Apristus, de Chaudoir, 1846
publication ID |
https://doi.org/10.1649/072.068.0317 |
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https://treatment.plazi.org/id/03B887D4-AF5D-AF9B-FF24-1BFBFB1854CD |
treatment provided by |
Valdenar |
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Apristus |
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Genus Apristus View in CoL Genus Syntomus
Apristus latens (LeConte) (Plate 10) Syntomus americanus (Dejean) (Plate 45)
Habitat: On dry sand with little or no vegetation, Habitat: Bare soil, gardens, fields, lawns, pastures, not necessarily near water; often on lakeshore roadsides, gravel pits, among grassy tufts or sand dunes. on mosses on rock ledges, in worn sunny spots
Flight dynamics: Fully winged, apparently no in forests, among tundra vegetation, especially flight records. dry heaths.
Biology: Unknown. Flight dynamics: Wings dimorphic, no light trap
General range: Predominantly a Great Plains records but the macropterous form has been species with some eastern records. Northeast taken on lakeshore drift material. to Cape Breton and New Brunswick , near Biology: This is a diurnal species often seen run- Hull , Québec , Point Pelee in Ontario , north ning over bare ground; teneral adults appear to Manitoba, northwest to Montana, west to in August to early September; overwinters as Colorado and New Mexico , south to Texas, an adult. Alabama. Isolated records from Massachusetts , General range: A transcontinental species. North- Maryland , and Virginia. east to Newfoundland and Labrador, in Québec
Maine localities (1): T3 R8 WELS ( MFS). north to James Bay , in Ontario north to Lake Nipigon , in the Northwest Territories north
Apristus subsulcatus (Dejean) (Plate 10) to Yellowknife, in Alaska north to Circle
Habitat: In dry, gravel and sand along rivers and and west to Denali National Park, in British lakes, sometimes in gravel (with or without Columbia west to Vancouver Island , south into sand) away from water bodies. Washington and Oregon, Utah , and Arizona,
Flight dynamics: Fully winged, flight has been east to New Mexico and Texas ; farther east observed, but this species has not been taken south only to Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, at light traps. Pennsylvania , and Virginia.
Biology: Teneral adults appear in August; the spe- Maine localities (34): Alfred (RENC, RPWC), cies is at least partly diurnal. Augusta (UNH), Bar Harbor (PROC), Belgrade
General range: An eastern mid-latitude species. (RENC), Carrabassett Valley (PVT), Columbia Northeast to Cape Breton Island and New Falls (CNC), Deer Isle (RENC), Dennysville Brunswick, in Québec north to Rimouski, in (MFS), Fairfield (RENC), Fryeburg (RPWC), Ontario north to Ottawa, northwest to Michigan, Gilead (RENC), Isleboro (PVT), Kibby Townwest to Wisconsin and Illinois, south to Indiana, ship (MFS), Lebanon (UNH), Lewiston (MFS, Ohio, and Virginia. UVM), Lubec (RENC), Lyman (RENC),
Maine localities (6): Anson (CNC), Columbia Falls M a y f i e l d To w n s h i p (R E N C), M o s c o w (CNC), Northeast Carry Township (RPWC), (RENC), Parsonsfield (CNC), Prentiss Town- Skowhegan (RENC), T10 R7 WELS (MFS), ship T4 R4 (MFS), Riley Township (UVM), T3 R8 WELS (MFS). Rockport (MFS), Salem Township (RENC), Sanford (RPWC), Smithfield (RENC), Steuben
Genus Microlestes (UVM) , T2 R4 WELS (CNC),T2 R9 WELS (MFS), T3 R8 WELS (MFS), T6 R11 WELS
Microlestes linearis (LeConte) (Plate 35) (UVM), Topsham (RENC), Waterboro (RENC),
Habitat: Under stones in dry, open fields. Waterville (RENC).
Flight dynamics: Dimorphic, no flight records.
Biology: Observed active by day in dry soil, hiber- Subtribe Lebiina nates as adult. Genus Lebia
General range: A northern transcontinental species, absent from southeastern states. North- Lebia atriventris Say (Plate 33) east to Nova Scotia, in Québec north to Lac Habitat: Forest edges and clearings, hedgerows, Megantic and Labelle, near Mt. Tremblant, on bushes. north to Brandon, Manitoba, in Saskatchewan Flight dynamics: Fully winged, frequent flier, light north to Battleford, west to the Pacific Ocean trap records. in British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and Biology: The larva is a parasitoid on the pupa California, south to Arizona, Colorado, North of the leaf beetle Zygogramma suturalis F. Dakota , Arkansas, Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, ( Chrysomelidae ), which feeds on goldenrod and Virginia. and ragweed. The adult L. atriventris is also
Maine localities (2): Bristol (CNC), Columbia found on these plants. Gravid females may be Falls (RENC). encountered in mid-June.
General range: An eastern central species. North- east to southern Ontario and southern Québec east to central Maine, in Québec north to (Rigaud), from central Maine, New Hampshire, Kamouraska Co. and Lac St. Jean, in Ontario and Vermont, south to Georgia and Mississippi. north to Ottawa and Grand Bend on Lake Maine locality (1): Mount Vernon ( MFS) .
Huron, northwest to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,
west to Billings, Montana, eastern Nebraska, Lebia lobulata LeConte (record from Majka Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and eastern New et al. (2011)) (Plate 34)
Mexico, south to Mexico and the Gulf Coast Habitat: Dryish ground in open fields or disconbut absent from Florida Peninsula. tinuous forest.
Maine localities (6): Augusta (UNH), Monmouth Flight dynamics: Fully winged; occasionally (UNH), Mount Vernon (MFS), Paris (CNC), attracted to artificial lights at night
South Berwick (MFS), Vassalboro (UNH). Biology: Overwinter as adults, which may be found on a year-round basis. Egg-laying seasonality
Lebia fuscata Dejean (Plate 33) apparently not known.
Habitat: Forest edges and clearings, sand pits. General range: In the East , from Florida west to Flight dynamics: Fully winged, day flier, light trap Texas , north to Pennsylvania, Ontario, New records at dusk. York , and Maine.
Biology: Host unknown. Maine localities (1): Cherryfield ( PVT) .
General range: A nearly transcontinental species
but absent from the Great Plains and the Lebia moesta LeConte (Plate 34)
southwest. Northeast to Nova Scotia and New Habitat: Forest edges and clearings.
Brunswick, in Québec north to Témiscouata, Flight dynamics: Fully winged, no flight records. Lac St. Jean, and Abitibi, in Ontario north to Biology: Common on goldenrod in the fall.
Sudbury, north to southern Manitoba . Eastern General range: A northern transcontinental spepopulation west to Minnesota , eastern Nebraska, cies. Northeast to Labrador, in Québec north Kansas, eastern Texas, south to the Gulf of to Abitibi district , in Ontario north to Lake Mexico and to the Florida Keys. There is also Nipigon , in Saskatchewan north to Swift Cur- a western population from southwestern British rent, in Alberta north to McMurray, in British Columbia including Vancouver Island, western Columbia north only to Salmon Arm, west to Washington, Oregon , and California south to Vancouver Island, south to western Washington, Santa Cruz County, as well as an isolated record Idaho, Montana, Minnesota, Illinois, Michigan , from the Bear Paw Mountains of Montana . New Jersey, New York , and Rhode Island.
Maine localities (27): Amherst (MFS), Augusta Maine localities (7): Bar Harbor (PROC), Mount (UNH), Bar Harbor (PROC), Belgrade (RENC), Desert (PROC), Northport (RPWC), Orono Castine (MFS), Eddington (MFS), Enfield (MFS), Sidney (RENC), T14 R6 WELS (MFS), (MFS), Fairfield (RENC), Greenville (MFS), Waterville (RENC).
JimPondTownship (MFS), Kennebunk
(MFS), Lincoln (UNH), Mapleton (MFS), Lebia ornata Say (Plate 34)
Mariaville (MFS), Mount Vernon (MFS, RPWC), Habitat: Common on goldenrod along fence rows, New Canada (MFS), Oxbow Plantation fields, and forest edges.
(MFS), Smithfield (RENC), South Berwick Flight dynamics: Fully winged, common at light (MFS), Squapan Township (MFS), T32 traps.
MD (MFS), Topsfield (MFS), Warren (MFS), Biology: Teneral adults appear in late September; Waterville (RENC), Winthrop (MFS), Woodland host unknown.
(UNH). General range: An eastern and central species. Northeast to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick,
Lebia grandis Hentz (Plate 33) in Québec to Saguenay and Lac St. Jean, Habitat: Mostly agricultural lands, suburban land- northwest to Duluth, Minnesota, west to South scapes. Adults may be found in late summer in Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas, southwest to the flowers of goldenrod. Victoria, Texas, south to Gulf of Mexico and Flight dynamics: Fully winged, in light trap records. in Florida to the Myakka River .
Biology: Believed to be principally a parasitoid Maine localities (6): Bar Harbor (PROC), Biddeford of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa (PVT) , Lebanon (UNH), Mount Vernon (MFS, decemlineata (Say) ( Chrysomelidae ), but likely RENC), Naples (CNC), Orrington (RENC).
attacks related hosts as well.
General range: Pronouncedly eastern, ranging west Lebia pumila Dejean (Plate 34)
to western Texas and south into Mexico, north Habitat: Forest edges and clearings, on goldenrod through Kansas and Nebraska to South Dakota, in the fall, also running on clay soil with lichens, or under dead leaves beneath alders ( Alnus spp. ; Minnesota, southwest to Iowa, Arkansas, Texas, Betulaceae ). south to the Gulf Coast and the Florida Peninsula Flight dynamics: Fully winged, in light trap records, to Tampa.
day flier. Maine localities (5): Augusta (UNH), Brunswick Biology: Gravid females occur in late June, may (MFS), Lebanon (UNH), Lewiston (MFS), be found abundant on flowers of Origanum Mount Vernon (MFS) .
vulgare L. ( Lamiaceae ) in July and early August.
General range: An eastern and central species
Lebia viridipennis Dejean (Plate 34)
with an isolated population in Puget Sound,
Habitat: Unknown. One specimen from Maine was Washington. Northeast to Nova Scotia and
collected from leaf litter in an alder swamp.
New Brunswick, in Québec north to Lac St. Jean
Flight dynamics: Fully winged, in light trap records. and Abitibi, in Ontario north to James Bay,
Biology: Unknown.
north to vicinity of Prince Albert, Saskatchewan,
General range: An eastern and central species, northwest to Medicine Hat, Alberta, west to
found from Maine in the northeast, west western South Dakota and Kansas, south to
through New Hampshire, Vermont, and south- Brownsville, Texas, to the Gulf of Mexico and
ern Ontario to Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and the Florida Peninsula, south to Fort Myers ; an
North Dakota, south through Nebraska and isolated western population at Hope, in south-
eastern Colorado to Texas and the Gulf Coast, western British Columbia, and southwards in
eastwards to Florida.
Washington to Olympia.
Maine localities (2): Mount Vernon ( MFS), Sanford Maine localities (10): Augusta ( UNH), Bar
Harbor (PROC), Columbia Falls (CNC),
Gilead (UNH), Grafton Township (UNH),
Hiram (CNC), Mount Vernon (RENC), South- Lebia viridis Say (Plate 34)
west Harbor (PROC), T3 R11 WELS (RENC), Habitat: Forest edges, open fields, and shrubs. Weld (CNC). Often found on flowers in the fall.
Flight dynamics: Fully winged, day flight obser-
vations, in light trap records.
Lebia solea Hentz (Plate 34)
Biology: Teneral adults appear in September, Habitat: Forest edges and clearings, also in dense
common on goldenrod flowers and under the weeds in gardens.
roots, also reported from strawberry flowers and Flight dynamics: Fully winged, day flier, frequent
evening primrose ( Oenothera L.; Onagraceae ) at light traps.
and shrub alders ( Alnus rugosa (Du Roi) Biology: Common on goldenrod flowers, has been
Spreng.); probable host is green flea beetles found on leaves of field corn. Host unknown.
( Altica Geoffroy ). Overwinters as adults in leaf General range: An eastern central species. North-
litter in deciduous forests.
east to Nova Scotia, in Québec north to Troix
General range: A transcontinental species. North- Rivieres and to Lake Nominingue, in southern
east to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, west to Swift
Québec north to Gaspé and Abitibi, in Ontario Current, west to central North Dakota, extreme
north to Sudbury, in southern Manitoba and eastern Colorado and the eastern third of Texas,
Saskatchewan, in the Northwest Territories south to the Gulf of Mexico and Homestead in
north to Ft. Simpson, in Yukon at Rampart southern Florida.
House, north of the Arctic Circle, west to the Maine localities (6): Augusta (UNH), Fairfield
Pacific Coast and British Columbia including (RENC), Lebanon (UNH), Mount Vernon
Vancouver Island, west to Washington, Oregon, (MFS), Vassalboro (UNH), Waterville (PVT).
California, south to Arizona, New Mexico,
Texas, Gulf Coast, and the Florida Peninsula.
Lebia tricolor Say (Plate 34) Maine localities (39): Allagash (UNH), Auburn Habitat: Forest edges, clearings, open fields, and (RPWC), Augusta (MFS, RENC), Bar Harbor meadows, all elevations including the summit (PROC), Beaver Cove (RENC), Belgrade (RENC), of Mt. Washington, New Hampshire. Benton (MFS), China (CNC), Dedham (MFS), Flight dynamics: Fully winged, in light trap records. Enfield (MFS), Fairfield (RENC), Farmington Biology: Commonly found on goldenrod flowers; (UNH), Gardiner (CNC), Harrington (UVM), host unknown. Kennebunk (MFS), Lewiston (MFS), Marion General range: An eastern and central species. To w n s h i p (M F S), M i l l i n o c k e t (M F S), Northeast to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, M o n m o u t h (R E N C), M o n s o n (M F S), in Québec north to Ile d’ Orleans and Hull, south- M o u n t Ve r n o n (M F S, RENC), Norway ern Ontario, west to Michigan. Wisconsin, (UNH), Oakland (RENC), Orrington (RENC),
Skowhegan (PVT), Smithfield (RENC), Sumner Subtribe Calleidina
(CNC), T3 R11 WELS (RENC), T4 R10 Genus Calleida
WELS (CNC), T8 R5 WELS (CNC), Topsfield
(UNH), Topsham (MFS), Vassalboro (MFS), Calleida punctata LeConte (Plate 21)
Vienna (RENC), Waldoboro (PVT), Waterboro Habitat: Among dense herbaceous plants, e.g., in (RENC), Waterville (RENC), Winslow (PVT), gardens or meadows, or among tall weeds in York (PVT). waste places, on roadsides.
Flight dynamics: Fully winged, flight observations,
Lebia vittata (F.) (Plate 34) day flier.
Habitat: Gravel pits with willows and alders. Biology: Diurnal, a good climber, sometimes Flight dynamics: Fully winged, diurnal, light trap found on goldenrod.
records. General range: An eastern species. Northeast to Biology : Host species is the flea beetle Disonycha Maine, in Québec north on the St. Lawrence alternata (Illiger) ( Chrysomelidae ). River to Port-au-Saumon, and to Hull on the General range: A transcontinental species. North- Ottawa River , northwest to southern Manitoba , east to Nova Scotia, in Québec north to Portneuf North and South Dakota , southwest to Texas, and Nominingue, in Manitoba north to Lake south to the Gulf of Mexico and Florida .
Winnipeg, in Alberta north to Edmonton, Maine localities (17): Augusta (MFS), Baldwin west to the Pacific Coast in British Columbia, (CNC), Belgrade (RENC), Biddeford (MFS), Washington, Oregon, and California, south to Bowdoinham (PVT), China (CNC), Corinna Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, the Gulf Coast, (RENC), Fairfield (RENC), Lewiston (MFS), and Florida. Mount Vernon (MFS), Palermo (PVT), Maine localities (4): Bar Harbor (UVM), Mount Smithfield (RENC), Sumner (CNC), Unity Desert (PROC, UNH), Mount Vernon (MFS), (RENC), Waterville (RENC), Wilton (CNC), Washington (MFS). Winslow (PVT).
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No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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