Parabaissaeshna ejerslevense, Bechly & Rasmussen, 2019

Bechly, Günter & Rasmussen, Jan Audun, 2019, A new genus of hawker dragonfly (Odonata: Anisoptera: Aeshnidae) from the Early Eocene Fur Formation of Denmark, Zootaxa 4550 (1), pp. 123-128 : 124-125

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4550.1.6

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scientific name

Parabaissaeshna ejerslevense

sp. nov.

Parabaissaeshna ejerslevense sp. nov.

Figures 1–2 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2

Holotype. Isolated complete forewing of a dragonfly with collection no. MGUH 33076 View Materials , deposited in the type collection of the Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen in Copenhagen ( Denmark). The specimen was discovered by the amateur fossil collectors Frank Pedersen and Viggo Pedersen, Mors, and declared as Danekrae fossil trove DK 792.

Type locality and horizon. Mo-clay quarry near the village Ejerslev (56.93° N, 8.91° E), northern island of Mors, western Limfjord area, N. Jutland, Denmark. Calcareous concretion approximately 2 m above Ash layer - 11 in the diatomites of the upper part of the Knudeklint Member, Fur Formation.

Stratigraphy. Dinoflagellate Zone 7 (corresponding to the acme of Deflandrea oesbisfeldensis ) of Heilmann- Clausen (1985), earliest Ypresian, Early Eocene, Paleogene, ca. 56.0-54.5 million years. The Early Eocene age of the Fur Formation was recently established due to the presence of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) in the Stolleklint clay of the Ølst Formation, which is placed stratigraphically immediately below the Fur Formation ( Heilmann-Clausen & Schmitz 2000; Schoon et al. 2013).

Etymology. A noun in the genitive case, named after the place of origin.

Diagnosis. Same as genus since monotypic.

Description of holotype ( Figures 1–2 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 ). Well-preserved and complete isolated forewing of a hawker dragonfly of unknown sex. Total length 45.0 mm, max. width 10.4 mm. 4 secondary antenodal crossveins between the primary antenodal crossveins Ax1 and Ax2; 22 and 18 non-aligned secondary antenodal crossveins present distal of Ax 2 in both rows respectively. Space between RA and RP basal of subnodus regularly crossed by 18 antesubnodal crossveins (no cordulegastrid gap of antesubnodals near subnodus). Nodus at 48.6% of wing length; nodal veinlet short and perpendicular; subnodal veinlet oblique. About 14 postnodal crossveins non-aligned with the 19 postsubnodal crossveins beneath them; no ‘libellulid gap’ of postsubnodal crossveins near subnodus. Pterostigma elongate, elongate (covering 6 cells), with oblique sides and broadened margins; oblique and strong stigmal brace vein aligned with anterior margin of pterostigma; about six crossveins between C and RA distal of pterostigma. Primary IR1 not developed; secondary IR1 originating beneath middle of pterostigma with 3 rows of cells between it and RP1, and three rows of cells between it and RP2; RP1 and RP2 basally parallel (2 rows of cells between them) and distally divergent with 3-9 rows of cells between them; RP2 originates at subnodus; RP2 undulating; only one lestine oblique vein between RP2 and IR2, a single cell distal of subnodus. IR2 originating on RP1/2, and not forked; space between RP2 and IR2 distally widened with 2-7 (mostly four) rows of cells between them. Rspl well defined, parallel to IR2 with two rows of cells between them; about 5 intercalary veins originating from Rspl. Midfork six cells distal of triangle; 13 antefurcal crossveins between RP and MA. RP3/4 and MA weakly undulate and parallel, with two rows of cells between them distally; no bulged ‘aeshnid bulla’ between MA and RP3/4. Posttrigonal area between MA and MP with two rows of cells near the triangle; trigonal planate well defined, originating at a slight kink on the distal side (MAb) of triangle; Mspl well defined, parallel to MA, with two rows of cells between them. Space between MP and CuA narrow; MP and CuA reaching far beyond level of nodus. CuA with 7-8 posterior branches; cubital field max. 5 cells in width. Anal field with two rows of cells. Arculus complete (closed) and broken (kinked), situated midway between Ax1 and Ax2. Hypertriangle long and narrow, divided by 4 crossveins. Discoidal triangle elongate and divided into seven cells. Subtriangle divided into 2 cells. Between CuP-crossing (= ‘anal crossing’) and basal subdiscoidal vein there are two crossveins. Basal space free. Wing hyaline without trace of color pattern, except for the dark pterostigma.

















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