with short, very sparse setae. Area between antennal socket and eye with dense, white pubescence. Area behind eyes finely, sparsely punctate; with short, sparse (mainly behind upper eye lobe), white setae behind dorsal half of upper eye lobe and ventral half of lower eye lobe, glabrous behind those areas. Genae finely, abundantly punctate; with short, moderately sparse, white setae. Longitudinal sulcus distinct from clypeus to about level of middle of upper eye lobes. Antennal tubercles finely, confluently punctate, except for narrow smooth area at apex. Submentum transversely striatepunctate (punctures fine); with short sparse setae interspersed with long yellowish setae. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.45 times length of scape; distance between lower eye lobes in frontal view 0.75 times length of scape. Antennae as long as 2.4 times elytral length; reaching elytral apex near apex of antennomere VII; antennomeres III–X with long sparse setae (shorter, sparser toward distal antennomeres, mainly after V); antennomere XI curved; antennal formula based on antennomere III: scape = 0.65; pedicel = 0.18; IV = 0.75; V = 0.95; VI = 1.00; VII = 0.93; VIII = 0.80; IX = 0.70; X = 0.71; XI = 0.85.
Thorax. Prothorax length 1.45 times largest width; constricted near base and apex; distinctly enlarged toward basal constriction laterally. Pronotum with elongate, narrow tubercle centrally; finely, very sparsely punctate; white pubescent on basal sixth; with short, sparse, white setae on remaining surface, interspersed with long, yellowish, sparse setae. Sides finely, very sparsely punctate laterally; with short, sparse, white setae. Basal half of prosternum with V-shaped white pubescent area; remaining surface glabrous. Prosternal process centrally as wide as one-fourth basal width of profemoral peduncle; white pubescent. Mesosternum and mesosternal process with yellowish-white, slightly dense pubescence. Mesepisterna with moderately dense, white pubescence. Metepisterna yellowish-white pubescent. Sides of metasternum with yellowish-white pubescence laterally (more whitish depending on the angle of the light source), gradually sparser toward glabrous center; with long, yellowish, sparse setae. Elytra with two rows of long, thick, yellowish, sparse setae, with some additional setae laterally (mainly on basal and distal third); surface also with microscopic, sparse setae; apex emarginate with outer and sutural angles projected. Femora with sparse yellowish-white, pubescence interspersed with long, yellowish setae. Tibiae with long, sparse, yellowishsetae. Distal two-thirds of mesotibiae, mesotarsi, apex of right metatibiae and right metatarsus missing.
Abdomen. Ventrites pubescent, but not densely, except for glabrous distal central area; on each side of center of ventrites I–IV with one long, thick, yellowish seta, together more or less aligned.
Female. Very similar to male. Antennae as long as 1.8 times elytral length; reaching elytral apex at distal third of antennomere IX.
Variation. Male and female: base of tibiae dark-brown; anterior third of pronotum more distinctly pubescent; yellowish maculae on elytra from slightly distinct to absent (both or only the subelliptical); general integument of elytra from, as on the holotype, to totally dark-brown; anterior third of pronotum more distinctly pubescent; sides of pronotum more distinctly pubescent laterally. The female paratype from near Gonzanama has the oblique yellowish band on elytra somewhat wider and distinctly surpassing middle of elytra.
Dimensions (mm). Holotype male/male/female. Total length (including mandibles), 7.60/5.80–8.55/ 5.60–8.60; prothoracic length, 1.60/1.10–1.75/1.65–1.70; anterior prothoracic width, 1.05/0.80–1.15/1.00–1.10; basal prothoracic width, 1.00/0.75–1.15/1.00–1.10; largest prothoracic width, 1.15/0.80–1.20/1.05–1.15; humeral width, 1.55/1.20–1.70/1.50–1.60; elytral length, 4.80/3.80–5.40/5.20–5.40.
Type material. Holotype male from ECUADOR, Loja: 17.5 km S Catamayo, 22–24.II.2006, F. T. Hovore and I. Swift col. ( CAS). Paratypes—Same data as holotype, 6 males ( MZSP (2), LGBC (2), CAS (2)), 3 females ( MZSP (1), LGBC (2)); 1 female, ECUADOR, Loja: 18.5 km N Gonzanama (04º08.08’S, 79º23.364’W), 22 February 2006, F. T. Hovore and I. Swift col. ( LGBC).
Etymology. Latin, mutabilis = changeable, mutable, inconstant; the specific epithet refers to the dual nature of this species, some individuals with distinct elytral markings and others with the elytra all dark.
Remarks. Corimbion mutabile sp. nov. differs from C. caliginosum Martins, 1970 as follows: pronotum partially pubescent; antennomere IV distinctly shorter than V; apex of elytra light; club of meso- and metafemora reddish-brown. In C. caliginosum the pronotum is glabrous, the antennomere IV is slightly shorter than V, the elytral apex is distinctly dark, and the femoral clubs are dark-brown. It can be separated by C. balteum , mainly by the different elytral color pattern ( Figs. 8, 12, 13 View FIGURES 8 – 14. 8 – 13 ) (see Fig. 14 View FIGURES 8 – 14. 8 – 13 for C. balteum ).
Corimbion mutabile sp. nov. can be included in the alternative of couplet “2”, from Martins (2009) (translated; modified):
2(1). Pronotum without pubescence. Venezuela....................................................... C. caliginosum - Pronotum with pubescence............................................................................. 2’ 2’(2). Elytra with anterior half orangish and apical half dark reddish-brown, separated by whitish band; meso- and metafemora yel-
lowish-brown. Brazil (Bahia).................................................................... C. balteum - Elytra gradually lighter from base to apex, without whitish band separating colors on each half, or totally dark-brown; meso-
and metafemora most reddish-brown. Ecuador............................................... C. mutabile sp. nov.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Neoibidionini |
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