Baldorhynchus grottoloi Bellò & Osella, 2016

Bello, Cesare, Osella, Giuseppe & Baviera, Cosimo, 2016, A taxonomic revision of the genus Baldorhynchus (Di Marco & Osella, 2002) stat. n. (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae), Zootaxa 4070 (1), pp. 1-101 : 38-41

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4070.1.1

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scientific name

Baldorhynchus grottoloi Bellò & Osella

sp. nov.

Baldorhynchus grottoloi Bellò & Osella View in CoL sp. n.

( Figures 12, 12a, 12b, 12c, 12d, 12e, 12f View FIGURES 12 – 12 , 47 View FIGURES 38 – 56 , 72 View FIGURES 57 – 91 , 103 View FIGURES 92 – 126 )

Type locality. “Bus del Gas, N° 2 Lo, 225 m, Soina, Paitone, Brescia” ( Fig. 136).

Diagnosis. A Baldorhynchus of medium size belonging to the B. blesioi group with elytra ogival or elongateoval. Within the species group, it is recognizeable by the sub-parallel elytra and elongate antennal club. Punctation of pronotum small, irregularly arranged, isodiametric, deep and not dense. Punctation of the elytra small, isodiametric, deep and regularly aligned. Total length: 4.00–5.00 mm. Elytra with length/width ratio 2.00–2.07. Pronotum length 0.85–1.05 mm with length/width ratio 1.20–1.25.

Type series. Holotype male: [transparent label with genitalia] // " ♂ " [white, printed] // "I, Lombardia, BS, Paitone, Bus del Gas, n° 2 Lo , 29 II 2012, leg. M. Grottolo " [white, printed] // " Baldorhynchus grottoloi sp. n. , Holotype, det. Bellò & Osella, 2015" [red, printed] (GOS). Paratypes. "I, Lombardia, BS, Paitone, Bus del Gas , n° 2 Lo , 24 VI 2010, leg. D. Vailati ” ( CBE, DVA, GOS): 1 male, 3 females ; "IT, Lombardia, BS, Paitone, Bus del Gas , n° 2 Lo , 19 II 2011, leg. M. Grottolo ” ( MGR): 1 male, 1 female ; "IT, Lombardia, BS, Gr. [otta] Bus del Gas , 2 Lo , 18 II 2012, leg. Agosti ” ( MAG): 1 male, 1 female ; "I, Lombardia, BS, Paitone, Bus del Gas , n° 2 Lo , 22 II 2012, leg. D. Vailati ” ( CBE, DVA, MSNM): 2 males, 1 female ; "IT, Lombardia, BS, Paitone, Bus del Gas , n° 2 Lo , 29 II 2012, leg. M. Grottolo ” ( GOS, MGR, MSNV): 4 males, 6 females ; idem, “ 8 III 2 0 12, leg. M. Grottolo” (CBE, ECO, GOS, MGR, MSNV): 1 male, 6 females; "IT, Lombardia, BS, Bus del Gas, 2 Lo , 19 III 2012, leg. Agosti ” ( MGR): 2 males, 1 female ; "IT, Lombardia, BS, Paitone, Bus del Gas , n° 2 Lo , 23 II 2013, leg. M. Grottolo ” ( GOS, MGR, MSNV): 3 males, 4 females ; idem, “ 26 IV 2012, leg. M. Grottolo” (CBE, ECO, MGR): 5 males, 1 female; idem, “ 9 XI 2012, leg. M. Grottolo” (MGR): 1 males, 2 females; idem, “ 8 VI 2013, leg. M. Grottolo” (MGR): 2 females; idem, “ 1 III 2014, leg. M. Grottolo” (GOS, MGR): 5 females; idem, “ 1 III 2 0 14, leg. L.Bodei” (CBE, GOS, LBO): 1 male, 2 females; "idem, 18 IX 2014, leg. M. Grottolo” (MGR): 2 males, 3 females; "idem, 18 IX 2014, leg. L. Bodei” (MGR): 1 male, 1 female; "idem, 18 IX 2014, leg. Bodei Luca” (LBO): 1 female; "idem, 18 X 2014, leg. Bodei Luca” (LBO): 1 female; "IT, Lombardia, BS, Paitone, Bus del Gas , n° 2 Lo , 3 I 2015, M. Grottolo legit” ( CBA, ECO, GOS, MGR): 6 males, 4 females . Types are 77 (33 males and 44 females), genitalia of 13 (five males and eight females) were examined.

Holotype. Male. Total length: 4.50 mm. Rostrum elongate and covered by dense golden-yellowish pubescence, about twice longer than the head; dorsum convex; mesorostrum rather gibbous; a dozen epistomal setae thin, curved, semi-erect. Antenna slender and elongate with long, semi-erect, thin setae; scape clavate and as robust as funicle. Scape length: 0.90 mm; funicle length: 0.95 mm. Scape length/funicle length ratio: 0.95. Funicle with club ratios as follows: 11: 7: 4: 5: 4: 5: 5: 28 (club); fusiform club with first segment flat, longest of last five funicle segments, at least twice wider than funicle. Head smooth on disc, short, conical. Supraorbital area covered by dense golden-yellowish pubescence. Vertex width / mesorostrum width: ratio 1.60. Vestigial eyes present, almost covered by dense golden-yellowish pubescence. Pronotum (length: 1.00 mm, width: 0.84 mm, ratio: 1.19) sub-cylindrical, sinuate at the base, longer than wide, with maximum width in the anterior third; short golden erect seta inserted in center of hole; punctation deep, isodiametric and of different widths, not uniformly arranged; smooth central area on disc. Scutellum small, excavated, triangular. Elytra convex, elongate-oval with high suture (length: 2.50 mm, width: 1.25 mm, ratio: 2.00), strongly rounded on sides, widest at middle and ogive-shaped on declivity. Punctation striae deep, isodiametric and of the same widths, without setae; interspaces between strial punctation regular and as wide as hole. Interstriae less wide than striae, flat, smooth with sparse, long and erect setae. Legs thin and elongate, with rather long golden setae. Femora clubbed and edentate. Tibiae with five toothlike tubercles on inner edge; protibia slightly curved in side view, metatibia and mesotibia straight. Penis lengthened, sub-parallel seen from above and regularly and moderately curved in lateral view; tegmen sclerotized; small genital armature; penis apex as in Fig. 12f View FIGURES 12 – 12 .

Variation. Male paratypes differ from holotype in size and the color of the cuticle, which is a brighter dark brown; there is a small variability in the punctation of pronotum.

Female. Similar to males, only size slightly larger, elytral length 2.60 mm and width 1.30 mm with ratio 2. Sternite VIII with sides sub-parallel of lamina and with apical margin fused. Spermatheca with cornu, ramus and nodulus developed ( Fig. 72 View FIGURES 57 – 91 ). Ovipositor weakly sclerotized, gonocoxites short, tapered with several more or less long setae.

Distribution. See Fig.129 View FIGURE 129 . Italian endemic. Known only from “Bus del Gas” cave at 225 meters of elevation: 45°33’31.00’’N 10°23’45.00’’E in Soina near Paitone (Brescia).

Etymology. Named after our friend and collegue Mario Grottolo because of his entomological research on the cave fauna of Lombardy and his knowledge. The collaboration with him and his availability have made this work possible.

Ecology/Phenology. All specimens were found in one cave. The cave opens in limestones of the lower Lias (Sinemurian–Hettangiano) (Grottolo in litteris, 2015). Inside it has been reported ( Boldori, 1969; Grottolo & Martinelli, 1990; Vailati, 1988) the presence, even in sintopy with B. grottoloi sp. n., of the following species: Dendrobaena octaedra Sav. (Lumbricidae) , Euscorpius sp. ( Scorpiones ), Androniscus subterraneus boldorii Strouhal (Isopoda) , Trichoniscus mancinii Brian (Isopoda) , Niphargus stygius Schiodte (Amphipoda) , Allegrettia boldorii Jeannel (Coleoptera) , Antisphodrus reissi boldorii Dodero (Coleoptera) , Boldoriella humeralis Dodero (Coleoptera) .

Reproduction. Amphigonic.


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