Meleonoma flavilineata Kitajima et Sakamaki, 2019

Wang, Shuxia & Zhu, Xiaoju, 2020, Study of the genus Meleonoma Meyrick, 1914 (Lepidoptera: Autostichidae) from China, with descriptions of twenty-one new species (II), Zootaxa 4881 (2), pp. 257-289 : 267-268

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Meleonoma flavilineata Kitajima et Sakamaki, 2019


Meleonoma flavilineata Kitajima et Sakamaki, 2019

( Figs 10 View FIGURES 9–14 , 32 View FIGURES 31–36 , 49 View FIGURES 47–51 )

Material examined. CHINA, Chongqing: 1♀, Mt. Simian , 1280 m, 13.VII.2012, leg. YH Sun & AH Yin ; Guangdong: 2♂ 3♀, Mt. He , 27.III.2003, leg. GL Liu , slide No. YAH15501 View Materials ; 1♀, Mt. Babao, Nanling , 1070 m, 23.VIII.2010, leg. SL Hao ; Guizhou: 1♀, Dongdai, Shuizu Town , Limingguan , Libo County, 720 m, 19.VII.2015, leg. MQ Yang & GE Lee ; Zhejiang: 12♀, Huangtanyu, Mt. Jiulong , 467 m, 3–9.VII.2013, leg. AH Yin & XC Wang ; 2♀, Yanping, Mt. Jiulong , 530 m, 4.VII.2013, leg. AH Yin & XC Wang ; 2♀, Zhangkengkou, Mt. Jiulong , 623 m, 5.VII.2013, leg. AH Yin & XC Wang ; 1♀, Mt. Tianmu , 365 m, 26. VI.2013, leg. AH Yin & XC Wang, slide No. YAH15071 View Materials ; 3♀, Mt. Tianmu , 325 m, 28–30. VI.2013, leg. AH Yin & XC Wang; 3♀, Pinggang, Mt. Longxu , 754 m, 22.VII.2014, leg. AH Yin et al.; 1♀, Qianqingtang, Qingliangfeng , 1059 m, 28.VII.2014, leg. AH Yin et al.; 1♀, Jiufu Village, Mt. Longtang , 520 m, 26.VII.2014, leg. AH Yin et al., slide No. ZXJ19137 View Materials ( NKU) .

Diagnosis. This species can be distinguished from its congeners in the male genitalia by the ventral margin of the valva produced to a large stout free spine distally. It is similar to M. mecobursoides sp. nov. in the forewing pattern, and the differences between them are stated in the diagnosis of the latter species.

Description. Adult ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 9–14 ). Forewing length 5.0‾ 5.5 mm.

Head blackish brown, frons yellowish white, occiput mixed with yellowish-brown scales. Labial palpus yellow; second segment with two blackish-brown rings distally; third segment 2/3 length of second segment, with a blackish-brown spot medially. Scape of antenna yellow, with blackish-brown scales dorsally; flagellum blackish brown, annulated with yellow on ventral surface.

Thorax and tegula blackish brown. Forewing with costal margin slightly arched, narrowly rounded at apex; ground colour blackish brown; costal margin with inner yellow spot rectangular, from basal 1/3 obliquely outward and crossing anterior margin of cell, outer yellow spot at distal 1/4, narrow triangular, parallel with preceding spot, sometimes interrupted by a black dot in middle anteriorly; dorsal yellow spot at end of fold, edged with black scales; fold with a black spot at distal 1/3, bordered by yellow spots on outside; cell with a black spot near middle, bordered by yellow spots on outside, with black spot at anterior and posterior angles respectively, between two black spots placed a large yellow spot; fringe blackish brown. Hindwing and fringe blackish brown. Legs yellow; on ventral surface, fore coxa as well as femora of fore- and midlegs with blackish-brown scales, tarsi of fore- and midlegs blackish brown except yellow at apices of basal two and apical one tarsomeres, hind tarsus blackish brown except yellow at apex of each tarsomere, all tibiae blackish brown except yellow apically.

Male genitalia ( Fig. 32 View FIGURES 31–36 ). Uncus wide at base, narrowed to narrowly rounded apex. Gnathos sclerotized laterally, not exceeding anterior margin of tegumen, membranous anteriorly. Tegumen sub-trapezoidal, broadly and shallowly arched inward on anterior margin. Valva wide at base, slightly narrowed to rounded apex, with sparse large setae in costal area basally, with dense setae distally; ventral margin heavily sclerotized, produced to a large and strong, heavily sclerotized free distal process curving downward, pointed at apex; costa narrow, weakly concave medially; transtilla slender, joined medially. Sacculus sub-rectangular, not separated from valva; apex heavily sclerotized, ventrally produced to a small triangular process. Saccus elongate triangular, narrowed to apex, nearly twice length of uncus. Juxta V-shaped, curving inward before apex. Aedeagus longer than valva, basal 1/3 sclerotized; distal 2/3 membranous, with wrinkles and tightly compact fine spines, with an irregular sclerite medially.

Female genitalia ( Fig. 49 View FIGURES 47–51 ). Papillae anales sub-quadrate, setose. Apophyses anteriores approximately 1/2 as long as apophyses posteriores. Eighth tergite broadly concave medially on posterior margin, roundly produced posterolaterally, straight on anterior margin. Eighth sternal plate spiculate; posterior margin narrowly incised from middle to before anterior margin, forming two sub-quadrate plates, lined with long setae; anterior margin roundly produced. Lamella antevaginalis with ventral surface sub-rectangular, length twice of width, slightly concave on anterior margin, anterolaterally with large reticulate ovate areas narrowed along lateral margin to posterior margin of eighth sternal plate; dorsal surface narrowly banded, produced to a large trapezoidal process at middle, posterolaterally produced to a digitate process. Ductus bursae wide, membranous except partly sclerotized on posterior 2/3; ductus seminalis arising from ductus bursae anteriorly. Corpus bursae slightly wider than ductus bursae, nearly as long as ductus bursae; signum small, ovate, with dense teeth and one short spine.

Distribution. China (Chongqing, Guangdong, Guizhou, Zhejiang), Japan.

Remarks. The male is described here for the first time.


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Nankai University

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