Hyphessobrycon bifasciatus Ellis, 1911

Diniz, Paulo Baltazar, Siqueira, Hatus de Oliveira, Faleiros, Tâmer de Oliveira, Pereira, Nycolas Levy, Senhorini, José Augusto, Esguícero, André Luiz Henríques & Bertelli, Célio, 2019, Fishes from lakes and tributaries of the Rio Santa Bárbara, Sapucaí-Mirim / Grande hydrographic basin, São Paulo, Brazil, Check List 15 (4), pp. 629-640 : 635

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Hyphessobrycon bifasciatus Ellis, 1911


Hyphessobrycon bifasciatus Ellis, 1911 View in CoL

Figure 5J

Geographic distribution. Coastal river drainages from Espírito Santo to Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil and upper Rio Paraná basin.

Materials examined. Vouchered materials: LIRP 15719, 15720, 15721, 15722, and 15726; Sampling sites A, B, E, and F of Table 1.

Identification. Each premaxilla with 2 rows of teeth, the internal 1 with 4 penta‑ to hepta‑cuspidate teeth. Caudal-fin scaleless. Lateral line incomplete. Body silver, presents 2 vertical bars at the antero‑lateral body region. Seven to 12 black, V‑shaped lines along the longitudinal axis of the body. No caudal spot.


Laboratorio de Ictiologia, Faculdade de Filosofia

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