Cosmotermitinae Engel, 2021

JIANG, RI-XIN, ZHANG, HONG-RUI, ELDREDGE, K. TARO, SONG, XIAO-BIN, LI, YAN-DA, TIHELKA, ERIK, HUANG, DI-YING, WANG, SHUO, ENGEL, MICHAEL S. & CAI, CHEN-YANG, 2021, Further evidence of Cretaceous termitophily: Description of new termite hosts of the trichopseniine Cretotrichopsenius (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), with emendations to the classification of lower termites (Isoptera), Palaeoentomology 4 (4), pp. 374-389 : 382

publication ID 10.11646/palaeoentomology.4.4.13

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scientific name

Cosmotermitinae Engel

subfam. nov.

Cosmotermitinae Engel , subfam. nov.

Type genus. Cosmotermes Zhao et al., 2020 .

Diagnosis. In the soldier caste these termites can be distinguished most notable from Arceotermitinae by the presence of compound eyes, albeit reduced; the narrower pronotum; and the in the left mandible the posterior margin of left marginal tooth is shorter than or equal to the anterior margin of the second marginal tooth (the posterior margin of the left marginal tooth is longer than the anterior margin of the second marginal tooth in Arceotermes : Fig. 6 View FIGURE 6 ). Unlike Stolotermitidae , the basal suture in alates of Cosmotermes is convex rather than straight and diagonal.

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