Spintherophyta jacobyi Sublett and Cook

Sublett, Clayton A. & Cook, Jerry L., 2021, A Comprehensive Revision of the Genus Metaparia Crotch, 1873 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Eumolpinae) and Description of a New Genus, The Coleopterists Bulletin 75 (4), pp. 779-811 : 804-805

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1649/0010-065X-75.4.779

publication LSID


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scientific name

Spintherophyta jacobyi Sublett and Cook


Spintherophyta jacobyi Sublett and Cook , new name zoobank.org/ urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:3429AA08-7335-4332-876B-9DAAD55D6A7A ( Figs. 57, 58 View Figs )

Noda fulvicornis Jacoby 1890: 197 .

Metaparia fulvicornis : Flowers 1996: 4 [species transferred to Metaparia View in CoL ].

Type Specimens. Lectotype here designated, male, card-mounted: labeled “ Oaxaca //437//Salle Coll.//B.C.A./197 14A// SYN- /TYPE [circular label outlined in blue]//14(A) Noda fulvicornis .”; deposited in the BMNH . Paralectotype here designated, pinned female: labeled “ Cordova / Mexico./Salle Coll.//Nodonota-/fulvicornis-/Jac.// Jacoby 2 nd / Coll.// Type /9444//[ MCZ image database label]”; deposited in the MCZ .

Redescription. Form ovate, sides subparallel, dorsum convex ( Figs. 57, 58 View Figs ). Length 2.84 mm (male) or 3.03 mm (female). Width 1.90 mm (male) or 1.97 mm (female). Dorsum and venter blue-purple with slight green sheen. Legs red-brown. Head: IOR 1.79 (male) or 1.57 (female). Frons punctate, subrugulose; punctures small, dense, coarse. Clypeus broadly triangular, puncturing and sculpturing as on frons, apex narrowly, shallowly emarginate. Eye with anterior edge weakly emarginate, posterior edge flat, dorsal edge margined with groove; groove with single seta. Mandibles not enlarged, bent 90°, lateral face flat, dorsal and lateral faces smooth, red-brown; lateral face sparsely setose basally. Pronotum: Pronotal ratio 0.65 (male) or 0.66 (female). Disc transversely convex, punctate, glabrous, space between punctures smooth except microsculptured at anterior corners; punctures small, dense. Anterior edge margined with bead, weakly, broadly emarginate, sparsely setose at corners. Anterior corners deflexed. Sides evenly rounded, margined with a bead. Posterior edge margined with lip. Scutellar shield: Form semi-ovular, disc impunctate, smooth. Elytra: Disc punctate-striate, glabrous, space between punctures smooth; punctures medium to large, dense, less distinct apically. Basal calli impunctate, smooth. Elytral suture margined with bead in apical 1/2; bead narrowing apically. Epipleural fold visible, margined with bead, narrowing apically; outer bead directed laterally. Venter: Prosternal lateral arms narrow, tapering towards pronotum, anterior edge margined with bead. Prosternum rugulose, sparsely setose. Anterior and posterior edges straight, margined with bead. Sides weakly concave, margined with bead. Ventrites sparsely setose, setae longer medially. Pygidium: Apex broadly rounded, thick, shining. Disc with triangular medial depression, disc halves punctate-setose; punctures small, medium dense; depression with punctate-setose medial carina. Legs: Tibia setose with 2 dorsal, 1 lateral (on each side), and 2 ventral carinae; dorsal carinae complete to tibial apex, lateral and ventral carinae weak, extending 1/2 tibia length; setae in single line between dorsal carinae and dorsal and lateral carinae, setae in continuous patch on lateral and ventral tibial faces. Tibia expanded apically, apex margined with stout setae; pro- and mesotibiae weakly curved ventrally, metatibia nearly straight. Pro- and mesotarsomere 1 enlarged. Aedeagus: Unknown. Spermatheca: Unknown.

Specimens Examined. 1 specimen deposited in the BMNH. MEXICO: Capulalpam (1 BMNH) .

Distribution. Mexico (Oaxaca).

Temporal Occurrence. Unknown.

Remarks. Though the mandibles on the lectotype are not clearly visible, it is easy to tell that they are not enlarged, and the IOR is less than 2.00 on all three specimens measured. These character states place the species in Spintherophyta .

Jacoby (1890) described two species with the specific epithet fulvicornis : Chrysodina fulvicornis on page 185 and Noda fulvicornis on page 197. Flowers (1996) transferred C. fulvicornis to Spintherophyta . Our transfer of M. fulvicornis to Spintherophyta creates a secondary homonym. We are choosing to designate senior and junior status based on order of description in the publication. Therefore, S. fulvicornis ( Jacoby, 1890) , described on page 185, is a secondary senior homonym, and S. fulvicornis ( Jacoby, 1890) , described on page 197, is the secondary junior homonym. We propose the replacement name Spintherophyta jacobyi , new name for the junior homonym, in recognition of the original author.

Jacoby (1890) did not designate a primary type, but because he listed multiple localities in the description, it is clear he examined more than one specimen. Two specimens with syntype labels and locality labels matching the original description were available for examination. The specimen in the MCZ appeared to be a female, but it was missing almost all of its legs and antennomeres. The specimen in the BMNH is a male; the clypeus, mandibles, and palps are not clearly visible, but it appears to have all its legs and mouthparts. Since there is no publication record validating the type labels, we chose the specimen in the BMNH as the lectotype because it is more complete than the female specimen in the MCZ.


Museum of Comparative Zoology














Spintherophyta jacobyi Sublett and Cook

Sublett, Clayton A. & Cook, Jerry L. 2021

Metaparia fulvicornis

Flowers, R. 1996: 4

Noda fulvicornis

Jacoby, M. 1890: 197
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF