Stephonyx biscayensis ( Chevreux, 1908 )

Lowry, J. K. & Kilgallen, N. M., 2014, A generic review of the lysianassoid family Uristidae and descriptions of new taxa from Australian waters (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Uristidae), Zootaxa 3867 (1), pp. 1-92 : 66-67

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Stephonyx biscayensis ( Chevreux, 1908 )


Stephonyx biscayensis ( Chevreux, 1908)

Euonyx biscayensis Chevreux, 1908: 1 , fig. 1.—K.H. Barnard, 1916: 110.— Stephensen, 1923: 42.— Schellenberg, 1926a: 200.— Chevreux, 1927: 47.— Pirlot, 1933: 120 (key).— Chevreux, 1935: 7, pl. 5 fig. 2.—? K.H. Barnard, 1940: 514 (list).—J.L. Barnard, 1958: 91.— Belloc, 1960: 6.—? J.L. Barnard, 1961: 34, fig. 4.—? Griffiths, 1975: 144.—? Griffiths, 1976: 58, 100, fig. 32G.— Desbruyères et al., 1985: 236, 237.—? Ledoyer, 1986: 748, fig. 289.— Andres, 1987: 96 (table 2).— Costello et al., 1989: 32.— Barnard & Ingram, 1990: 2 (list), 3 (key).— Barnard & Karaman, 1991: 485.— Holmes et al., 1997: 186 (list).— Dauvin & Bellan-Santini, 2002: 315 (table 1).

Stephonyx biscayensis .— Lowry & Stoddart, 1989: 522, figs 2, 3.— Palerud & Vader, 1991: 43.— Poupin, 1994: 16.— Lowry & Stoddart, 1997: 129, fig. 63.— Escobar-Briones & Winfield, 2003: 42.— Ortiz et al., 2007: 516.— Diffenthal & Horton, 2007: 40 (key).— Senna & Serejo, 2007: 13 (key).— Brown & Thatje, 2011: 1, figs 1–3.—Narahara, et al., 2012; 1486, 1506 (key), figs 7–11.— Corrigan et al., 2013: 10, fig. 5.

Stephonyx sp. Paulmier, 1993: 29, pl. 34 fig. 1.

Types. Syntypes, 10 specimens MOM. Female originally illustrated and described is lost (Ed Hendrycks pers. comm.) .

Type locality. Gulf of Gascony, Bay of Biscay, Northeast Atlantic Ocean (45°02'N 3°6'W), 1455 m depth GoogleMaps .

Habitat. Marine.

Depth range. 494–1510 m ( Lowry & Stoddart 1997; J.L. Barnard 1961).

Feeding strategies. Scavenger (taken in baited traps).

Remarks. Based on the key of Narahara et al. (2012) the records of J.L. Barnard (1961) and Ledoyer (1986) from the western Indian Ocean would key to S. biscayensis except for the posteroventral corner of epimeron 2 which has no spine. In addition the the cephalic lobe of S. biscayensis illustrated by both authors is rounded (triangular and apically subacute in the redescription of S. biscayensis of Lowry & Stoddart (1989), based on material from off Ireland). In fact neither of these characters were illustrated or described by Chevreux 1908.

Distribution. North Atlantic Ocean. Bay of Biscay ( Chevreux 1908); south-west of the Faeroes ( Stephensen 1923); south-west of Ireland ( Stephensen 1923; Lowry & Stoddart 1989); Hatton-Rockall Basin ( Andres 1987); off the coast of northwest Africa ( Chevreux 1927). South Atlantic Ocean.? Off Cape Point, South Africa (K.H. Barnard 1916; Schellenberg 1926a; Griffiths 1975). Indian Ocean.? Off Kenya (J.L. Barnard 1961);? Madagascar ( Ledoyer 1986). Caribbean Sea. Off Puerto Rico and west of Basse Terre, Guadeloupe ( Paulmier 1993; Poupin 1994; Lowry & Stoddart 1997). Gulf of Mexico. Off Florida, USA ( Lowry & Stoddart 1997). East China Sea. Okinawa Trough and off Aguni-jima Island ( Narahara, Tomikawa & Torigoe 2012).


Musee Oceanographique Monaco














Stephonyx biscayensis ( Chevreux, 1908 )

Lowry, J. K. & Kilgallen, N. M. 2014

Stephonyx sp.

Paulmier, G. 1993: 29

Stephonyx biscayensis

Corrigan, L. & Horton, T. & Fotherby, H. & White, T. A. & Hoelzel, A. R. 2013: 10
Brown, A. & Thatje, S. 2011: 1
Ortiz, M. & Martin, A. & Diaz, Y. J. 2007: 516
Diffenthal, M. & Horton, T. 2007: 40
Senna, A. R. & Serejo, C. 2007: 13
Escobar-Briones, E. & Winfield, I. 2003: 42
Lowry, J. K. & Stoddart, H. E. 1997: 129
Poupin, J. 1994: 16
Palerud, R. & Vader, W. 1991: 43
Lowry, J. K. & Stoddart, H. E. 1989: 522

Euonyx biscayensis

Dauvin, J. C. & Bellan-Santini, D. 2002: 315
Holmes, J. M. C. & Costello, M. J. & Connor, D. W. 1997: 186
Barnard, J. L. & Karaman, G. S. 1991: 485
Barnard, J. L. & Ingram, C. 1990: 2
Costello, M. J. & Holmes, J. M. C. & McGrath, D. & Myers, A. A. 1989: 32
Andres, H. G. 1987: 96
Ledoyer, M. 1986: 748
Desbruyeres, D. & Geistdorfer, P. & Ingram, C. L. & Khripoudoff, A. & Lagardere, J. P. 1985: 236
Griffiths, C. L. 1976: 58
Griffiths, C. L. 1975: 144
Barnard, J. L. 1961: 34
Belloc, G. 1960: 6
Barnard, J. L. 1958: 91
Barnard, K. H. 1940: 514
Chevreux, E. 1935: 7
Pirlot, J. M. 1933: 120
Chevreux, E. 1927: 47
Schellenberg, A. 1926: 200
Stephensen, K. 1923: 42
Barnard, K. H. 1916: 110
Chevreux, E. 1908: 1
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