Mesabolivar huanuco, HUBER, 2000
publication ID | 10.1206/0003-0090(2000)254<0001:NWPSAP>2.0.CO;2 |
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Felipe (2021-08-29 02:52:03, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-05 11:47:57) |
scientific name |
Mesabolivar huanuco |
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sp. nov. |
Mesabolivar huanuco View in CoL , new species Figures 59 View Figs , 183 View Figs , 782–795 View Figs View Figs
TYPES: Male holotype, 243 9♀ paratypes from Divisoria , Dept. Huánuco, Peru ; 1700 m elev., Sept. 23–Oct. 3, 1946 (F. Woytkowski), in AMNH .
ETYMOLOGY: Named for the Peruvian state Huánuco. The specific name is a noun in apposition.
DIAGNOSIS: Distinguished from close relatives ( M. eberhardi, aurantiacus, rubristernus ) by the two pairs of apophyses on the male chelicerae, one of them ending in two tips (fig. 788), the tips of procursus and bulb (figs. 789–790), and the elongated opisthosoma (fig. 782).
MALE (holotype): Total length 5.3, carapace width 2.0; leg 1: 74.8 (18.3+0.8+16.7 +35.3+3.7), tibia 2: 10.7, tibia 3: 7.6, tibia 4: 9.2; tibia 1 l/d 96. Habitus as in fig. 782; carapace and clypeus ochre-brown; eight eyes on moderately elevated ocular area (figs. 782–783); distance PME-ALE about 80% of PME diameter. Sternum bright orange, wide (fig. 784); chelicerae with two pairs of apophyses, the lateral one bifurcated (fig. 788). Palps as in figs. 785–786, procursus simple (fig. 789), bulb with pointed distal apophysis (fig. 790) and membranous dorsal element (cf. fig. 59). Tarsal organ exposed. Legs brown, coxae 1 and 4 lighter than others, femora and tibiae with light tips; spines only on metatarsi 3 (fig. 791); all legs without vertical and curved hairs; retrolateral trichobothrium of tibia 1 at 3%; tarsus 1 with over 30 pseudosegments. Opisthosoma monochromous light orange-brown (the male in fig. 782 is a paratype), lung plates darker, dark stripe behind genital plate; gonopore without epiandrous spigots; ALS with only one piriform gland spigot each (fig. 183).
FEMALE (paratypes): Total length (N = 8) 4.0–4.4; tibia 1 (N = 19) 10.8–13.1 (x¯ = 12.2). In general very similar to male; colors rather as in young males (see below); sternum also orange to reddish, coxae 1 and 4 lighter than others; metatarsi without spines. Epigynum simple, without median groove or pocket, with pair of brown humps on reddish plate, and brown stripe behind epigynum (figs. 792–793); dorsal view as in fig. 794. In two females, large plugs consisting of two quite distinct parts stuck in vulva.
VARIATION: Tibia 1 in 19 males: 14.1–18.3 (x¯ = 16.4). Older(?) males had very distinct black femora and tibiae, with broad orange or red bands in the patella region and the tibia-metatarsus joint; in these males coxae 2 and 3 were also black, while coxae 1 and 4 were ochre-brown; some males had dark spots dorsally on the opisthosoma (fig. 782). Females from Tingo Maria had lower humps on the epigynum, and also differed slightly in the dorsal view of the epigynum (fig. 795; some of the differences shown may be artifacts). In males from Utcuyacu the median pair of cheliceral apophyses was not diverging as in fig. 788, but rather parallel.
DISTRIBUTION: Known from three localities in central Peru.
MATERIAL EXAMINED: PERU: Huánuco: Divisoria: types above ; Tingo Maria, Castillo , June 2, 1967 (2 vials) (A. F. Archer & S. Risco), 2♀ 2 juveniles in AMNH ; Tingo Maria , Oct. 1946 – May 1947 (10 vials) (J. Pallister), 73 12♀ in AMNH ; Tingo Maria , Feb. 1947 (W. Weyrauch), 13 in AMNH ; Junin: Utcuyacu , Feb.–Mar. 1948 (5 vials) (F. Woytkowski), 103 5♀ in AMNH .
Mesabolivar rubristernus (Caporiacco, 1947) , new combination Figures 796–800 View Figs
Blechroscelis rubristernus Caporiacco, 1947: 22 ; 1948: 627–628, figs. 19–21.
TYPES: The types could not be found in MZF, and Caporiacco (1947, 1948) gives no collection data. From the context it is clear only that the types were from Guyana, and that they were collected either in 1931 or 1936. For the following reasons I strongly believe that the material examined below is conspecific with the type material: (1) The figures of Caporiacco rather agree with the material below than with the closest known relative ( M. aurantiacus ). (2) At the end of his description, Caporiacco (1948) mentions another species, with slightly different palps and epigynum, and lists the collection data of that species. I have seen that material ; it is M. aurantiacus .
NOTE: This species might be a junior synonym of Pholcus cyaneus Taczanowski, 1874 , from French Guiana. I have not been able to examine the types of that species which are at the Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii PAN (Warszawa, Poland). (I have been requesting them for years, but for financial or other reasons, the shipment has always been postponed).
DIAGNOSIS: Closely related to M. aurantiacus , distinguished by the more slender and more S-shaped procursus (fig. 796), and by the epigynum (fig. 799; general shape, no frontal humps, short median pocket).
MALE (Baboon Camp): Total length 4.4, carapace width 1.7; leg 1: 69.9 (18.5 +0.7+16.1+31.5+3.1), tibia 2: 12.1, tibia 3: 8.7, tibia 4: 10.9; tibia 1 l/d: 89. Prosoma very similar to M. huanuco (cf. figs. 782– 784, 787; rather than M. aurantiacus ), light brown, with some darker radial lines and darker Y mark; distance PME-ALE about 70% of PME diameter. Sternum reddish; chelicerae as in M. aurantiacus (cf. fig. 807). Palps as in figs. 796–797, with distinct retrolateral coxal apophysis, femur proximally with large retrolateral apophysis, procursus strongly S-shaped, bulb with long but simple embolar division (fig. 798). Femur 3 thicker than others, light orange-brown, other femora dark brown; distal segments lighter, metatarsi yellowish; metatarsi 3 with row of spines ventrally (cf. M. huanuco , fig. 791); legs without vertical and curved hairs; retrolateral trichobothrium of tibia 1 at 1.4%; tarsus 1 with over 35 pseudosegments. Opisthosoma shape similar to M. huanuco (cf. fig. 782; rather than M. aurantiacus ), light brown to ochre, without spots.
VARIATION: Tibia 1 in 7 other males: 15.3– 18.4 (x¯ = 16.4). Some males had a few dark- er spots dorsoposteriorly on the opisthosoma.
FEMALE (Baboon Camp): Tibia 1: 12.1. In general very similar to male, but metatarsi 3 without spines, opisthosoma with many dorsal dark spots. Epigynum light brown, with distinctive pocket (fig. 799); dorsal view as in fig. 800.
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from Guyana.
MATERIAL EXAMINED: GUYANA: ‘‘near Mazaruni Hd.,’’ Pakaraima Mts, no date (C. W. Myers), 13 in CUC. Potaro Landing, July 28–29, 1911 (collector no given), 13 in AMNH. Kangaruma, Aug. 18, 1911 (F. E. Lutz), 13 in AMNH. Kaietur, July 29, 1911 (collector not given), 23 1♀ in MZF. Kaietur, Aug. 4, 1911 (F. E. Lutz), 23 in AMNH. Kaietur, Aug. 1, 1911 (W. G. Hassler), 13 in AMNH. Takutu Mts (6°15'N, 59°05'W), Dec. 6, 1983 (P. J. Spangler & R. A. Faitoute), 13 in USNM. ‘‘Campo I, Baboon Camp,’’ Oct. 1931 (Beccari), 33 1♀ in MZF. Kartabo (6°23'N, 58°42'W), Tropical Research Station, Feb. 11, 1921 (no collector given), 13 in AMNH. Kartabo, 1924 (no collector given), 13 in AMNH. ‘‘Anundabaru,’’ 2000 ft elev., Jan. 22, 1928 (no collector given), 13 in AMNH. ‘‘Minnehaha Creek,’’ Sept. 1913 (collector not given), 13 in AMNH. ‘‘Tukeit’’ (Tukeit Fall: 5°12'N, 59°26'W), July 25, 1911 (F. E. Lutz), 53 2♀ in AMNH.
Mesabolivar aurantiacus (Mello-Leitão, 1930) , new combination Figures 42–43 View Figs , 81 View Figs , 801–810 View Figs View Figs
Blechroscelis aurantiacus Mello-Leitão, 1930: 61 , fig. 13.
Blechroscelis irroratus Mello-Leitão, 1947b: 160–161 , figs. 4–5 (?; see below). NEW SYN- ONYMY.
Blechroscelis virescens Mello-Leitão, 1947b: 161 , fig. 6. NEW SYNONYMY.
Psilochorus cambridgei Mello-Leitão, 1947b: 163 View in CoL (name preoccupied: Gertsch and Davis, 1937).
Psilochorus browningi Roewer, 1951: 455 (replacement name for Psilochorus cambridgei Mello-Leitão, 1947 View in CoL ). NEW SYNONYMY.
JUSTIFICATION OF SYNONYMIES: The list above implies that one species was described under three different names in a single paper. Three factors seem to have worked together to create a probably unresolvable chaos concerning the junior synonyms: (1) careless original descriptions; (2) confusion of figures; (3) the loss and/or probable confusion of types.
First, the vial with Blechroscelis irroratus contains only a female, while also the male was originally described. Mello-Leitão’s (1947b) figure of the epigynum does not cor- respond with the specimen in the vial, which has a long groove in the epigynum, as shown in fig. 808. Such an epigynum with groove is illustrated in Mello-Leitão’s fig. 2, for Blechroscelis (not Psilochorus !) cambridgei , a species that lacks a groove (see fig. 901)!
Second, the vial labeled with Blechroscelis virescens contains a male of the present species, but several lines of indirect evidence point to the possibility that this specimen might be the missing male of B. irroratus rather than the originally described specimen. The label says ‘‘ Blechroscelis virescens (Tacz.) ,’’ but Taczanowski never described such a species, only a B. cyanea (originally Pholcus cyaneus ) (note that ‘‘virescens’’ = greenish, and ‘‘cyaneus’’ = blue, are semantically quite related). Mello- Leitão’s figure corresponds much more to B. rubristernus (which I suspect is a synonym of Pholcus cyaneus ) than to the specimen in the vial, and I assume that Mello-Leitão originally wanted to redescribe Taczanowski’s species (with which he considered himself familiar: Mello-Leitão, 1940d), and just confused the name.
Third, Psilochorus cambridgei is the only species in Mello-Leitão’s (1947b) paper that is described without figures, in fact without any reference to morphology, but only with description of the coloration. I suspect that Mello-Leitão realized at some point during the preparation of the manuscript (after noting down the colors, before noting down morphology) that he was creating a synonym, but that the rudimentary description somehow nevertheless made its way into the final paper.
In sum, Blechroscelis irroratus and Psilochorus cambridgei Mello-Leitão (and its replacement name P. browningi ) seem to be synonyms of Blechroscelis aurantiacus , while Blechroscelis virescens might rather be a synonym of Blechroscelis rubristernus (= cyaneus ?!), although the specimen in the vial is also Blechroscelis aurantiacus .
TYPES: Blechroscelis aurantiacus : 23 syntypes from Cuminá , Pará, Brazil ; date and collector not given, in MNRJ, examined. Blechroscelis irroratus : 1♀ type from Breves, Pará, Brazil, no date (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), in BMNH (1897.9.21 501-508), examined. Blechroscelis virescens : 13 type from Higher Potaro River , Guyana, no date (R. Lloyd?; this name is on the label, but Mello-Leitão gives T. T. Quelch as collector), in BMNH (1897., examined. Psilo- chorus browningi : 1♀ type from Breves, Pará, Brazil, no date, in BMNH (1897.9.20 501-508), examined .
DIAGNOSIS: Distinguished from M. rubris-
809. Epigynum, ventral and lateral views. 810. Epigynum, dorsal view. Scale lines: 0.3 mm.
ternus by the procursus (less S-shaped, fig. 806), and the epigynum (long median groove, general shape, fig. 808), from M. huanuco by the chelicerae (one pair of point- ed contiguous apophyses, fig. 807), and the epigynum with median groove and pocket (fig. 808).
MALE (Cabo Frio): Total length 3.9, carapace width 1.4; leg 1: 67.9 (16.9+0.7 +15.6+31.3+3.3), tibia 2: 10.9, tibia 3: 8.3, tibia 4: 10.7; tibia 1 l/d: 110. Habitus as in fig. 801; carapace light brown, with slightly darker brown pattern (fig. 803), ocular area slightly elevated (figs. 801–802), slightly darker laterally; distance PME-ALE about 65% of PME diameter. Clypeus light brown; sternum light brown to orange, wide (fig. 804); chelicerae light brown with pair of long, contiguous apophyses (fig. 807). Palps as in figs. 805–806, with distinct retrolateral coxal apophysis, femur proximally with re- trolateral apophysis, procursus slightly Sshaped, ending in distinct black spine (fig. 806; see also figs. 42–43). Tarsal organ exposed (fig. 81). Legs light brown, femora and tibiae with light tips; femora 3 slightly thick- er than others; metatarsi 3 only with row of spines ventrally (cf. M. huanuco , fig. 791); legs without curved and vertical hairs; retrolateral trichobothrium of tibia 1 at 3%; tarsus 1 with over 35 pseudosegments. Opisthosoma oval, pointed posteriorly, greenish-gray with many dark spots in groups dorsally (fig. 801); lung plates and rectangular genital plate light brown; gonopore without epiandrous spigots; ALS with only one piriform gland spigot each.
VARIATION: Carapace width in Blechroscelis aurantiacus syntypes: 1.6, 1.9; tibia 1 in 26 males (various localities): 12.4–18.1 (x¯ = 15.9). In some males the legs are much darker, the proximal segments almost black; but also in these, femora 3 are not darkened. Femora 3 are sometimes hardly thicker than the others; in other males the difference is conspicuous. Opisthosoma sometimes without spots.
FEMALE (Manaus Reserves): Tibia 1 (N = 9) 9.1–11.1 (x¯ = 10.5). In general very similar to male, but metatarsi without spines, and legs never black. Epigynum light brown, with characteristic long groove, anteriorly either flat or with rounded or pointed humps (figs. 808–809 show an epigynum with rounded humps); dorsal view as in fig. 810.
DISTRIBUTION: Known from Brazil (Amazonas, Pará, Mato Grosso, Acre), Surinam, Guyana, Trinidad, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia (map 6).
MATERIAL EXAMINED: BRAZIL: Amazonas: Manaus: Reserva Ducke, Aug. 17–24, 1991, and Aug. 6–9, 1992 (2 vials) (A. D. Brescovit), 63 7♀ in MCN; same locality, Aug. 3, 1987 (A. A. Lise), 33 1♀ in MCN; same locality, Feb. 20, 1992 (A. A. Lise), 143 3♀ in MCP (1683); same locality, Mar. 25, 1992 and June 10, 1992 (S. Darwich), 33 1♀ in MCP (2723, 2847); same locality, Nov. 8, 1991 (S. Magni), 13 1♀ in MCP (1434); Manaus, Solimoes, Dec. 16–17, 1987 (E. H. Buckup), 1♀ in MCN; Manaus: Cabo Frio Reserve, 1989–1992 (12 vials) (H. G. Fowler, E. N. Vincticinque, C. Vieira), 113 6♀ in MCZ; Manaus, Colosso Reserve, Feb. 27–Sept. 7, 1989 (8 vials) (H. G. Fowler, E. N. Vincticinque, C. Vieira), 73 3♀ 1 juvenile in MCZ; Manaus, Porto Alegre, 1989– 1992 (3 vials) (H. G. Fowler), 33 in MCZ; Manaus, 80 km N city of Manaus, Sept. 23, 1989 (H. G. Fowler), 13 in MCZ; Manaus, ‘‘km 41 Reserve,’’ 1989–1992 (3 vials) (H. G. Fowler), 3♀ in MCZ; Manaus, Dimona Reserve, 1989–1992 (2 vials) (H. G. Fowl- er), 23 in MCZ; Morro dos Seis Lagos, São Gabriel da Cachoeira (8°33'S, 58°21'W), Sept. 30, 1990 (A. A. Lise), 13 in MCP (7207). Pará: Cuminá: syntypes of B. aurantiacus above; Breves: types of B. irroratus and P. browningi above; Caxiunã, Melgaço, Aug. 11, 1996 (A. A. Lise ‘‘et al.’’), 23 2♀ in MCP (9423–26); Santarém, Fátima de Uricurituba, Jan. 24, 1994 (A. D. Brescovit), 23 in MCN; Santarém Forest, no date (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), 73 5♀ in BMNH ( Blechroscelis cambridgei paratypes); Belém, July 1971 (T. McGrath), 13 in MCZ; Belém, Utinga, Nov. 10/21, 1963 (Oliveira & P. Wygodzinski), 13 in AMNH; Breves, no date (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), 13 in BMNH ( Blechroscelis cambridgei paratype); ‘‘Pará,’’ July 1911 (Stanford Expedition), 13 in MCZ; ‘‘Lower Amazonas,’’ no date (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge) 13 in BMNH ( Blechroscelis cambridgei paratype). Roraima: Ilha de Maracá, Jan. 31–Feb. 14, 1992 (A. B. Bonaldo), 1♀ in MCP (1850). Mato Grosso: ‘‘Villa Murtinho,’’ Mar. 28–Apr. 3, 1922 (J. H. Williams, J. W. Strohm), 23 1♀ (2 vials), in MCZ; Acre: Rio Purus NW of Sena Madureira, Seringal Santo Antonio (above Manuel Urbana), Sept. 15–18, 1973 (B. Patterson), 13 in MCZ. SURINAM: Brownsberg, Sept. 16, 1938 (Gerikes), 13 in AMNH; Brownsberg, Brokopondo Prov. (5°00'N, 55°27'W), Feb. 20, 1982 (D. Smith), 1♀ in MCZ; Kaiserberg, airstrip, Zuid River, 900 ft elev., 1960–1962 (H. A. Beatty) 23 in FMNH. GUYANA: Higher Potaro River: type of B. virescens above; Canje Ikuruwa River (Forest Savanna), Aug.–Dec. 1961 (3 vials) (G. Brentley), 43 3♀ 3 juveniles in AMNH; Essequibo River opposite Twasinki Mts, Sept. 25, 1937 (W. G. Hassler), 13 in AMNH; Two Mouths (Essequibo), July 9, 1936 (Romiti), 13 4♀ in MZF; Waratilla Creek, Apr. 29, 1936 (collector not given), 13 in MZF; Tumaturai, Sept. 19, 1936 (Romiti), 53 2♀ in MZF; Itamyaruma (Essequibo), July 29, 1936 (Romiti), 13 3♀ in MZF; Sand Wall, Apr. 17, 1936, 13 in MZF. TRINIDAD: Port of Spain, 1913 (R. Thaxter), 13 in MCZ; Sim- la, Arima Valley, Apr. 12–26, 1964 (4 vials) (A. M. Chickering), 43 8♀ in AMNH; Arima Valley, 2000 ft elev., Feb. 1972 (J.A.L. Cooke), 13 in AMNH; St. George County, Arima, Spring Hill (‘‘web, roadside mud embankment with depression’’), July 22, 1979 (L. N. Sorkin), 13 in AMNH; Simla Research Station and Asa Wright Nature Center, Feb. 1–2, 1984 (J. Coddington), 33 1♀ (3 vials) in USNM; Navy Base, southwest Trinidad, Oct. 1944 (2 vials) (R. Ingle), 33 2♀ in AMNH. COLOMBIA: Comissaría del Vaupés: Mitú (1°08'N, 70°03'W), July 9–15, 1990 (L. E. Peña), 13 in AMNH; Rio Suarez, 800–1000 m elev., Aug. 11–17, 1946 (collector not given), 13 (and a female prosoma) in AMNH. ECUADOR: Pastaza: Cusuimi (Cushueme), on Rio Cusuimi, 150 km SE Puyo, 320 m elev., Apr. 1–5, and May 15–31, 1971 (B. Malkin), 183 7♀ (4 vials) in FMNH. PERU: Loreto: Rio Samiria (4°43'S, 74°18'W), May 11–18, 1990 (D. Silva), 13 in MUSM; same locality, May–June 1990 (T. Erwin ‘‘et al.’’), ~ 63 10♀ (2 vials) in MUSM; Henaro Herrera (4°55'S, 73°45'W), ~ 100 m elev., Aug. 24, 1988 (D. Silva), 2♀ in MUSM; Yagua Indian village, headwaters of Rio Loreto-Yucu, Apr. 22– May 2, 1970 (B. Malkin), 13 in FMNH; Ucayali, Pacullpa, Ivita, Rio Neshuya, July 19, 1986 (D. Silva) 1♀ in MUSM; Ucayali, Pacullpa: Bosque Nacional Alexander von Humboldt, July 30, 1986 (D. Silva) 23 3♀ 1 juvenile in MUSM; Pasco: Huancabamba, Quebrada Castillo, NW Iscozacin (10°10'S, 75°15'W), 345 m elev., Sept. 10, 1988 (D. Silva), 33 in MUSM; Huánuco: Dantas-La Molina, SW Puerto Inca (9°38'S, 75°00'W), 270 m elev., May 19 and 27, 1987 (D. Silva), 33 1♀ (2 vials) in MUSM; Madre de Dios: 15 km E Puerto Maldonado (12°33'S, 69°03'W), 200 m elev., Feb. 24–Mar. 2, 1990 (D. Silva), 23 2♀ in MUSM; Zona Reservada Tambopata, June 9, 1988 (J. Coddington), 23 (2 vials) in USNM; same locality, Oct. 31–Nov. 6, 1986 (A. Rypstra), 1♀ in USNM; Zona Reservada Pakitza (11°56'S, 71°17'W), 356 m elev., May 9, 1991 (D. Silva), 1♀ in MUSM; same locality, May 1–6 and Oct. 1–9, 1991 (D. Silva), 43 4♀ (3 vials) in USNM; same locality, Sept. 28–Oct. 9, 1987 (D. Silva & J. Coddington), 73 7♀ (9 vials) in USNM. BOLIVIA: La Paz: Alto Beni, Sapecho, Aug. 1993 (H. Höfer), 13 1♀ in MCN; Beni: 16.8 mi SW Yucumo (~ 15°23'S, 66°59'W), ~ 500 m elev., Nov. 15– 19, 1989 (J. Coddington, C. Griswold, D. Silva, S. Larcher, E. Peñaranda), 33 1♀ (3 vials) in USNM.
Mesabolivar cyaneomaculatus (Keyserling, 1891) , new combination Figures 811–819 View Figs
Pholcus cyaneo-maculatus Keyserling, 1891: 173–175 , pl. 5: figs. 119a–d.
Blechroscelis cyaneo-maculatus / -a: Moenkhaus, 1898: 100–101. – Mello-Leitão, 1918: 107– 108. (Both authors simply translated Keyserling’s original description, adding no new information).
Psilochorus cyaneomaculatus: Mello-Leitão, 1943: 155 ; 1947a: 2 (new records only).
Blechroscelis cyaneomaculatus: Mello-Leitão, 1947c: 233 (new records only).
TYPES: One male and one female syntypes from Rio de Janeiro, no date (E. A. Göldi), in BMNH (1890.7.1.8325-7), examined. (I have not seen Keyserling’s (1891) second male and second female.)
DIAGNOSIS: Distinguished from close relatives ( M. botocudo , maxacali , iguazu ) by the single pair of frontal apophyses on the male chelicerae (fig. 812); from these and M. brasiliensis also by the shape of the epigynum and the posterior pocket (figs. 817–818).
MALE (syntype): Measurements copied from Keyserling (my measurements gave only slightly different values, and all legs are loose): Total length 4.3, carapace width 1.7; leg 1 and 2 missing, tibia 3: 8.3, tibia 4: 10.3. Habitus as in fig. 811; prosoma shape similar to M. togatus (cf. figs. 852– 854); distance PME-ALE about 85% of PME diameter. Carapace brown, darker medially, ocular area also dark brown, clypeus brown, sternum orange brown. Chelicerae brown with only one pair of black frontal apophyses (fig. 812). Palps as in figs. 813, 816; procursus closely resembling M. botocudo and maxacali , but with longer prolateral apophysis (compare fig. 814 with figs. 872, 879). Legs light brown, tips of femora and tibiae light. Opisthosoma greenish- brown, dorsally with blackish spots, genital plate light brown.
The following data are from a male from Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro: Carapace width 1.8; leg 1: 62.0 (14.8+0.7+14.8+28.1+3.6), tibia 2: 10.3, tibia 3: 6.7, tibia 4: 9.6; tibia 1 l/d: 86. Femora 2 and 3 thicker than others; legs without spines, without curved and ver- tical hairs; retrolateral trichobothrium of tibia 1 at 1.8%; tarsus 1 with over 30 pseudosegments.
VARIATION: Tibia 1 in two males from Pico da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro: 16.1, 16.8.
FEMALE (syntype): Carapace width 1.7; tibia 1: 13.5. In general very similar to male. Epigynum with pair of apophyses, and small pocket at rear side of frontal plate (figs. 817– 818); internal genitalia with pair of pore plates forming part of lateral walls of copulatory pouch (fig. 819).
DISTRIBUTION: Mello-Leitão (1943, 1947a, c) gives Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná, and Pernambuco as known distribution (1947a: 2: ‘‘comum des- de Pernambuco até o Rio Grande do Sul ’’). I have only seen material from Rio de Janeiro.
MATERIAL EXAMINED: BRAZIL: Rio de Janeiro: not further specified: types above ; Guanabara, Pico da Tijuca , 500–950 m elev., in forest, Apr. 17, 1965 (H. Levi), 23 in MCZ ; Teresópolis , 900–1100 m elev., Nov. 7–9, 1945 (H. Sick), 13 1♀ in AMNH .
Mesabolivar spinulosus (Mello-Leitão, 1939) , new combination Figures 820–825 View Figs
American Museum of Natural History |
Cepario de la Universidad de Concepcion de Chile |
Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History |
Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro |
Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul |
Museum of Comparative Zoology |
Field Museum of Natural History |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
Family |
Genus |
Mesabolivar huanuco
Psilochorus browningi
Roewer 1951: 455 |
Blechroscelis rubristernus
Caporiacco 1947: 22 |
Blechroscelis irroratus Mello-Leitão, 1947b: 160–161
Mello-Leitao 1947: 160 - 161 |
Blechroscelis virescens Mello-Leitão, 1947b: 161
Mello-Leitao 1947: 161 |
Psilochorus cambridgei Mello-Leitão, 1947b: 163
Mello-Leitao 1947: 163 |
Psilochorus cambridgei Mello-Leitão, 1947
Mello-Leitao 1947 |
Blechroscelis cyaneomaculatus: Mello-Leitão, 1947c: 233
Mello-Leitao 1947: 233 |
Psilochorus cyaneomaculatus: Mello-Leitão, 1943: 155
Mello-Leitao 1943: 155 |
Blechroscelis aurantiacus Mello-Leitão, 1930: 61
Mello-Leitao 1930: 61 |
Pholcus cyaneo-maculatus
Keyserling 1891: 173 - 175 |