Neotheronia rosai Gauld, 1991

Moreno, Alejandra González - & Bordera, Santiago, 2012, The Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonoidea) of Ría Lagartos Biosphere Reserve, Yucatán, Mexico, Zootaxa 3230, pp. 1-51 : 36

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.214087

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scientific name

Neotheronia rosai Gauld, 1991


Neotheronia rosai Gauld, 1991

Distribution: Neotropical ( Costa Rica).

Habitat: Coastal dune scrubland, dry forest.

Phenology: June, August.

Studied material: MEXICO. Yucatán State, Ría Lagartos Biosphere Reserve, Cuyo Station, Cemetery: 28.VII – 12. VIII. 2008, 1 3. Sacbo: 12–28. VIII. 2008, 1 3 (CER – UADY). Tekal: 03– 17. VI. 2008, 1 Ƥ ( CEUA).

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