Anotylus schuelkei, Makranczy, 2017

Makranczy, György, 2017, Review Of The Anotylus Cimicoides Species Group (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Oxytelinae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 63 (2), pp. 143-262 : 252-254

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.

publication LSID

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Anotylus schuelkei

sp. nov.

Anotylus schuelkei View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 84 View Figs 84–85 , 244–250 View Figs 244–250 , 276 View Figs 265–278 )

Typematerial – Holotype (m): CHINA: Yunnan, NujiangLisuAuton. Prefecture, Gaoligong Shan , “Cloud pass” 21 km NW Liuku, 25°58’21”N, 98°41’01”E, 3150 m, 2.IX.2009, leg. M. Schülke (CH09-22), shrubs & bamboo, littersifted (coll. SchülkeinZMHB) GoogleMaps ; Paratypes (285): samedataasholotype (24, coll. Schülke, 2, IZAS); CHINA: Yunnan, NujiangLisu Auton. Prefecture , creekvalley 3 kmSEGongshan, 27°43’02”N, 98°41’27”E, 1450–1500 m, 5. VI.2007, leg. D.W. Wrase (20) GoogleMaps , litter/mosssifted (3, coll. Schülke); Yunnan, NujiangLisu Auton. Prefecture , GaoligongShan, pass 21 kmNWLiuku, 25°58’22”N, 98°41’00”E, 3150 m, 9. VI.2007, leg. M. Schülke ( CH 07-26) GoogleMaps , bamboowithshrubs, littersifted (1, coll. Schülke); Yunnan , NujiangLisuAuton. Prefecture, GaoligongShan, creekvalley 20 kmNWLiuku, 25°58’49”N, 98°41’48”E, 3000 m, 9. VI.2007, leg. D.W. Wrase (27) GoogleMaps , bamboo, shrubs, litter sifted (11, coll. Schülke); Yunnan , NujiangLisuAuton. Prefecture, GaoligongShan, creek valley 20 km NW Liuku, 25°58’49”N, 98°41’48”E, 3000 m, 9. VI.2007, leg. M. Schülke ( CH 07- 27) GoogleMaps , bamboo, shrubs, littersifted (13, coll. Schülke); Yunnan , NujiangLisuAuton. Prefec- ture, GaoligongShan, sidevalley 19 kmNWLiuku, 25°59’02”N, 98°42’23”E, 2730 m, 9-10. VI.2007, leg. D.W. Wrase (28) GoogleMaps , devastatedprimaryforest, littersifted (28, coll. Schülke, 1, SMNS, 1, CNCI, 1, SDEI, 1, FMNH, 1, ISNB, 1, MNHP, 1, NIBR, 1, BMNH, 1, NKME, 1, NMPC, 1, AMNH, 1, ZMUC, 1, coll. Assing, 1, coll. Kleeberg, 3 m, 1 f, 1, HNHM); Yunnan , NujiangLisuAuton. Prefecture, GaoligongShan, sidevalley 19kmNWLiuku, 25°59’02”N, 98°42’23”E, 2730 m, 9. VI.2007, leg. M. Schülke ( CH 07-28) GoogleMaps , devastatedprimaryforest, litter sifted (65, coll. Schülke); samebut 10. VI.2007 ( CH 07-28a) (49, coll. Schülke); Yunnan , NujiangLisuAuton. Prefecture, GaoligongShan, sidevalley 18 kmNWLiuku, 25°58’10”N, 98°42’27”E, 2590 m, 9-10. VI.2007, leg. D.W. Wrase (29) GoogleMaps , devastatedprimaryforest, litter sifted (6, coll. Schülke); Yunnan , NujiangLisuAuton. Prefecture, GaoligongShan, “Cloud pass” 21 km NW Liuku, 25°58’21”N, 98°41’01”E, 3150 m, 2.IX.2009, leg. D.W. Wrase (22a) GoogleMaps , shrubs, Vaccinium , bamboo, littersifted (4, coll. Schülke, 6, MHNG); Yunnan , Nujiang LisuAuton. Prefecture, GaoligongShan, “Cloudpass” 21 kmNWLiuku, 25°58’21”N, 98°41’01”E, 3150 m, 3.IX.2009, leg. M. Schülke ( CH 09-22a) GoogleMaps , shrubsandbamboo, littersifted (10, coll. Schülke, 1, HNHM); Yunnan , NujiangLisuAuton. Prefecture, GaoligongShan, W “Cloud pass” 24 km NW Liuku, 25°59’02”N, 98°39’56.5”E, 2940 m, 3.IX.2009, leg. M. Schülke ( CH 09-24) GoogleMaps , small cleft, wet moss & litter sifted (1, coll. Schülke); Yunnan , Nujiang Lisu Auton. Prefecture, GaoligongShanEpass 20 kmNWLiuku, 25°58’49”N, 98°41’48”E, 3000 m, 3.IX.2009, leg. D.W. Wrase (25) GoogleMaps , creekvalleywithdevastatedprimaryforest, ferns, litter/ mosssifted (13, coll. Schülke, 2, IZAS, 7, NHMW); Yunnan , NujiangLisuAuton. Prefec- ture, Gaoligong Shan E pass 20 km NW Liuku, 25°58’49”N, 98°41’48”E, 3000 m, 3.IX.2009, leg. M. Schülke ( CH 09-25) GoogleMaps , creekvalleywithdevastatedprimaryforest, litter & mosssifted (20, coll. Schülke).

Description – Measurements (in mm, n=10): HW = 0.60 (0.57–0.62); TW = 0.60 (0.56– 0.63); PW = 0.79 (0.73–0.81); EW = 0.79 (0.72–0.84); AW = 0.94 (0.88–1.02); HL = 0.45 (0.43– 0.47); EL = 0.10 (0.10–0.11); TL = 0.18 (0.17–0.18); PL = 0.48 (0.46–0.50); SC = 0.33 (0.31–0.35); FB = 1.33 (1.27–1.35); BL = 2.98 (2.83–3.07). Habitus as in Fig. 84 View Figs 84–85 . Forebody moderately shiningbecauseofconspicuouslightcolourationandloosesculpture, abdomenveryfinely microsculpturedwithsimilarmoderatelustre. Bodysomewhatyellowishlightbrown, abdominalbasesdarker, twoblackishspotsatthebasesofsupraantennalprominencesnear circularclypealimpressionandtwosimilarimpresseddarkpitsathindvertex. Headwith anteriormarginpossessingthinrim, somewhatunevenlyarched, anteriorclypealrimvery slightlyprojectinginmiddle, supraantennalprominencesasmoderatelyelevatedoblique ridges, discimpressedneareyes. Epistomalsutureformingsubcircularimpression (inside almostunsculptured), uppersurfacewithouttactilesetae, eyessmallandslightlybulging; indorsalviewtemples (1.8× lengthofeye) alatiform, laterallyroundedandposteriorly constrictedtoformdistinctneck, however, dorsalsidenotseparatedbyoccipitalfurrow, ratherbydorsumofneckbearingmicrosculptureinsteadofpunctation. Antennomere 1 flattenedclub-shapedandsmooth, segment 2 ovoid, segment 3 club-shaped, segment 4 smallandisodiametricalal, segments 5–11 withbasaldishes, articles 6–10 slightlytransverse (1.0–1.3× broaderthanlong). Headandpronotumwithmostlyfoveatesculpture. Pronotumwithlateralportionexplanate, edgewithafewshortsetae, lateralmarginalmostevenlyarched, hindmarginbeforecornersslightlyconcave; discmediallywithapair ofshinierparallellongitudinalridges, partlyimpressedalongside. Elytrawithinsignificantmembranousposteriormarginextendingfromsuturalcornerto 3/4 ofhindmargin. Elytralepipleuralridgepresentwithup-turnedlateralalatiformportions, discdepressed; shouldersweaklydeveloped, surfacefoveolate, inbetweenpuncturesrathersmooth, apicalmarginslightlyoblique. Legsshort, pro-andmesotibiawithseveralspinuloserows, metatibiawithlongitudinalctenidiumofspinulesindistalhalf. Abdomenwithsidesmoderatelyarcuate, secondsegmentwithparatergitesstronglybroadeningposteriorly (abdomenappearingconstrictedatbase), thoseofsegmentsIII–VIIthin, mesalparatergites broad; posterioredgeoftergiteVIIwiththinpalisadefringe, medianpartofsterniteVIIas inFig. 244 View Figs 244–250 , sterniteVIII ( Fig. 245 View Figs 244–250 ), tergitesIX ( Fig. 246 View Figs 244–250 ), X ( Fig. 247 View Figs 244–250 ) andaedeagusasinFigs 248–250 View Figs 244–250 , spermathecaasinFig. 276 View Figs 265–278 .

Etymology – Thespeciesisnamedafterthecollectorofmostofthematerial, Michael

Schülke (Berlin), aprivatecollectorwhosecollectionnowbelongstoZMHB.

Distribution – KnownonlyfromasmallareainYunnanprovince ( China). Remarks – Thepresenceofthisspeciessuggeststhatsimilarbrachypter- ousspeciesmayexistelsewhereinthemoremountainousareasofChina.



Institut Zoologii Akademii Nauk Ukraini - Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Staatliches Museum fuer Naturkund Stuttgart


Canadian National Collection Insects


Field Museum of Natural History


Princeton University


National Institute of Biological Resources


National Museum Prague


American Museum of Natural History


Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien













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