Trochilia recta Kahl, 1928

Pan, Hongbo, Ma, Honggang, Hu, Xiaozhong, Al-Rasheid, Khaled A. S. & Al-Farraj, Saleh A., 2013, Taxonomic Studies on Three Marine Ciliates from China, Including a New Species (Ciliophora, Cyrtophorida), Acta Protozoologica 52 (1), pp. 25-33 : 30-33

publication ID 10.4467/16890027AP.13.003.0831

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scientific name

Trochilia recta Kahl, 1928


Syn. Trochilia recta Kahl, 1928 View in CoL

Trochilioides recta View in CoL is a relatively well-studied species. It was originally described by Kahl (1928) as a member of Trochilia View in CoL . Subsequently, Kahl (1931) assigned it to the new genus Trochilioides View in CoL according to its ciliary arrangement though he could not be the author of this genus (as mentioned above). Later it was redescribed twice in more or less details ( Deroux 1976c, Foissner et al. 1991). Therefore we just supply a brief description of the Qingdao population.

Description of Qingdao population: Cells about 35 × 20 μm in vivo. Body broad oval in outline with both ends bluntly rounded ( Fig. 3A, E, G View Fig ). Dorsoventrally flattened about 2:1, ventral side flat, in right region slightly concave where the ventral ciliary rows are located; dorsal side somewhat humped ( Fig. 3B, F View Fig ). Cytostome ventrally positioned at anterior 1/5 of body length; about six conspicuous nematodesmal rods around it ( Fig. 3A, E View Fig ). Cytoplasm colourless, containing some greasily shinning globules (2–3 μm across). Two contractile vacuoles, 5 μm in diameter, located at anterior and posterior 1/4 of cell ( Fig. 3K View Fig ). Podite about 6 μm long, caudally positioned ( Fig. 3A, G View Fig ). Single ellipsoid macronucleus in central region, about 15 × 10 μm in vivo ( Fig. 3K View Fig ).

Infraciliature as shown in Fig. 3C, D, H–J, L, M View Fig . 17–20 somatic kineties in total, comprising six right kineties, six to nine left kineties and five postoral kineties. Two right-most kineties, almost equal in length, and extending anteriorly to anterior margin. Postoral and left kineties very short and distributed in anterior body half, the posterior ends of which are progressively shortened from right to left ( Fig. 3J View Fig ). Equatorial fragment ( Fig. 3L View Fig ) composed of 0–14 basal bodies, while terminal fragment consisting of 4–6 ones ( Fig. 3H View Fig ). Usually, five or six kinetosome-like granules present near the base of podite and arranged in a letter “C” pattern ( Fig. 3C, D, I View Fig ). Two circumoral kineties and one preoral kinety composed of dikinetids and obliquely arranged ( Fig. 3C, D, H View Fig ).

Remarks: According to Kahl (1931), Trochilioides recta is a euryhaline species and it occurs in waters with salinity from 3 to 25‰. Before the detailed infraciliature was first revealed by Deroux (1976c), several forms ( Fig. 4D–F View Fig ) had been reported under this name ( Agamaliev 1974, Borror 1972, Dragesco 1966). Among these, Trochilioides recta sensu Agamaliev, 1974 ( Fig. 4D View Fig ) was assigned to Orthotrochilia as O. agamalievi by Deroux (1976c), while Trochilioides recta sensu Dragesco, 1966 ( Fig. 4F View Fig ) was considered as another species by Foissner et al. (1991). In terms of body size, shape, the number of contractile vacuoles and infraciliature, our isolate resembles the original population ( Fig. 4A, B View Fig ) and the population of Deroux ( Fig. 4H View Fig ) very well, and they must, therefore, be conspecific.

Foissner (1984) collected a freshwater isolate, namely Trochilioides fimbriatus Foissner, 1984 ( Fig. 4N, O View Fig ), whose infraciliature nearly has no difference from T. recta . However, the former has peculiar basket-curtain which is not found in our and previous populations of T. recta and other species of Trochilioides . Additionally, it can be separated from T. recta by the location of the terminal fragment (left of frontoventral kineties vs. right of end of frontoventral kineties) and its orientation (vertical vs. horizontal). So both very likely are distinct species.

To date, besides Trochilioides tenuis ( Fig. 4I View Fig ), T. recta and T. fimbriatus , there are four species of Trochilioides whose infraciliature are known, namely, Trochilioides dispar Faure-Fremiet, 1965 ( Fig. 4L View Fig ), Trochilioides bathybius Jankowski, 1967 ( Fig. 4J, K View Fig ), Trochilioides littoralis Jankowski, 1967 ( Fig. 4M View Fig ), and Trochilioides trivialis Fenchel, 1965 ( Fig. 4G View Fig ). Among these, the pattern of infraciliature of T. trivialis is quite different due to the fact that some of the postoral kineties are subterminally ended ( Fenchel 1965). According to Chen et al. (2011), a critical feature through which it is possible to distinguish Chlamydonyx from Trochilioides is that part of the postoral and all of the left kineties extend to the posterior. Based on this criterion, T. trivialis should be transferred to the genus Chlamydonyx as Chlamydonyx trivialis ( Fenchel, 1965) comb. nov.

A simple key to the identification of Trochilioides spp. with available infraciliature data can be proposed as below:

1 Five frontoventral kineties T. bathybius

1’ Two frontoventral kineties 2

2 Three right kineties 3

2’ Five or six right kineties 4

3 Four left kineties T. tenuis

3’ More than four left kineties T. dispar

4 17 postoral kineties and left kineties in total T. littoralis

4’ 11–14 postoral kineties and left kineties in total 5

5 Absence of basket-curtain T. recta

5’ Presence of basket-curtain T. fimbriatus

Acknowledgements. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project Nos. 31201703, 41176119), Innovation Program of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (Project No. 13YZ095), Research Group Project No. RGP-VPP-083, King Saud University Deanship of Scientific Research, and the Key Laboratory of Mariculture of Ministry of Education, Ocean University of China. Many thanks to Dr. Jiamei Jiang (Laboratory of Protozoology, OUC, China) for her help with sampling. We are also grateful to Dr. Alan Warren (Natural History Museum, UK) for his literature support, and Prof. Foissner and another anonymous reviewer for their constructive comments.














Trochilia recta Kahl, 1928

Pan, Hongbo, Ma, Honggang, Hu, Xiaozhong, Al-Rasheid, Khaled A. S. & Al-Farraj, Saleh A. 2013

Trochilioides recta

Chen et al. 2011


Kahl 1931


Speyer & Speyer 1858
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