Coeliccia coomansi, M.A. Lieftinck, 1940

M. A. Lieftinck, 1940, Descriptions and records of South-East Asiatic Odonata (II), Treubia 17 (4), pp. 337-392 : 355-356

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scientific name

Coeliccia coomansi

sp. n.

Coeliccia coomansi , sp. n. ( fig. 9-10). View Fig

Material studied: — 2 males, 1 female (ad.), W. Borneo, Singkawang, Mt. Poteng , 400 in alt., Jan. 31, 1932 (holotype ♂ and allotype ♀), April 1, 1934, L. Coomans de Ruiter leg., in the Buitenzorg Museum .

Male (ad.). — Head coloured as in the preceding species ( arcuata , sp. n.), but lower margin of mandible-bases bordered with black and basal half of labrum sharply defined pale blue. Postclypeus black, very shining.

Prothorax with anterior and posterior lobes black, except the side-edges of the anterior lobe, which are yellow; middle lobe orange-yellow with a fine median black line and with a thick black stripe over the lateral suture. Posterior lobe with a very shallow median concavity.

Synthorax bronzy-black above, ground-colour uniform orange-yellow including the antehumeral stripes and the shoulder-spot, the former being less pointed dorsally than in arcuata . On the side of the thorax the black stripe joining the second suture is shorter, rather tapering ventrally and ceasing midway between upper margin and the spiracle.

Legs coloured similarly to the preceding species. Wings hyaline. Neuration as in the previous species. Quadrilateral identical in shape to flavostriata 2). Pterostigina blackish-brown, shaped exactly as in

flavostriata . 13 - 15 Postnodals in fore wing, 13 - 14 in hind wing. Abdomen long and slender. Colouring similar to arcuata , but terminal segments entirely black. Anal appendages black, of slender build; superior pair almost twice as long as segm. 1 0, inferiors distinctly longer than the superiors. Superior pair forcipate in dorsai view, straight in side-view, flattened dorso-ventrally towards the

1) Cf. F. F. Laidlaw, A Revision o f the genus Coeliccia . Rec. Ind. Mus. 34, 1932, p. 7 - 42, 3 pls. 2) Cf. F. F. Laidlaw, P. Z. S. London, 1918, p. 223 fig. 1 (wings ♂).

356 Treubia Deel 17, 1940, Afl. 4.

free extremity; each carries a very robust pointed internal spur slightly before the middle, which is directed mesiad almost under a right angle. Inferior appendages very slender, cylindrical, incurved apically ( fig. 9).

Female (ad.). — Head coloured as in the male, but labrum wholly black. Pale marks on dorsum of prothorax reduced to paired, greenish-yellow spots on the middle lobe and a yellow patch of the same size as the dorsal spots on either side of the anterior lobe. Posterior lobe strongly modified, carrying an enormous, mid-dorsal, bladdery structure which projects obliquely upwards and backwards; this projection is wedge-shaped in profile view and rounded off dorsally, and in frontal view appears to consist of a single very broad median lamella, roughly triangular in outline, convex anteriorly and folded together to the long axis of the body, with the free posterior angles curved towards each other and meeting in one point, enclosing an oval opening when viewed from above ( fig. 10 View Fig ).

Colouring of synthorax and legs in general very similar to that of the male. Dorsum dull bronzy-black, antehumeral bands a trifle broader, greenish-yellow.

Wings with 14-15 postnodals in fore wing, 13-14 in hind wing. Pterostigma greyish-brown.

Abdomen with segm. 1 coloured as in the opposite sex, dorsum of 2 - 7 blackish-brown, sides yellowish-brown, progressively darker from before backwards. Segm. 3 - 5 with a pair of small transverse basal yellow streaks (vestigial on 4 and 5), 8 - 1 0 black. Intersegmental membranes between 7 - 8 and 8 - 9 yellow dorsally; 8 with a transverse, isolated bluish-green band, occupying the distal one-fifth of the dorsum and with a large spot of the same colour covering the distal fourth of the sternite; 9 - 1 0 and appendages black.

Anal appendages conical, pointed, shorter than segm. 10. Valves black, ventral margin slightly convex, tips yellowish, projecting beyond apex of segm. 10 for about the length of this segment.

Length: ♂ abd. + app. 36.5-38, hw. 22; ♀ 35.5 (incl. valves), 23.5 mm.













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