Mughiphantes latus, Irfan & Zhang & Peng, 2022

Irfan, Muhammad, Zhang, Zhi-Sheng & Peng, Xian-Jin, 2022, Survey of Linyphiidae (Arachnida: Araneae) spiders from Yunnan, China, Megataxa 8 (1), pp. 1-292 : 179-190

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scientific name

Mughiphantes latus

sp. nov.

Mughiphantes latus sp. nov. (ŽƱƉƦ)

Figures 213–216 View FIGURE 213 View FIGURE 214 View FIGURE 215 View FIGURE 216

Types. Holotype ♂, CHINA, Yunnan, Fugong County, 18km, Lumadeng, Yama river bridge, 25.13561°N, 98.84166°E, alt. 1612m, 7 October 2007, Xian-jin Peng leg. (20071007) GoogleMaps ; Paratypes: 9♂ 17♀, same data as holotype (20071007); 1 GoogleMaps 3♀, Gongshan County, Qiqi Dongshaofang , 27.69521°N, 98.48514°E, alt. 3208m, 29 September 2007, Xian-jin Peng leg. (20070929) GoogleMaps ; 1♀, Gongshan County, Cikai Township , Dabadi troops place south bank of Pula river, 29 September 2002, Heng-mei Yan leg. (Yan 020929) ; 2♀, 12km of Yaping to Yakou, 27.1998°N, 98.71375°E, alt. 3210m, 25 April 2004, Heng-mei Yan leg. GoogleMaps (20040425).

Etymology. This epithet derives from the Latin adjective “ latus ”, meaning “broad”, referring to the broad brown band at proximal end of the abdomen.

Diagnosis. The new species resembles Mughiphantes jaegeri Tanasevitch, 2006 ( Figs 213 View FIGURE 213 , 214 View FIGURE 214 ; Tanasevitch, 2006, figs 25–28), but can be distinguished by the distal part of paracymbium C-shaped, where the distal tip touches the retrolateral margin of cymbium in M. latus sp. nov. ( Fig. 213B View FIGURE 213 ), whereas V-shaped, and the tip of the paracymbium does not touch the retrolateral margin of cymbium in M. jaegeri ( Tanasevitch, 2006, fig. 25). Lamella characteristca with two branches in M. latus sp. nov. ( Fig. 213A–C View FIGURE 213 ), whereas with three branches in M. jaegeri ( Tanasevitch, 2006, fig. 25). Proximal cymbial apophysis somewhat rectangular in M. latus sp. nov. ( Fig. 213B, D View FIGURE 213 ), whereas V-shaped in M. jaegeri ( Tanasevitch, 2006, fig. 25). Posterior median plate rectangular with a depression posteriorly in M. latus sp. nov. ( Fig. 214C View FIGURE 214 ), whereas V-shaped in M. jaegeri ( Tanasevitch, 2006, fig. 28).

Description. Male (holotype, Fig. 215A, B View FIGURE 215 ): Total length: 1.95. Carapace 0.84 long, 0.70 wide, brown, lateral margin dark brown; fovea, cervical and radial grooves distinct. Clypeus 0.23 high. Sternum longer than wide, dark brown,, sparsely covered with microsetae. Labium wider than long. Maxillae long, distal end broad with scopulae. Chelicerae with four promarginal and three retromarginal teeth. AER recurved, PER straight, slightly wider. Eye sizes and interdistances:AME 0.06, ALE 0.06, PME 0.06, PLE 0.05, AME–AME 0.03, PME–PME 0.05, AME–ALE, 0.05, PME–PLE 0.04, AME–PME 0.06, ALE–ALE 0.31, PLE–PLE 0.32, ALE–PLE contiguous. Length of legs: I 3.13 (0.84, 0.99, 0.73, 0.57), II 2.92 (0.81, 0.92, 0.68, 0.51), III 2.21 (0.64, 0.68, 0.51, 0.38), IV 2.84 (0.82, 0.85, 0.70, 0.47). Leg formula I-II-IV-III. Tm I 0.31. Tibial spine formula: 2-2-2-2. Abdomen 1.11 long, 0.75 wide, oval, pale, proximal end with a broad brown patch followed by irregularly scattered white patches; lateral sides with four white patches; ventral side brown.

Palp ( Fig. 213A–D View FIGURE 213 ): Patella shorter than tibia with a long dorsal spine; tibia conic, with two retrolateral and a dorsal trichobothria; proximal cymbial apophysis somewhat rectangular with a small depression on the lateral margin. The distal part of paracymbium C-shaped, where the distal tip touches the retrolateral margin of cymbium. Lamella characteristca with two branches; proximal branch broad and the distal branch long with pointed end.

Female (one of the paratypes, Fig. 215C, D View FIGURE 215 ): Total length: 1.98. Carapace 0.70 long, 0.66 wide, redish brown, lateral margin dark brown; fovea, cervical and radial grooves distinct. Clypeus 0.23 high. Sternum longer than wide, dark brown,, sparsely covered with microsetae. Labium wider than long. Maxillae long, distal end broad with scopulae. Chelicerae with four promarginal and three retromarginal teeth. AER recurved, PER straight, slightly wider. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.06, ALE 0.07, PME 0.07, PLE 0.07, AME–AME 0.02, PME–PME 0.03, AME–ALE, 0.05, PME–PLE 0.04, AME–PME 0.06, ALE–ALE 0.30, PLE–PLE 0.33, ALE–PLE contiguous. Length of legs: I 3.27 (0.88, 1.03, 0.81, 0.55), II 3.02 (0.83, 0.94, 0.71, 0.54), III 2.31 (0.67, 0.72, 0.53, 0.39), IV 2.93 (0.86, 0.93, 0.71, 0.43). Leg formula I-II-IV-III. Tm I 0.24. Tibial spine formula: 2-2-2-2. Abdomen 1.28 long, 0.87 wide, oval, pale, proximal end with a broad brown patch followed by irregularly scattered white patches; lateral sides with four white patches; ventral side brown.

Epigyne ( Fig. 214A–C View FIGURE 214 ): Pseudoscape widened in middle part. Stretcher rounded. Posterior median plate broad, somewhat rectangular with a depression posteriorly. Spermathecae curved, situated dorso-laterally.

Distribution. Known only from the type locality

( Fig. 216 View FIGURE 216 ).

Genus Nasoona Locket, 1982 (ẆƦø)













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