Moenkhausia sanctae filomenae (Steindachner)

Mirande, Juan Marcos, Koerber, Stefan, Terán, Guillermo E. & Aguilera, Gastón, 2020, Who’s behind those red eyes? The Moenkhausia oligolepis group in Argentina (Characiformes: Characidae)., Ichthyological Contributions of PecesCriollos 66, pp. 1-7 : 3

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Moenkhausia sanctae filomenae (Steindachner)


Moenkhausia sanctae filomenae (Steindachner)

One male of 41, one female of 46 mm total length. Height 2.6-2.5; head 3.5-3.7; eye 2.8-2.7. Interorbital distance only slightly bigger than eye diameter. D 10; A 25-26; in one longitudinal row 26 scales, between dorsal and pelvic fins 10 scales. The lateral line perforates 9 or 10 scales. Coloration yellowish-grey-olive, the belly more yellowish, in the male silver, in this [the male] also the body shiny silver. Edges of scales darker, the scales with fine radii. On the caudal peduncle from the end of the adipose fin a pale yellow, in the living animal a metallic bright zone, followed by a dark brown swathe of equal width, which extends to the caudal fin. First rays of anal fin with a fine dark line. All other fins colorless.

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