Liocapsus vietnamensis Kim et Jung, 2024

Kim, Junggon, Phan, Quoc Toan, Pham, Hong Thai & Jung, Sunghoon, 2024, First record of the genus Liocapsus Poppius, 1915 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae) from Vietnam, with description of a new species, Zootaxa 5537 (2), pp. 295-300 : 296-298

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5537.2.10


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scientific name

Liocapsus vietnamensis Kim et Jung

sp. nov.

Liocapsus vietnamensis Kim et Jung sp. nov.

( Figs. 1–3 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 )

Diagnosis. Recognized by dorsal habitus being mostly pale; head mostly pale brown with red markings on frons; second antennal segment is bicolor; the pronotum is mostly pale brown; callosites with a pair of dark markings, the variable size; scutellum mostly pale with brownish markings; hemelytra mostly pale brown; inner part of clavus somewhat darker; posterior part of corium darker; cuneus subhyaline with apical dark marking tinged with reddish brown ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ); sensory lobe of left paramere blunt and slightly projected ( Fig. 2A–B View FIGURE 2 ); right paramere with broadly developed sensory lobe ( Fig. 2C–E View FIGURE 2 ); endosoma with distinctly long, thick and sinuous spicule; median sclerite lacking ( Fig. 2G–H View FIGURE 2 ).

Description. MALE: Body elongated, length 6.27–6.31. Coloration: mostly pale brown with dark parts. Head: pale brown with reddish transverse stripes on frons, in dark individuals reddish transverse stripes more distinct; clypeus entirely brown; antennae partly brown and dark brown; first antennal segment mostly pale brown except for dark base and apex, dark individuals first segment mostly dark brown; second antennal segment mostly brown, apical part dark brown; third and fourth segments mostly dark brown with pale basal part. Thorax: pronotum mostly pale brown with dark markings variable in size; pronotal collar entirely pale brown; calli variable, margin dark brown or calli entirely dark brown; scutellum mostly pale brown with dark spots variable in size, dark specimens mostly dark brown; hemelytra mostly pale brown with dark areas; clavus mostly dark brown, inner area darker; corium pale brown and dark brown; anterior part pale brown, posterior part dark brown; cuneus subhyaline with dark marking at posterior part, dark marking tinged with red; vein reddish brown; legs mostly pale brown with small dark spots (hindleg missing); femur entirely pale brown with tiny darker spots, very weakly tinged with reddish brown ventrally; tibia mostly pale brown except for darker apical part, with small spots where spines originating; tarsus entirely brown. Abdomen: pale brown with small dark spots ventrally. Surface and vestiture: body mostly glossy, covered with short silvery pubescence; head with transverse wrinkle; pronotum weakly and slightly punctate; scutellum impunctate; hemelytra sparsely covered with silvery pubescence, weakly punctate. Structure: Head: prognathous; vertex not sulcate, width subequal to single compound eye width; antennae shorter than body length; first antennal segment as thick as second antennal segment (except for the base of second segment), longer than vertex width; second antennal segment slightly clavate, equal to 3 x first segment; third antennal segment longer than first segment, and fourth segment, respectively; fourth segment shorter than first segment; proportion of first to fourth antennal segments 0.6: 1.8: 0.9: 0.4; labrum subequal to 1/2 first labial segment length; labium remarkably short, apex not reaching base of midcoxa ( Fig. 1E–F View FIGURE 1 ). Thorax: pronotum trapezoid, longitudinal length shorter than 1/2 basal maximal width, posterior margin sinuate; calli distinctly swollen; pronotal collar medial length shorter than first antennal segment diameter; scutellum somewhat large, anterior width longer than 1/2 basal pronotal width, longitudinal length longer than commissure; lateral margin of hemelytra almost straight; cuneus elongate; legs long and slender. Abdomen: rounded, not reaching to apex of cuneus. Genitalia: phallotheca with fin-like process (fp); left paramere with hooked apex of hypophysis (hp) and narrow sensory lobe with blunt outer margin (sl); ( Fig. 2A–B View FIGURE 2 ); right paramere with hooked apex of hypophysis (hp) and with remarkably developed sensory lobe (sl), its outer margin rounded ( Fig. 2C–E View FIGURE 2 ); endosoma membranous with spicule and sclerites, spicule (sp) long and curved near secondary gonopore (gp), its apical part sharp; lateral sclerite I (ls I) thin and long near sp; lateral sclerite II (ls II) thin and rod-shaped ( Fig. 2G–H View FIGURE 2 ).

FEMALE: Body elongated, length 6.65–6.77. Coloration: as in male. Surface and vestiture: as in male. Structure: as in male except for the proportion of the antennal segments (0.6: 1.7: 0.9: 0.4). Genitalia: genital chamber with sclerotized rings (sr), paired sclerotized structure (ss), and inflated dorsal sac (dos) ( Fig. 3A View FIGURE 3 ); sr distinctly thick and subtriangular, outer two margins long, inner margin short; ss trapezoidal, contiguous each other; dos swollen; posterior wall with relatively simple interramal lobe (irl) and sclerite (irs) and with distinctly widened dorsal structure (ds) ( Fig. 3B View FIGURE 3 ); irl with minute spinules, its apex curved, not surpassing irs; irs rounded, not distinctly contiguous medially; ds distinctly bilobate.

Measurements (in mm). Male (n=2)/Female (n=2) Body length, clypeus–apex of membrane:6.17–6.31/6.65–6.77; head length, excluding collar: 0.40–0.41/0.42–0.43; head width, including compound eyes: 0.96–1.09/1.12–1.17; vertex width: 0.40–0.41/0.48–0.49; 1 st antennal segment length: 0.56–0.57/0.62–0.63; 2 nd antennal segment length: 1.83–1.85/1.70– 1.71; 3 rd antennal segment length: 0.93–0.94/0.88–0.90; 4 th antennal segment length: 0.39–0.42/0.42–0.43; total antennal length: 3.71–3.78/3.62–3.67; anterior pronotal maximal width (straight): 0.82–0.86/0.87–0.89; mesal pronotal length: 0.89–0.97/1.14–1.15; posterior pronotal maximal width (straight): 2.06–2.26/2.51–2.64; anterior scutellar width: 1.31– 1.43/1.66–1.74; mesal scutellar length: 1.10–1.29/1.28–1.29; commissure length: 1.05–1.06/1.01–1.13; outer embolial margin length (straight): 2.65–3.16/3.44–3.55; outer cuneal margin length (straight): 0.96–1.01/1.07–1.25; maximal width across hemelytron: 1.10–1.11/1.14–1.21.

Specimen examined. [ ZCDTU] Holotype: 1♂, Cuc Phuong National Park (20°19´07˝N 105°36´18˝E), Ninh Binh Prov., Vietnam, 10.v.2017, by light trap, J. Kim leg.; [ ZCDTU] GoogleMaps Paratype: 1♀, same data as holotype; [ CNU] GoogleMaps Paratypes: 1♂ 1♀, same data as holotype. GoogleMaps

Host. Unknown.

Distribution. Vietnam ( Central ).

Etymology. Named after type locality, Vietnam.

Remarks. This species is easily distinguished from all known congeners by: pale head with reddish transverse stripes; mostly pale hemelytra with dark area in posterior part of corium; and subhyaline cuneus with narrow reddish marking at posterior part; sensory lobe of left paramere blunt; outer margin of sensory lobe of right paramere rounded; spicule thin and long, as long as membranous lobes. This new species is similar in general appearance to the congener from Taiwan, L. ochromelas Yasunaga & Schwartz , but it can be distinguished by generally pale pronotum (vs. distinctly bicolor pronotum); generally pale hemelytra (vs. strongly contrasted hemelytra); and subhyaline cuneus with reddish marking apically (vs. ocherous cuneus with blackish dark marking apically); blunt sensory lobe of left paramere (vs. projected sensory lobe of left paramere); and spicule as long as membranous lobes (vs. much longer spicule than membranous lobes).


Capital Normal University, College of Life Sciences













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