Galumna (Neogalumna)

Ermilov, Sergey G. & Anichkin, Alexander E., 2014, Taxonomic study of oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida) of Bi Dup — Nui Ba National Park (southern Vietnam), Zootaxa 3834 (1), pp. 1-86 : 82

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3834.1.1

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scientific name

Galumna (Neogalumna)


Key to known species of the subgenus Galumna (Neogalumna) View in CoL

1. Bothridial setae setiform, without clearly developed head; genital plates with stria................................. 2

- Bothridial setae with well developed head; genital plates smooth or foveolate.................................... 5

2. Pteromorphs with dense short stria; postanal porose area strongly elongate; body size: 700–780 × 500–565................................................ G. (N.) longiporosa ( Liang, Yang & Tang, 2014) View in CoL (Distribution: north-eastern China)

- Pteromorphs without dense short stria; postanal porose area oval............................................... 3

3. Lamellar lines long, reaching insertions of rostral setae; lamellar setae 1.5 longer than rostral setae; body size: 431–448 × 282–348................................................... G. (N.) longilineata sp. nov. (Distribution: Vietnam)

- Lamellar lines short, clearly not reaching the insertions of rostral setae; rostral and lamellar setae similar in length........ 4

4. Interlamellar setae longer than rostral and lamellar setae; alveoli of notogastral setae c x (anteriorly to porose areas Aa) absent; body size: 381–398 × 265–282................... G. (N.) seniczaki ( Ermilov & Anichkin, 2010) (Distribution: Vietnam)

- Interlamellar setae shorter than rostral and lamellar setae; alveoli of notogastral setae c x (anteriorly to porose areas Aa) present; body size: 381–415 × 265–298.................................... G. (N.) tolstikovi sp. nov. (Distribution: Vietnam)

5. Bothridial stalk shorter than head; notogastral porose areas Aa inverse V-shaped; body size: 510 × 357..................................................................... G. (N.) curviporosa ( Balakrishnan, 1986) (Distribution: India)

- Bothridial stalk longer than head; notogastral porose areas Aa not V-shaped....................................... 6

6. Lamellar lines straight, directed to rostrum, divergent to sublamellar lines in distal part; notogastral porose areas Aa triangular; body length: 614–641...................... G. (N.) araujoi ( Perez-Íñigo & Baggio, 1994) View in CoL (Distribution: Brazil, Bolivia)

- Lamellar and sublamellar lines curving backwards, parallel; notogastral porose areas Aa circular or oval................. 7

7. Head of bothridial setae barbed, little longer than stalk; genital and anal plates foveolate; body size: 288–314 × 200–208........................................... G. (N.) aethiopica ( Mahunka & Mahunka-Papp, 2009) (Distribution: Kenya)

- Head of bothridial setae smooth, longer in three times longer of stalk; genital and anal plates smooth; body length: 370............................................................ G. (N.) antenniger ( Hammer, 1973) View in CoL (Distribution: Samoa)













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