Gelasia villosa (Scop.) Cass. subsp. columnae (Guss.) Bartolucci, Galasso & F.Conti, 2020

Bartolucci, Fabrizio, Galasso, Gabriele & Conti, Fabio, 2020, Nomenclatural novelties and typification of names in Scorzonera sensu lato (Asteraceae, Cichorieae) for the Italian vascular flora, Phytotaxa 437 (5), pp. 279-290 : 280-283

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.437.5.2

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Gelasia villosa (Scop.) Cass. subsp. columnae (Guss.) Bartolucci, Galasso & F.Conti

comb. nov.

Gelasia villosa (Scop.) Cass. subsp. columnae (Guss.) Bartolucci, Galasso & F.Conti View in CoL , comb. nov. ≡ Scorzonera columnae Gussone (1825: 10) ≡ Scorzonera villosa Scop. subsp. columnae (Guss.) Nyman (1879: 465)

Type (lectotype, designated here):— ITALY. Scorzonera columnae , Sicilia - Puglia [in Gussone’s handwriting], Bert. Fl. Ital. 8 p. 360 n. 4 / dedit Gussone 1824 [Bertoloni’s handwriting] ( BOLO, individual on the right-hand; Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ) .

Protologue citation:—“ Sicilia ”.

Nomenclatural notes:—Giovanni Gussone (1825) described Scorzonera columnae as native to Sicily, providing only a brief diagnosis “ Diff. a S. hirsuta , cui caeterum similis, seminibus glabris, spinulus sursus versi, asperis ”. He cited no precise localities. One year later, Gussone (1826) provided a detailed description of this species and quoted some localities in southern Italy: “ In collibus aridis cum S. hirsuta provenit [corresponding to: “ In collibus aridis Calabriae orientalis, Lucaniae, Japygiae, Peucetiae ”], simulque floret ac fructificat ”. In NAP, where Gussone’s main collection is kept ( Stafleu & Cowan 1976), we traced some specimens collected by that author in Sicily, but since they are undated, they are not unmistakably part of the original material, and thus unsuitable for lectotypification purposes. In the herbarium of Antonio Bertoloni (1775–1868), kept in BOLO, we found a single herbarium specimen (with two individuals and two labels), sent by Gussone to Bertoloni. The right-hand label (linked with the individual on the right, Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ) reports the name “ Scorzonera columnae Guss. ” in Gussone’s handwriting, and the locality “Sicilia-Puglia”. On the same label, Bertoloni added the year in which he received the specimen: 1824 (“dedit Gussone 1824”). The lefthand label (linked with the individual on the left, Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ) reports the name “ Scorzonera columnae Guss. ” in Gussone’s handwriting, and the locality “Tavolierie di Puglia ”. On the same label, Bertoloni added “misit Gussone” without a date. Accordingly, Bertoloni (1852) quoted the following localities: “ Habui ex Apulia al Tavoliere, et ex Sicilia ab Eq. Gussonio. Floret Aprili, Majo ” for S. columnae . The right-hand individual of the herbarium specimen kept in BOLO, collected by Gussone reasonably in Sicily, showing the date 1824 (predating the publication of the species) is selected here as the lectotype for the name S. columnae (Arts. 9.3 and 9.4 of the ICN).


Università di Bologna


Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica (formerly National Academy of Peiping)


Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Museo de Historia Natural













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