Miconia goldenbergiana Caddah, 2018

Caddah, Mayara K. & Meirelles, Julia, 2018, Miconia goldenbergiana (Melastomataceae, Miconieae): a new species from the Atlantic Forest, Brazil, Phytotaxa 356 (2), pp. 167-173 : 168-170

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.356.2.6



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scientific name

Miconia goldenbergiana Caddah

sp. nov.

Miconia goldenbergiana Caddah View in CoL , sp. nov.

Miconia goldenbergiana View in CoL is similar to M. budlejoides Triana (1871:118) View in CoL differing by the papyraceous leaves with the abaxial surface covered with lepidote trichomes (vs. chartaceous leaves with the abaxial surface covered with stellate trichomes).

Type:— BRAZIL. Espírito Santo: Santa Teresa, São Lourenço. Mata Fria, Terreno de Clério Loss, 19°55’50.2” S, 40°40’59.6”W. Altitude 750 m. Mata de enconsta. Arvoreto 7m. DAP 12cm. Fuste 4 m. Flores brancas. 9 Sep 1998 (fl.), L. Kollmann, E. Bausen & W. Pizziolo 500 (holotype: UPCB! isotypes: MBML, RB). Figures 1–4 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 .

Trees up to 12 m tall; young branches flattened, with interpetiolar ridges, densely covered by ferruginous, lepidote trichomes 0.05–0.1mm diam. Leaves papyraceous, discolorous, dark green in adaxial surface and dark beige in the abaxial surface; petioles (0.5) 1.1–3.4 cm, covered by the same indument of the branches, ridged; blades (3.7)5.2–22 × (1.4) 2.1–8 cm, elliptic, apex acuminate, base acute, sometimes 3.6–4.5 mm long decurrent, margin crenulate to serrulate in the upper third, membranaceous, longitudinal nerves 3, with an additional, faint, marginal pair, suprabasal, joining the midrib up to 2 cm above the base, abaxial surface with dense, ferruginous, punctate indument consisting of lepidote trichomes, ca. 0.1 mm diam. Inflorescences 7–11 × 6–8 cm, glomerulate, with 3–4 flowers per glomerule, terminal, without accessory branches, densely covered by flattened, sessile-stellate trichomes, ca. 0.1 mm diam.; bracts and bracteoles lanceolate, up to 0.9 mm long, caducous. Flowers bisexual, 5-merous. Hypanthium 1.8–1.9 mm long, campanulate, inner surface glabrous, outer densely covered by sessile-stellate trichomes, ca. 0.1 mm diam.; torus glabrous. Calyx lobate, caducous in fruit, inner surface glabrous, outer with trichomes similar to the ones on the hypanthium; tube 0.3–0.4 mm long, inner lobes 0.1 mm long, outer projections subulate. Petals 2.2–2.5 × 1–1.1 mm, obovate to oblong, apex retuse, white. Stamens white, subisomorphic (only slightly differing in filament size) to almost isomorphic; filaments 2.2–3 mm long, glabrous; connectives up to 0.2 mm prolonged below the two thecae, unappendaged; anthers 1.2–2.4 mm long, oblong, with a single terminal, ventrally inclined pore, ca. 0.2 mm diam. Ovary 0.6–0.9 mm long, 1/2 adherent to the hypanthium, 3-locular, apex with a circular swollen projection, covered by sessille-stellate trichomes; style 3.6–4.4 mm long, straight to slightly curved, white, stigma punctiform, glabrous. Berries up to 4.6 × 4.4 mm, purple, seeds 3–11, cuneate to hemispheric, testa smooth.

Distribution:— Miconia goldenbergiana has been collected in montane forests from the very eastern tip of São Paulo state through Serra da Mantiqueira, Rio de Janeiro state, to Serra do Caparaó, Espírito Santo state ( Fig. 4), from (500) 1000–1300 m asl.

Phenology:—The new species has been collected with flowers in spring (September to November) and with fruits in spring and summer (September to March).

Conservation status:—The area of occupancy of Miconia goldenbergiana is 164 km ² and the extent of occurrence 41,527 km ². Therefore, the species should be classified as Endangered (EN), following IUCN Standards and Petitions Subcommittee (2017), criteria B2ab i, ii, iii: area of occupancy less than 500km ², severely fragmented populations, and continuing decline projected in the extent of occurrence and quality of habitat.

Etymology:—The new species is named after Renato Goldenberg, from UPCB Herbarium in light of his important studies on the genus and his essential support over the taxonomic work that generated the present findings.

Comments:— Melastomataceae has the greatest diversity in indument and hair types among flowering plants ( Wurdack 1986), and they often have great diagnostic power at the species level in the family ( Mentink & Baas 1992), being commonly used to distinguish among Miconia species (e.g., Berry 2001; Kriebel & Almeda 2012; Meirelles et al. 2016; Meirelles et al. 2017). The peculiar punctate indument on the abaxial surface of the leaves, consisted of small, lepidote trichomes with a darker center, type 38 (sensu Wurdack, 1986), forming a flat, intricate indument, is the best character to distinguish Miconia goldenbergiana , besides the delicate texture of the leaves. This new species has been extensively collected in the Atlantic Forest s.s. since the XIX century and it has been misidentified as M. budlejoides Triana (1871:118) and, eventually, M. formosa Cogniaux (1891:842) [as Miconia cabucu Hoehne (1933:299) , a latter synonym, see Caddah 2013], both species with glomerulate inflorescences and discolorous leaves. Miconia goldenbergiana differs from the first species by the papyraceous leaves with the abaxial surface covered with lepidote trichomes. Miconia budlejoides has chartaceous leaves with sessille-stellate, non lepidote nor flattened, trichomes on the abaxial surface, forming a soft, furry indument. Miconia formosa does have the same type of indument as in M. goldenbergiana , but the new species differ by the papyraceous and narrower leaves [(1.4) 2.1–8 cm vs. 6.5–15 cm in M. formosa ] with crenulate to serrulate margins (vs. entire) and acute base (vs. acute to rounded, rarely cordulate), and by the smaller flowers (hypanthium 1.8–1.9 mm long, petals 2.2–2.5 × 1–1.1 mm, stamen filaments 2.2–3 mm long, anthers 1.2–2.4 mm long vs. hypanthium 2.5–4 mm long, petals 3.7–3.9 × 2–2.3 mm, stamen filaments 2.9–3.4 mm long, anthers 2.8–3 mm long). Miconia goldenbergiana has been cited by Bacci et al. (2016) as Miconia sp. 1 , in their treatment for the Flora of Espírito Santo.

Paratypes:— BRAZIL. (fl), Blanchet s.n. ( BM). Espírito Santo: Cariacica , 22 Jul 2008 (bud), Goldenberg et al. 1224 ( MBML, RB, UPCB) ; Castelo , 13 Feb 2008 (fr.), Fraga et al. 1832 ( MBML, RB, UPCB), 18 Jul 2008 (bud), Goldenberg et al. 1178 ( MBML, RB, UPCB) ; Conceição do Castelo , 18 Oct 1985 (bud, fl), Hatschbach & Zelma 49931 ( CEPEC, BR, G-2 sheets, MBM, MO) ; Santa Maria de Jetibá , 18 Mar 2003 (fr), Boudet Fernandes et al. 3304 ( MBML, RB, UPCB) ; Santa Teresa, 21 Sep 1993 (bud), Thomaz 860 ( UPCB), 14 Oct 1994 (fl), Thomaz 859 ( RB, UPCB), 17 Jan 1995 (fr), Thomaz 1624 ( UPCB), 27 Oct 1998 (fr), Kollmann et al. 787 ( RB, UPCB), 5 Sep 2001 (fl), Kollmann & Bausen 4513 ( RB, UPCB), 23 Oct 2001 (fl), Kollmann 4881 ( RB, UPCB), 24 Sep 2002 (fl), Vervloet et al. 1040 ( RB, UPCB). Rio de Janeiro: 1889 (st), Glaziou 17549 ( BR), 22 Aug 1948 (fl), Rose & Lutz 8 (R-2 sheets) ; Guapimirim , Oct 1952 (fl), Markgraf 10249 (RB-3 sheets), 21 Nov 1991 (bud, fl), Lima et al. 4351 (RB-2 sheets, SPF) ; Macaé , 22 Oct 1985 (bud, fl), Leitman et al. 37 ( RB) ; Magé, 25 Sep 2007 (bud), Nadruz et al. 1918 ( RB, UPCB), (bud, fl), Nadruz et al. 1998 ( RB), 27 Sep 2007 (fl), Nadruz et al. 2061 ( RB) ; Nova Friburgo , 22 Sep 1880 (fl), Glaziou 17552 (BR-2 sheets, F, G-2 sheets, K, US), 2 Jan 2010 (fr), Caddah, Meirelles et al. 754 ( RB) ; Petrópolis, 7 Sep 1880 (fl), Glaziou 11963 (BR-2 sheets, F, G), 1948 (fr), Góis & Octavio 85 (RB-2 sheets), Oct 1933 (fl), Kuhlmann & Brade 12700A ( F, RB-3 sheets) ; Teresópolis, 25 Sep 1929 (fl), Brade 9377 ( R 1 1/2-sheets), 18 Sep 1948 Brade 19122 ( RB, US), 18 Sep 1948 (bud, fl), Mello 869 ( R), Mello 870 (R-3 sheets), Oct 1952 (bud), Markgraf 10014 ( RB), 4 Oct 1964 (fl), Pabst & Smith 8267 ( HB, MO), 24 Mar 1988 (fr), Vaz et al. 522 ( RB), Oct 1990 (fl), Sabino 1705-A ( SP), 20 Dec 2003 (fr), Adamek et al. 240, 241 ( RB), 8 Jan 2004 (fr), Sattler et al. 108, 114 ( RB), 112 ( RB, SP), 29 Jan 2004 (fr), Pardo 583 ( RB), 3 Feb 2004 (fr), Pardo 612 ( RB), 18 Mar 2004 (fr), Pardo 706, 747 ( RB), 22 Mar 2004 (fr), Pardo 719 ( RB), 26 Mar 2004 (fr), Pardo 802 ( MO), 30 Mar 2004 (fr), Pardo 783 ( RB), 9 Sep 2004 (bud), Pardo 1294 ( RB), 25 Sep 2004 (fr), Pardo 1357 ( RB), 29 Sep 2004 (fl), Pardo 391, 1389 ( RB), 11 Nov 2004 (fr), Wesenberg 140 ( RB), 15 Dec 2004 (fr), Pardo 1569 ( RB), 22 Feb 2005 (fr), Pardo 1735, 1741 ( RB), 11 Mar 2005 (fr), Pardo 1804 ( RB), 21 Jul 2005 (bud), Wesenberg 749 ( RB), 20 Dec 2005 (fr), Pardo 1343 ( RB), 8 Mar 2006 (fr), Pardo 1796 ( RB), 12 Jan 2010, (fr) De Polli 35 ( FLOR, RB), (fr), De Polli 36 ( FLOR, RB), Oct 2012 (bud), Caddah & Canestraro 905 ( NY, UEC, UPCB), 5 Oct 2014 (fl), Meyer & Reginato 2071 ( UPCB). São Paulo: Bananal, 28 Mar 2008 (fr), Polisel et al. 565 ( UPCB) .


Universidade Federal do Paraná


Museu de Biologia Mello Leitão


Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro


Bristol Museum




Embrapa Agrobiology Diazothrophic Microbial Culture Collection


San Jose State University, Museum of Birds and Mammals


Missouri Botanical Garden


Universidade de São Paulo


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


Royal Botanic Gardens


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Herbarium Bradeanum


Instituto de Botânica


Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden


Universidade Estadual de Campinas














Miconia goldenbergiana Caddah

Caddah, Mayara K. & Meirelles, Julia 2018

Miconia goldenbergiana

Triana, J. 1871: )
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