Nesagapostemon moronei Engel, 2009

Engel, Michael, 2009, Two New Halictine Bees in Miocene Amber from the Dominican Republic (Hymenoptera, Halictidae), ZooKeys 29 (29), pp. 1-12 : 7-10

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.29.257

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scientific name

Nesagapostemon moronei Engel

sp. nov.

Nesagapostemon moronei Engel , sp. n.

Figs 3–4

Holotype. ♀, MACT-1172 (Fig. 3); amber from the Dominican Republic (specific mine unknown), Early Miocene (Burdigalian); Morone Amber Collection , Turin , Italy. The holotype is preserved with three P. dominicana workers, one alongside the holotype’s metasoma and one at each end of the piece, as well as several small flies. The holotype is not well preserved, with the several fractures around the metasoma, which

Figures 3–4. Photomicrographs of holotype female of Nesagapostemon moronei gen. n. sp. n. (MACT- 1172) 3 Dorsal aspect of holotype 4 Detail of extended (right) metatibia and metatarsus.

itself is curved under the remainder of the body, and much of the bee is covered in minute air pockets, fractures, and some orangish debris such that glimpses onto the integument are challenging, but possible.

Diagnosis. As for the genus (vide supra).

Description. As for the genus with the following additions: Female: Total body length 9.9 mm; forewing length 6.9 mm. Head width 2.4 mm; apparently wider than long although a direct frontal view of the face is not possible in the holotype. Forew- ing with basal vein strongly arched, distad cu-a by 1.5 times vein width; 1rs-m distad 1m-cu by about three times vein width; 2rs-m gently arcuate, distad 2m-cu by about six times vein width; first submarginal cell longer than combined lengths of second and third submarginal cells; second submarginal cell relatively square, length of anterior border of second submarginal cell along Rs as long as abscissa of Rs forming its proximal border and about as long as r-rs, slightly shorter than anterior border of third submarginal cell; anterior border of third submarginal cell along Rs about two-thirds length of posterior border. Inner metatibial spur with three branches (not including apical portion of rachis).

Sculpturing of head and mesosoma apparently with coarse punctures separated by less than a puncture width, integument between apparently smooth and shining, those punctures of mesosoma larger than those of head. Metasomal terga granulose with coarse, shallow punctures separated by a puncture width or less (owing to preservation best seen laterally in holotype when viewed from above as metasoma is slightly twisted exposing the terga; in ventral aspect the central portions of the terga are largely covered with fine debris); apical margins of terga apparently impunctate and strongly imbricate; metasomal sterna not easily visible.

Integumental coloration obscured by layers of air in most places giving a silvery reflection. In places where integument is more easily seen (small places on face, vertex, gena, metasoma laterally, and some of the sterna) apparently head and mesosoma metallic except antenna dark brown and tegula translucent brown, while metasomal terga dark brown with weaker metallic green highlights, sterna dark brown without highlights. Wing membranes hyaline; veins brown. Legs dark reddish brown.

Etymology. The specific epithet is a patronymic honoring Dott. Ettore Morone in recognition for his support of my studies and his many generous kindnesses.

Provisional Key to the Dominican Amber Halictidae

The following provisional key is based on females only as the male of E. dominicana is the only halictine male presently documented from Dominican amber.

1. Pseudopygidial area without medioapical slit; posterior surface of propodeum encircled by strong carinae ( Caenohalictini )............................................... 2

– Pseudopygidial area with medioapical slit; posterior surface of propodeum not encircled by strong carinae ( Augochlorini View in CoL ) ........................................... 3

2. Small species (length about 5 mm); basal area of propodeum slanting in profile, as long as vertical posterior surface; metatibia with scattered moderatelength setae, setae with a few apical branches, those on inner surface distinctly longer than those on outer surface; apex of rachis of inner metatibial spur not hooked; marginal cell apex sharply pointed on anterior wing margin, inner border on costa 1.4–1.6 times length of pterostigma .................................... .......................................... Eickwortapis dominicana Michener & Poinar

– Large species (length about 9.9 mm); basal area of propodeum not slanting in profile, about one-half length of vertical posterior surface; metatibia densely setose, setae on inner surface elongate, longer than metatibial spurs, intermingled with long plumose setae and more elongate simple setae, setae on outer surface about as long as those on inner surface and plumose [cf. Fig. 4 with figure 6 of Michener and Poinar (1996)]; apex of rachis of inner metatibial spur hooked; marginal cell apex acutely rounded on anterior wing margin, inner border on costa 2 times length of pterostigma........................ ...................................................... Nesagapostemon moronei gen. n. sp. n.

3. Epistomal sulcus outside of subantennal sulci forming obtuse angle; inner metatibial spur pectinate............................................................................ 4

– Epistomal sulcus outside of subantennal sulci forming small, acute angle; inner metatibial spur simple, serrate.................... Augochlora leptoloba Engel

4. Anterior border of mesoscutum broadly and gently rounded, not projecting over pronotum........................................................................................... 5

– Anterior border of mesoscutum narrowed medially and projecting over pronotum................................................................ Neocorynura electra Engel

5. Basal area of propodeum dull and granular or imbricate, with or without short basal striae, never smooth, polished, and shining............................... 6

– Basal area of propodeum smooth and shining, without striae......................... .......................................................................... Oligochlora eickworti Engel

6. Basal area of propodeum without minute basal striae ................................. 7

– Basal area of propodeum with minute basal striae ...................................... 9

7. Pronotal dorsolateral angle orthogonal; basal area of propodeum granular..... 8

– Pronotal dorsolateral angle obtuse; basal area of propodeum imbricate......... ........................................ Oligochlora marquettorum Engel & Rightmyer

8. Smaller species (total body length under 7.5 mm); inner metatibial spur with three branches (not including apical portion of rachis)................................. ....................................................................... Oligochlora grimaldii Engel

– Larger species (total body length over 8 mm); inner metatibial spur with four branches (not including apical portion of rachis)..... Oligochlora rozeni Engel

9. Pronotal dorsolateral angle orthogonal; gena granular, without rugae; mesoscutum granular and largely impunctate....... Oligochlora micheneri Engel

– Pronotal dorsolateral angle obtuse; gena granular and transversely rugulose; mesoscutum granular with contiguous punctures except punctures more widely spaced medially.................................. Oligochlora semirugosa sp. n.

















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