Stenoloba plumbeoviridis, Han & Kononenko, 2018

Han, H. L. & Kononenko, V. S., 2018, Twelve new species and four new records of Stenoloba Staudinger 1892 from China (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae: Bryophilinae), Zootaxa 4388 (3), pp. 301-327 : 305

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scientific name

Stenoloba plumbeoviridis

sp. nov.

Stenoloba plumbeoviridis sp. n.

( Figs 7 View FIGURES 1–15 , 36 View FIGURES 36–39 )

Type material. Holotype: male, China, Prov. Yunnan, Tengchong, Heinitan , 2.v.2013, H.L. Han leg. slide HHL- 2920-1, coll. NEFU . Paratypes: 2 males, same locality, data and collector, coll. NEFU .

Diagnosis. S. plumbeoviridis and S. plumbeobrunnea sp. n. (described below) represent a closely related pair of species, having a rather similar external appearance. They differ, however, in several details in their external and genital features. The forewing ground colour of S. plumbeoviridis is more greenish, the subterminal line with distinct pale orange subtornal spot, whereas not presented in S. plumbeobrunnea ; the hindwing of S. plumbeoviridis is more yellowish. We place this and the next species to Stenoloba oculata species-group.

Description. Adult ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 1–15 ). Wingspan 24 mm. Forewing rather narrow, with parallel margins and convex outer margin; head and thorax plumbeous-greenish; ground colour of forewing plumbeous grey with intensive greenish tint; wing pattern reduced, heavily traceable; basal field greenish, separated by thin indistinct pale line, with patch of black scales on tornal margin; antemedial field plumbeous-greenish; antemedial line indistinct, twin, brownish, costal area with greenish dusting and diffused dark bases of transversal lines; medial area plumbeousgreenish; orbicular indistinct; reniform as patch of black scales, encircled inwardly by semi-lunar line; postmedial line indistinct, twin, with distinct twin pale orange subtornal dash; subterminal line brownish, wide, diffuse; terminal line terminal line interrupted, as line of blackish streaks; cilia plumbeous-brown. Hindwing ground colour yellowish-ochreous, with greyish dusting on most surface; discal spot distinct; terminal area and cilia yellowishochreous.

Male genitalia ( Fig. 36 View FIGURES 36–39 ). Uncus, very small, short and weak; tegumen and vinculum moderate broad; tegument two time smaller than vinculum; juxta broadly rhomboidal; valva relatively short, with broad base, constricted apically, ended by strong acute extension covered with strong setae; sacculus large, elongate; costa strongly sclerotised, with huge comb-like flat extension in medial part. Aedeagus moderate in length, vesica tubular, with elongate bulbous extension, bearing small triangular diverticulum; armed with a tiny, setiform cornuti. Female unknown.

Etymology. The species is named by its characteristic plumbeous with intensive green tint colouration.

Distribution. Southwest China (Prov. Yunnan). The species is known only from its type-locality in Prov. Yunnan, Tengchong, where it occurs in mountains at elevation 1200–1500 m. Moths were collected in May.















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