
Lee, Sue Yeon, Yoo, Jung Sun & Kim, Seung Tae, 2017, Two new Phyllopodopsyllus (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) from Korean marine interstitial, Journal of Species Research 6, pp. 185-214 : 210-212

publication ID 10.12651/JSR.2017.6

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scientific name



Key to species and subspecies of the genus Phyllopodopsyllus View in CoL

1. Endopod of fourth leg one-segmented ··················· 2

- Endopod of fourth leg two-segmented ··················· 3

2. First endopodal segment of second and third legs with inner seta ······················ P. geddesi Kunz, 1984 View in CoL

- First endopodal segment of second and third legs unarmed ······················ P. opisthoceratus Geddes, 1968 View in CoL

3. First endopodal segment of fourth leg unarmed ···· 4

- First endopodal segment of fourth leg with inner seta ········································································· 8

4. Antennula nine-segmented ···· P. xenus (Kunz, 1951) View in CoL

- Antennula eight-segmented ···································· 5

5. Exopod of first leg two-segmented ··························· ····································· P. biarticulatus (Wells, 1967) View in CoL

- Exopod of first leg three-segmented ······················ 6

6. Second endopodal segment of fourth leg with three setae ········· P. longipalpatus hawaiiensis Kunz, 1984 View in CoL

- Second endopodal segment of fourth leg with two setae ········································································ 7

7. Caudal rami with dorso-lateral cuticular process ······ ········· P. longipalpatus madagascarensis Kunz, 1984

- Caudal rami without this process ······························ ······ P. longipalpatus longipalpatus (Chappuis, 1954) View in CoL

8. Second endopodal segment of fourth leg with single seta ······································ P. hermani Coull, 1969 View in CoL

- Second endopodal segment of fourth leg with more than one seta ··························································· 9

9. Second endopodal segment of fourth leg with two setae ······································································ 10

- Second endopodal segment of fourth leg with three setae ······································································ 14

10.Antennula nine-segmented··································· 11

- Antennula eight-segmented·································· 12

11. Antennula with unguiform process ··························· ····································· P. bahamensis Geddes, 1968 View in CoL

- Antennula without unguiform process ······················ ··········································· P. paraxenus Coull, 1970 View in CoL

12. First endopodal segment of third leg without seta ···· ··············································· P. minutus Lang, 1948 View in CoL

- First endopodal segment of third leg with inner seta 13

13. Third exopodal segment of second and third legs with four elements ····· P. tenuis Wells and Rao, 1985 View in CoL

- Third exopodal segment of second and third legs with five elements ··· P. wellsi Karanovic et al. 2001 View in CoL

14. First endopodal segment of third leg without seta ···· ··············································································· 15

- First endopodal segment of third leg with inner seta ·············································································· 22

15. Second exopodal segment of fourth leg without inner seta ······································ P. medius Por, 1964 View in CoL

- Second exopodal segment of fourth leg with inner seta ······································································· 16

16. Second endopodal segment of second and third legs with two setae ··········· P. hartmannorum Kunz, 1995 View in CoL

- Second endopodal segment of second and third legs with three setae ····················································· 17

17. First endopodal segment of first leg without inner seta ······································································· 18

- First endopodal segment of first leg with inner seta ··············································································· 19

18. Third exopodal segment of third leg about as long as second segment and cylindrical ································ ······································ P. punctatus Kitazima, 1981 View in CoL

- Third exopodal segment of third leg much longer than second segment and very narrow basally ·········· ··················································· P. kitazimai View in CoL sp. nov.

19. Third exopodal segment of second leg with four elements ····································· P. laticauda Por, 1964 View in CoL

- Third exopodal segment of second leg with five elements ···································································· 20

20.Antennula eight-segmented······································· ············································· P. bermudae Lang, 1948 View in CoL

- Antennula nine-segmented··································· 21

21. First endopodal segment of first leg almost as long as exopod ························· P. angolensis Kunz, 1984 View in CoL

- First endopodal segment of first leg about 1.5 times as long as exopod ········ P. aegypticus Nicholls, 1944 View in CoL

22. First endopodal segment of second leg without seta ··············································································· 23

- First endopodal segment of second leg with inner seta ······································································· 33

23. Second exopodal segment of fourth leg without inner seta ································································· 24

- Second exopodal segment of fourth leg with inner seta ······································································· 25

24. Antennula nine-segmented··· P. borutzkyi Lang, 1965

- Antennula eight-segmented······································· ········································· P. simplex Kitazima, 1981 View in CoL

25. Third exopodal segment of third leg with five elements ········································ P. langi Kunz, 1975 View in CoL

- Third exopodal segment of third leg with six elements ···································································· 26

26.Antennula nine-segmented··································· 27

- Antennula eight-segmented·································· 29

27. Caudal rami about seven times as long as wide ········ ································· P. longicaudatus A. Scott, 1909 View in CoL

- Caudal rami less than 2.5 times as long as wide ···· 28

28. Caudal rami with large anterior inner bulge ············· ··········································· P. bradyi (T. Scott, 1892) View in CoL

- Caudal rami without anterior inner bulge ················· ··········································· P. pallaresae Kunz, 1995 View in CoL

29. Antennula with additional sharp process on anterior distal corner of second segment ··························· 30

- Antennula without additional sharp process (single unguiform, posteriorly directed) ·························· 31

30. Dorsal seta attached close to posterior margin of caudal ramus ····························································· ··············· P. parafurciger parafurciger Geddes, 1968 View in CoL

- Dorsal seta attached at 2/3 of caudal ramus length ··· ····················· P. parafurciger caroliensis Coull, 1971

31. Caudal rami with well developed dorsal chitinous ridge. ······································ P. furciger Sars, 1907 View in CoL

- Caudal rami without dorsal ridge ························· 32

32. Caudal rami more than six times as long as wide ····· ·············································· P. curtus Marcus, 1976 View in CoL

- Caudal rami about four times as long as wide ·········· ····························· P. stigmosus Wells and Rao, 1987 View in CoL

33. Second exopodal segment of fourth leg without inner seta ································································· 34

- Second exopodal segment of fourth leg with inner seta ······································································· 45

34.Antennula eight-segmented·································· 35

- Antennula nine-segmented··································· 37

35. Third exopodal segment of third leg with four elements ···································································· 36

- Third exopodal segment of third leg with three elements ······································ P. kunzi Mielke, 1989 View in CoL

36. Caudal rami in dorsal view widest in anterior third ·· ············································ P. danielae Bodin, 1964 View in CoL

- Caudal rami in dorsal view widest in posterior third ·············· P. pseudokunzi Björnberg and Kihara, 2013 View in CoL

37. Antennula with strong and sharp unguiform process on second segment ··············································· 38

- Antennula with small and blunt process or without any processes ························································ 39

38. Third exopodal segment of fourth leg with six elements ·························· P. paraborutzkyi Kunz, 1975 View in CoL

- Third exopodal segment of fourth leg with seven elements ····························· P. carinatus Mielke, 1992 View in CoL

39. Antennula with small and blunt process on second segment ································································ 40

- Antennula without any processes ························· 41

40. Third exopodal segment of fourth leg with seven elements; caudal rami 1.5 times as long as wide ········· ·········································· P. hibernicus (Roe, 1955) View in CoL

- Third exopodal segment of fourth leg with six elements; caudal rami three times as long as wide ········ ·············································· P. hardingi (Roe, 1955) View in CoL

41. Third exopodal segment of fourth leg with six elements ······················· P. paramossmani (Lang, 1934) View in CoL

- Third exopodal segment of fourth leg with seven elements ·································································· 42

42. Caudal rami about 3.5 times as long as wide ············ ··········································· P. berrieri Monard, 1936 View in CoL

- Caudal rami about 1.5 times as long as wide ······· 43

43. Central apical seta on caudal ramus not broadened basally ····················· P. laspalmensis Marinov, 1973 View in CoL

- Central apical seta on caudal ramus broadened basally ··········································································· 44

44. Exopod of fifth leg with five setae in male ··············· ········································ P. mossmani T. Scott, 1912 View in CoL

- Exopod of fifth leg with four setae in male ··············· ························ P. mossmani chiloensis Mielke, 1992 View in CoL

45.Antennula eight-segmented·································· 46

- Antennula nine-segmented··································· 49

46. Third exopodal segment of second and third legs with four elements ················································ 47

- Third exopodal segment of second leg with five, while that of third leg with six elements ·············· 48

47. Central apical seta on caudal rami minute ················ ················································· P. pauli Crisafi, 1960 View in CoL

- Central apical seta on caudal rami long and strong ·· ············································· P. ancylus Mielke, 1992 View in CoL

48. Third exopodal segment of fourth leg with six elements ······································ P. chavei Coull, 1970 View in CoL

- Third exopodal segment of fourth leg with seven elements ····················· P. galapagoensis Mielke, 1989 View in CoL

49. Third exopodal segment of third leg with five elements ···································································· 50

- Third exopodal segment of third leg with six elements ···································································· 54

50. Antennula with unguiform process on second segment ······································································ 51

- Antennula without such process ··························· 52

51. Caudal rami in lateral view with concave dorsal margin ··································· P. parabradyi Lang, 1965 View in CoL

- Caudal rami in lateral view with convex dorsal margin ··············· P. iunamei Björnberg and Kihara, 2013

52. Urosomites with spiniform cuticular extensions ······· ··················································· P. alatus Fiers, 1986 View in CoL

- Urosomites without such extensions ···················· 53

53. Exopod of fifth leg with five setae in male ··············· ····················· P. thiebaudi thiebaudi Petkovski, 1955 View in CoL

- Exopod of fifth leg with four setae in male ··············· ················· P. thiebaudi santacruzensis Mielke, 1989 View in CoL

54. Antennula with strong and sharp unguiform process on second segment ··············································· 55

- Antennula with small and blunt process or without any processes ························································ 59

55. Caudal rami in lateral view cylindrical and stout (more than half as wide as anal somite) ··············· 56

- Caudal rami in lateral view conical and slender (less than half as wide as anal somite) ························· 57

56. Caudal rami in lateral view about 1.7 times as long as wide and with straight dorsal margin ···················· ················································ P. busanensis View in CoL sp. nov.

- Caudal rami in lateral view about 2.5 times as long as wide and with notch in dorsal keel ······················· ································· P. setouchiensis Kitazima, 1981 View in CoL

57. Caudal rami in lateral view without notch in dorsal keel ········································ P. mielkei Kunz, 1984 View in CoL

- Caudal rami in lateral view with notch in dorsal keel ··············································································· 58

58. Caudal rami in dorsal view widest at base ················ ···························· P. crenulatus Wells and Rao, 1987 View in CoL

- Caudal rami in dorsal view widest at first third ········ ························· P. californicus Kunz, 1984 stat. nov.

59. Antennula without any processes on second segment ····························· P. gracilipes Wells and Rao, 1987 View in CoL

- Antennula with small blunt process ····················· 60

60. First endopodal segment of first leg about as long as exopod ··················· P. briani briani Petkovski, 1955 View in CoL

- First endopodal segment of first leg longer than exopod ·························· P. briani petkovskii Kunz, 1984 View in CoL

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