Manota meilingae, Papp, 2004

Papp, L, 2004, Seven New Species Of Manotinae (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) From Asia And Papua New Guinea, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 50 (3), pp. 227-244 : 239-242

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586726

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Manota meilingae

sp. nov.

Manota meilingae View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 22–25 View Figs 22–25 )

Holotype: male, TAIWAN, Kaohsiung, Liukuei , 4–6/IX 1989, K. W. Huang, Sweep net – [ NMNS ENT] 526–220. ( NMNS, abdomen with genitalia treated with NaOH and preserved in a plastic microvial with glycerol.) A damaged specimen: palpi lost, flagellomeres 7–14 lost on both antennae, left hind leg, spurs of right hind tibia and lateral spur of right mid tibia, as well as most mesonotal and scutellar setae lost.

Measurements in mm: body length 2.12, wing length 1.78, wing breadth ca. 0.73.

Face yellow, frons and occiput darker brown, thorax brown, abdomen dark brown, legs yellow, apical tarsomeres fuscous yellow.

Face 0.165 mm broad at middle (head 0.32 mm broad), with numerous pale setae. Scape, pedicel and two basal flagellomeres yellow, other flagellomeres darker brown. Both the colour and reflectionof most of the postocular setulae yellow but some setae about middle height of eye are darker, almost black.

Anepisternum pilose, but katepisternum and laterotergite bare. Scutellar setae not measurable.

Wing light brownish, veins only slightly darker. Costa distinct on 5/6 section to M 1. Costal section from H to R 1 0.44 mm, from R 1 to R 5 0.815 mm, extant sections of M 1 0.44 mm (to wing margin), M 2 0.925 mm long. Cu 2 distinct to the level of R 1 conjointment with costa.

Fore coxa 0.68 mm long, 0.25 mm at broadest, all fore coxal setae yellow. Length of femur, tibia, first tarsomere and tibial spurs (in mm, measured on holotype): fore: 0.495, 0.42, 0.41, 0.24, mid: 0.60, 0.75, 0.54, 0.24, 0.21; hind: 0.69, 1.00, 0.46, and not measurable.

Tergum 9 ( Fig. 22 View Figs 22–25 ) different from the known Palaearctic and Oriental species (see also under M. delyorum ): as long as broad, narrowing caudally but broadly rounded there, with sparse but very long (and almost evenly long) setae. Gonocoxites broadly separated, edge medially on the medial wall with 2 strong thick, sharp black thorns ( Fig 25 View Figs 22–25 ); thick setae below them are almost perpendicular coxite and gonostylus, medial (inner) view. Scale: 0.1 mm for all to the wall of gonocoxite, consequently look shorter on Fig. 25 View Figs 22–25 than their real length. No extremely long setae on any part of gonocoxites. Gonostylus broadest subapically, i.e. apical part transverse ( Figs 23–24 View Figs 22–25 ), without long thorns but with medium-long setae and 3 blunt black shorter teeth subapically. Aedeagus subtriangular, weakly sclerotized.

only bases faithfully marked), 30 = gonostylus in caudal view. Scales: 0.2 mm

Etymology: I name this new species after Miss MEI-LING CHAN, assistant curator and Collection Manager of Entomology, Division of Zoology, National Museum of Natural Science, Taichung, Taiwan, for her kind hospitality during our visits in her institution and for the loan of material, incl. the above holotype.

This is a small species of Manota . All fore coxal setae and all postocular setae are yellow in contrast to the other Taiwanese species ( M. bilobata ). However, the true distinctive features are in the male genitalia, where the shape of the two strong thick, pointed black thorns on the inner wall of gonocoxite ( Fig. 25 View Figs 22–25 ) seem particularly characteristic.


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