Armascirus cyaneus, Kalúz, Stanislav, 2009

Kalúz, Stanislav, 2009, Two new Palearctic mite species of the family Cunaxidae (Acari: Prostigmata), Zootaxa 2198, pp. 27-40 : 28-31

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.189555


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Armascirus cyaneus

sp. nov.

Armascirus cyaneus , new species

Diagnostic features. This species can be distinguished from other species in this paper by: the coxal chaetotaxy I–IV 3-1 -3-3, the short ventral median apophysis on palpal telofemur, the absence of hysterosomal dorsal median shield and a very small oval hysterosomal plateles. Another differrent features include the longer distance between bases the d1–d1 (3 times the distance between f1–f1).

Description: Female – Holotype, body length 1120; width 495.

Dorsum ( Fig.1 View FIGURE 1 ): Propodosoma with a reticulate subrectangular shield, coneshaped distally. Propodosomal shield reaching to anterior region of hysterosoma, vearing a pair of anterior (vi) and posterior (sce) sensillae and also a pair of ve and sci tactile setae (sensu Den Heyer & Castro, 2008b). Anterior sensilla 355 long, posterior sensilla 515 long, distance between bases of posterior sensillae 243. Propodosoma separated from hysterosoma by fine striae with broken dashlike papillae. Fine striae between the setae d1–d1 anteriorly slightly concave to transversal. Hysterosoma with a pair of lateral reticulate platelets, but without hysterosomal median shield. Six pairs of tactile dorsal setae present on hysterosoma; c2, c1–h1. Short setae c1– e1 about equal in length (12 μm); setae f1 and h1 about three times long as setae c1 and c2. The distance of bases of setae c1–c1 about twelve times the length of c1; d1–d1 about nine times the length of d1; e1–f1 about six times long e1; h1–h1 nearly twice the length of h1.

Ve n te r ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ). Coxal plates weakly sclerotized, coxae I–II and III–IV contiguous and smooth. Coxae I– IV setal formula: 3-1-3-3 sts. Venter of hysterosoma ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ) with a pair of simple setae on striated integument between coxae III and with five pairs of hysterogastral setae arranged anteriorly to the genital plates. Four pairs of simple setae on weekly sclerotized genital plates increase in length posteriorly.

Gnathosoma ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ). Five segmented palp 390 long with palpal tibiotarsus nearly strait, apically slightly curved. Palp with gently punctate surface and bare tibiotarsus. Palpal chaetotaxy as follows: trochanter - 0, basifemur - 1 dorsomedial simple seta; telofemur inner surface with 1 medial apophysis, ventrally with stout spinelike seta, anteriorly with 1 spinelike seta; genu with 1 simple seta ventrally, inner surface with 1 spinelike seta, apically with 1 elongate apophysis, outer surface ventrally with 1 simple seta, dorsally with 1 spinelike seta, palpgenual apophysis five times long as adjacent spinelike seta; tibiotarsus inner surface with 1 long simple seta and medially with 1 stout spinelike seta; outer surface with 1 ventrolateral and 1 dorsolateral simple seta; terminating with 1 solenidion (sensu Den Heyer 2006) and a small short claw.

Chelicera. Slender and 193(216)-225-250 long, cheliceral segment I as well as the proximal part of segment II with randomly placed papillae, a pair of distal setae present.

Hypognathum ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ). Subrectangular distally coneshaped hypognathum with two pairs of short adoral setae and four pairs of hypognathal setae (hg). Setae hg 2 & hg 3 two times longer than hg 1 & hg 4. Coxal region of the hypognathum with randomly placed fine papillae.

Legs ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 ). Legs I–III shorter than leg IV. Chaetotaxy I–IV (excluding coxae) as follows: trochanters I– IV, 1-1-2-1 sts; basifemora I–IV, 5-5-4-2 sts; telofemora I–IV, 4-4-4-4 sts; genu I - 3 asl, 2 mst, 4 sts; genu II - 2 asl, 5 sts; genu III - 1 asl, 5 sts; genu IV - 2 asl, 5 sts; tibia I - 2 asl, 1 mst, 3 sts; tibia II - 1 asl, 5 sts; tibia III - 1 bsl, 5 sts; tibia IV, 1 smooth T, 3 sts; tarsus I - 1 peo, 3 asl, 1 bsl, 1 tsl, 16 sts; tarsus II - 1 bsl, 1 tsl, 16 sts; tarsus III – 1 tsl, 15 sts; tarsus IV – 1 tsl, 15 sts.

Length of leg segments: Coxa I - 69 (77)-78-84, II - 62 (62)-74-80, III - 58 (58)-67-81, IV - 85 (96)-94-98; Trochanter I - 27 (27)-31-33, II - 28 (31)-35-40, III - 44 (46)-45-46, IV - 49 (58)-57-61; Basifemur I - 105(108)- 112-120, II - 81 (96)-100-115, III - 93 (96)-97-104, IV - 96 (116)-114-126; Telofemur I - 57 (69)-65-74, II - 43 (43)-54-65, III - 39 (43)-44-51, IV - 46 (46)-50-61; Genu I - 38 (46)-42-46, II - 38 (38)-40-43, III - 39 (51)-49- 3, IV - 46 (57)-57-69; Tibia I - 50 (50)-55-61, II - 46 (50)-50-54, III - 62 (77)-75-83, IV - 76 (78)-80-89; Tarsus, I - 166(201)-201-224, II - 143(170)-172-192, III - 139(185)-178-204, IV - 154(185)-184-212.

Male and developmental stages: Unknown.

Material studied. Holotype (Type serie No: SZ 6888): female on slide, South Slovakia, Cerová vrchovina Mts., Tachty village env., Dolina Gortvy walley (N–48˚08΄54ʺ, E–19˚55΄24ʺ), 20.6.2007 from grass on sand dune. Paratypes (Type serie No: SZ 6889): SW Slovakia, Bratislava, Podunajské Biskupice (N– 48˚05΄43ʺ, E–17˚09΄44ʺ), Nature reserve Ostrov Kopáč - Quercetum delechampi, 10.8.2006, 1 female from grass; SW Slovakia, Podunajská rovina plane, Jurová willage env. (N–47˚56΄34ʺ, E–17˚33΄42ʺ), Salici- Populetum, 10. 7. 1989, 1 female collected from soil samples; South Slovakia, Cerová vrchovina Mts., Tachty village env., Dolina Gortvy walley (N–48˚08΄54ʺ, E–19˚55΄24ʺ), 20.6.2007, 1 female from grass on sand dune. Material collected by author. Type material is deposited in Slovak National Museum, Bratislava.

Etymology: The name of species ( cyaneus ) is derivated from blueish body colour of living mite.















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