Vytfutiini, Griswold, 1990

Griswold, Charles E., 2022, The Lace Web Spider Genus Vytfutia Deeleman-Reinhold (Araneae, Phyxelididae) in the Indo-Pacific Region, Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 67 (14), pp. 329-355 : 333-335

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https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.11513175



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Vytfutiini , Griswold, 1990

Type genus Vytfutia Deeleman-Reinhold, 1986: 34 . Comprise a single genus, Vytfutia .

Diagnosis, Synapomorphies and Description See below under Vytfutia .

Vytfutia Deeleman-Reinhold, 1986: 34 View in CoL (type species by monotypy Vytfutia bedel Deeleman-Reinhold View in CoL , holotype male in RMNH, examined). V. Deeleman-Reinhold, 1986: 34, type V. bedel Deeleman-Reinhold, 1986 ; N.B.: transferred from Agelenidae to Amaurobiidae by Griswold, 1990: 186, to Phyxelididae by Griswold et al., 1999: 59.

Diagnosis: Vytfutia may be distinguished from other Phyxelididae by having the epigynum ( Figs. 24 View FIGURES , 39 View FIGURES , 41 View FIGURES , 48 View FIGURES ) with the posterior median lobe fused to the lateral lobes so that no suture is visible, by the presence of a retrolateral process ( RL) on the male palpal tarsus and a sclerotized dorsal spur on male metatarsus I ( Figs. 16 View FIGURES , 37 View FIGURES , 46 View FIGURES ), by the entire chilum ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES ) and by the PLS lacking the stout, curved, apicolateral seta ( Figs. 12, 13 View FIGURES ).

Synapomorphies: Among the Phyxelididae , the dorsal spur on male metatarsus I ( Figs. 56–61 View FIGURES ), RTA on the male palpal tibia, and fusion of median and lateral sectors of the epigynum into a single plate ( Figs. 24 View FIGURES , 39 View FIGURES , 41 View FIGURES , 48 View FIGURES ) comprise Vytfutia synapomorphies.

Notes: Vytfutia halandrefana and V. pallens are the most morphologically divergent species of Vytfutia , and also very different to each other. Vytfutia halandrefana is small, with a broad thoracic fovea, few leg spines and complex female genitalia with convoluted ducts. Unfortunately, the male of V. halandrefana remains unknown. Vulval morphology suggests that the V. halandrefana male palp has an elongate embolus. Vytfutia pallens is much larger than other Vytfutia , with longer limbs and pale coloration, as befits a cave-dwelling organism.

Description: ( Vytfutia ) Total length 2.12–7.70. Markings differ significantly among species and are described under each species description. Carapace length 1.19–1.43 times width, height 0.39–0.53 width; thoracic fovea typically linear, length 0.11–0.18 carapace length, narrow oval in V. halandrefana , length 0.07 carapace length. PER straight to slightly recurved, AER straight, ocular area width 2.25–3.33 times length; clypeal height typically 1.20-1.70 times AM diameter, but lower in V. halandrefana , 0.60–0.80 times AM diameter; chelicerae with small boss ( Figs. 1 View FIGURES , 35 View FIGURES ), length 6.50–14.00 times clypeal height, pro- and retromargins of fang furrow with 3–5 heterogeneous teeth, retromargin with 3-4 escort setae at fang base, promargin with large group of fluffy whisker setae, rake setae not found (Ramirez 2014); cheliceral gland on flat cuticle, with numerous pores; labrum with flattened, anteriad pointing labral tongue, tongue apex free, deeply concave, with plumose setae dorsally and laterally on labrum, minute, bristle-like setae occur distad of tongue apex; sternum length 1.17–1.39 times width, apex a blunt point ( Figs. 29 View FIGURES , 33 View FIGURES ). Legs long, femur I 1.01–1.48 times carapace length; leg I always longest, III shortest, leg formula 1423, in some species 1243 or 1 [2=4] 3; male metatarsi I ( Figs. 27, 28 View FIGURES , 56–61 View FIGURES ) with retrolateral, concavity at midsegment, concavity lacks spinules, at base of concavity a short, prolateral process surmounted by stout clasping spine, concavity arising at 0.21-0.47 length of metatarsus, concavity length 0.21–0.27 metatarsus, with short, dorsal spur at apex of concavity, spur height 0.06–0.95 of metatarsus length; legs otherwise unmodified; palpal claw and STC with numerous (up to 11) teeth ( Figs. 52, 55 View FIGURES ), ITC with 2-3 teeth or smooth ( V. pallens ); calamistrum subapical, origin at 0.22-0.29 distance from metatarsus base, length 0.33–0.46 metatarsus length ( Figs. 8 View FIGURES , 50 View FIGURES ). Spination (following summary is based on males and females of Vytfutia labalaba ; V. bedel and V. pallens are very similar; the female of V. halandrefana is very different, which is noted in that species’ description). Male: palp: femur d0-1-1, p0-1-0; leg I: femur d1-1-1, p0-0-0-1, r0-0-1, tibia d0-0-1, p0-1-1-0, r1-1-1-0, metatarsus p0-0-1, v2-0-0-2, r0-1(clasper)-0; leg II: femur d1-1-1, p0-0-1-0, r0-0-1-0, tibia p0-1-1-0, r0-1-2-0, metatarsus p0-1-1-2, r0-0-2; leg III: femur d1-1-1, p0-0-1-0, r0-0-1-0, patella d0-1, p1, r1, tibia d1-0-0, p0-1-1-0, v0-0-1-0, r0-1-1-0, metatarsus p1-1-0-2, v2-0-0-2, r1-1-0-1; leg IV: femur d1-1-1, p0-0-1-0, r0-0-1-0, patella d0-1-0, tibia d1-0-0, p0-1-1-0, v0-1-1-0, r0-1-1-0, metatarsus p1-1-0-2, v2-0-0-2, r1-1-0-1. Female: palp: femur d0-0-1-1, r0-0-1; leg I: femur d0-1-1-0, p0-0-0-1, tibia p0-1-1-0, r0-1-1-0, metatarsus p0-0-1, v2-0-0, r0-0-1; leg II: femur d1-1-1, p0-0-1, r0-0-1, tibia d1-1-0-2, v2-0-0-2, r1-1-0-2, p0-1-1-0, metatarsus d0-0-1, p0-1-1-0, v2-0-0-2, r0-0-1-0; leg III: femur d1-1-0-1, p0-0-0-1, r0-0-0-1, patella p1, r1, tibia p0-1-1-0, v1-1-0-0, r0-1-1-0, metatarsus p1-1-0-2, v2-0-2-1, r1-1-0-2; leg IV: femur d1-0-0-1, p0-0-1, r0-0-1, patella d1, tibia p0-1-1-0, v1-1-0-0, r0-1-1-0, metatarsus d2-0-01, p1-1-0-2, v0-1-0-2, r0-0-0-1. Male epiandrum lacking spigots. Tracheae comprise four simple tubes that are limited to the abdomen ( Deeleman-Reinhold, 1986: 34). Spinnerets (based on scanning electron microscope [SEM] examination of three species: males and females of V. pallens Deeleman-Reinhold ( Griswold et al., 2005, figs. 46D, 47, 48) and of V. labalaba new species and a female of V. halandrefana , new species). Vytfutia are typical phyxelidids in cribellum and paracribellar morphology, and universally differ from Vidoleini and Phyxelidini in lacking the large, stout, curved seta (black when viewed with light microscopy) at ectal margin of the PLS (compare Figs. 14 and 12 View FIGURES ). Cribellum width 0.43–0.67 spinnerets width ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES ). Female ALS may have one mesal MAP spigot with a posterior MAP nubbin; V. halandrefana differs in retaining two MAP spigots. Piriform gland ( PI) spigots in females range from as few as 18 ( V. halandrefana ) to more than 50 ( V. pallens ); males have fewer; small tartipores are scattered throughout PI spigot field; female PMS with as few as 10 ( V. halandrefana ) to more than 25 ( V. labalaba ) PC spigots; replaced by nubbins in the male; the PMS of both sexes have one anteromedian mAP spigot and at least two ( V. halandrefana ) to six ( V. labalaba ) AC spigots and one ( V. halandrefana ) to four ( V. pallens ) CY spigots; female PLS with large anterior MS spigot with cylindrical base and shaft, accompanied by a flanking AC, MS and flanking AC are replaced by nubbins in male; female with one ( V. halandrefana ) to three ( V. labalaba ) CY spigots and fewer than eight AC spigots. Palpal femur with anterobasal row of four to eight stout setae set in enlarged bases, these setae shortened and enlarged as thorns ( Figs. 9 View FIGURES , 53, 54 View FIGURES ); male palpal tibia ( Figs. 16 View FIGURES , 46, 47 View FIGURES ) with short to long, convex, simple DTA extending apically, RTA developed as a trapezoidal flange; cymbium with retrolateral paracribellar projection ( Figs. 15 View FIGURES , 38 View FIGURES , 46, 47 View FIGURES ); palpal bulb with a small, oval petiole, anneli of subtegulum weakly developed, tegulum central, convex, course of reservoir a simple curve within bulb, without switchbacks, median apophysis present, fleshy, arising at mid-bulb near embolic base; embolus a slender, narrow, tapering blade to a slender spine, pars pendula fused basally with truncus of embolus, embolus flexibly attached to tegulum; conductor apical, fleshy, grooved to receive apex of embolus ( Figs. 15 View FIGURES , 36, 37 View FIGURES , 45, 46 View FIGURES ). Female genitalia with epigynum ( Figs. 18 View FIGURES , 24 View FIGURES , 39 View FIGURES , 41 View FIGURES ) a simple, undivided plate, copulatory openings slit like, transverse, oblique to longitudinal; vulva with capsulate structures(s) with internal chambers, with 2-3 lobes, at least V. labalaba with sessile HS and posterdorsal Bennett’s gland pore ( Fig. 42 View FIGURES ), may have convoluted ducts ( V. halandrefana , Fig. 25 View FIGURES ).

Composition: Four species, all in the genus Vytfutia .

Distribution: The Indo-Pacific islands of Madagascar, Sumatra and Borneo ( Fig. 62 View FIGURE ).

Key to the species of Vytfutia View in CoL

1 Males .................................................................... 5

— Females.................................................................. 2

2 (1) Epigynum deep, quadrangle less than 1.00, copulatory opening rims oblique to nearly longitudinal, posterior margin of epigynum convex or concave ( Figs. 18 View FIGURES , 39 View FIGURES , 48 View FIGURES ), vulva with 2-3 simple lobes, without slender ducts, vulva width greater than twice length ( Figs. 19 View FIGURES , 40 View FIGURES , 49 View FIGURES ) ......................................................................... 3

— Epigynum broad, quadrangle greater than 2.50, copulatory opening rims transverse, posterior margin of epigynum concave ( Figs. 23 View FIGURES , 24 View FIGURES ), vulva complex with large anterior lobe and slender ducts, vulva width less than 1.50 times length ( Fig. 25 View FIGURES ), Madagascar............................................................... V. halandrefana View in CoL , new species

3 (2) Epigynum with copulatory opening rims oblique ( Figs. 39 View FIGURES , 48 View FIGURES ), vulva with integrated lobes anteriad of copulatory openings ( Figs. 40 View FIGURES , 49 View FIGURES ).................................... 4

— Epigynum with copulatory opening rims longitudinal, epigynum posterior margin convex, elongated posteriorly in center ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES ), vulva with spherical lobe laterad of copulatory openings ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES )................................... V. bedel Deeleman-Reinhold, 1986 View in CoL

4 (3) Epigynum with copulatory opening rims converging anteriorly, posterior margin slightly concave ( Figs. 39 View FIGURES , 41 View FIGURES ), vulva with paired lobes laterad of copulatory openings ( Figs. 40 View FIGURES , 42 View FIGURES )......................................................... V. labalaba View in CoL , new species

— Epigynum with copulatory opening rims diverging anteriorly, posterior margin straight to slightly convex ( Fig. 48 View FIGURES ), vulva with paired lobes far anteriad of copulatory openings ( Fig. 49 View FIGURES )...................................... V. pallens Deeleman-Reinhold, 1989 View in CoL

5 (1) Male palpal tibia with DTA short, less than 0.25 length tibia ( Figs. 37, 38 View FIGURES , 46, 49 View FIGURES ), tibia with subapical spine or cuspule, embolus short, arising near base of bulb (past 6 o’clock) and making turn of less than 180º, median apophysis long, length greater than 5.00 times width ( Figs. 36, 37 View FIGURES , 45, 46 View FIGURES )........................................................ 6

— Male palpal tibia with DTA elongate, greater than 0.50 length tibia ( Figs. 16, 17 View FIGURES ), tibia lacking subapical enlarged seta, embolus long, arising on retrolateral side of bulb (4 o’clock) and making turn of more than 225º, median apophysis short, length less than 4.00 times width ( Figs. 15, 17 View FIGURES )................................... V. bedel Deeleman-Reinhold, 1986 View in CoL

6 (5) Palpal tibia with elongate apical spine ( Figs. 46, 47 View FIGURES ), embolus short, straight, arises on prolateral side of bulb (near 8 o’clock), median apophysis hooked at apex ( Figs. 45, 46 View FIGURES ); metatarsus I long, base of concavity originates at more than 0.45 metatarsus length, spur high, height great than 0.09 metatarsus length ( Figs. 60, 61 View FIGURES )...... V. pallens Deeleman-Reinhold, 1989 View in CoL

— Palpal tibia with short subapical cuspule ( Figs. 37, 38 View FIGURES ), embolus long, curved, arises at base of bulb (near 6 o’clock), median apophysis flattened, spoon shaped at apex ( Figs. 36, 37 View FIGURES ); metatarsus I shorter, base of concavity originates at less than 0.35 metatarsus length, spur low, height greater than 0.08 metatarsus length ( Figs. 58, 59 View FIGURES )......... V. labalaba View in CoL , new species


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Griswold, Charles E. 2022


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