Zaitunia wunderlichi, Sergei Zonstein & Yuri M. Marusik, 2016

Sergei Zonstein & Yuri M. Marusik, 2016, A revision of the spider genus Zaitunia (Araneae, Filistatidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 214, pp. 1-97 : 63-68

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Plazi (2016-08-10 14:52:30, last updated 2024-12-10 18:40:49)

scientific name

Zaitunia wunderlichi

sp. nov.

Zaitunia wunderlichi View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs 31–32 View Fig. 31 View Fig. 32 , 33 View Fig. 33 A–B, D, 42F, 44D


By the structure of the bulb, Z. wunderlichi sp. nov. is similar to Z. beshkentica , but differs by the shape of the raised embolic keel, which terminates more gently (cf. Figs 28 View Fig. 28 G–I, 32D–F), whereas females differ by the structure of the vulva, which is more similar to those of Z. maracandica and Z. ferghanensis sp. nov.; they differ from both these species by the shorter median receptacles (cf. Figs 33 View Fig. 33 A–B, D, 35E–J, 38E–I).


This species is named after the famous German arachnologist, our friend and colleague Jörg Wunderlich.

Material examined


KYRGYZSTAN: ♂, Ferghana Mts, Baubashata Range, Yarodar , 2.5 km E of Arslanbob, 41°20'12" N, 72°58'23" E, 1450 m, 12 Aug. 1981, S. Zonstein ( TAU). GoogleMaps

Paratypes (2 ♂♂, 1♀)

KYRGYZSTAN: 2 ♂♂, same data as holotype ( TAU, ZMMU) GoogleMaps ; 1♀, Chatkal Mts, Arkit , 41º48' N, 71º57' E, 1300 m, 2 May 1983, S. Zonstein ( ZMMU) GoogleMaps .


Although males and the only collected female listed above were found in two separate areas distant from each other by about 100 km, they are very similar in having the same type of body and legs colouration, as well as in possessing a very similar carapace setation and a similar conformation of the eye group. Additionally, they all occurred in almost identical humid biotopes. Thus, we have no doubt that in both these situations, we are dealing with representatives of the same species.


Male (holotype)

HABITUS. See Fig. 31 View Fig. 31 E.


COLOUR. Whole spider pale greyish-yellow; eye tubercle dark brown; Y-shaped median spot occupying cephalic portion and extending to clypeus, and margins of carapace light brown; weak and diffuse dorsal abdominal pattern consisting of lancet-shape median spot anteriorly and a few transverse fasciae posteriorly pale brown.

CARAPACE ( Fig. 42 View Fig. 42 F). 1.18 long, 1.00 wide.

EYES. AME 0.06, ALE 0.10, PLE 0.10, PME 0.10, AME–AME 0.06.

PALP ( Figs 32 View Fig. 32 C–G, 44D). Femur slightly longer than tibia (in prolateral view); tibia 1.5 times wider that femur; cymbium as long as bulb; keel of embolic neck with straight margin (not curved in terminal part); tip of embolus bent downward.


  Femur Patella Tibia Metatarsus Tarsus Total
Palp 0.76 (0.84) 0.24 (0.35) 0.76 (0.57) 0.23 (0.62) 1.99 (2.38)
I 1.61 (1.69) 0.51 (0.56) 1.60 (1.63) 1.47 (1.44) 1.08 (1.14) 6.27 (6.46)
II 1.26 (1.41) 0.46 (0.52) 1.13 (1.12) 1.12 (0.97) 0.83 (0.71) 4.80 (4.73)
III 1.19 (1.15) 0.43 (0.52) 0.97 (0.91) 1.13 (0.86) 0.77 (0.63) 4.49 (4.07)
IV 1.68 (1.55) 0.56 (0.56) 1.48 (1.24) 1.61 (1.25) 1.01 (0.80) 6.34 (5.40)


HABITUS. See Fig. 31 View Fig. 31 A.


COLOUR. As in male, except without darkened carapace margins.

CARAPACE. 1.59 long, 1.27 wide.

EYES. AME 0.08, ALE 0.15, PLE 0.12, PME 0.10, AME–AME 0.05.

ENDOGYNE ( Fig. 33 View Fig. 33 A–B, D). Both pairs of receptacles long (especially lateral pair), cylindrical with somewhat dilated heads; lateral and median receptacles separated by about one diameter; lateral receptacles longer than median; median receptacles separated by 3 diameters; pores cover the entire receptacle.


Length of the carapace in males varies from 1.15 to 1.23, the body and leg colouration does not vary significantly.


The species inhabits humid habitats including walnut forest of Juglans regia L. in the middle mountain belt, where it certainly prefers more open slopes, occurring under stones in low forest and shrubs.


Southern Kyrgyzstan (Western Tian-Shan Mts) ( Fig. 49 View Fig. 49 ).

Andreeva E. M. & Tyshchenko V. P. 1969. On the fauna of spiders (Araneae) of Tajikistan. Haplogynae, Cribellatae, Ecribellatae Trionychae (Pholcidae, Palpimanidae, Hersiliidae, Oxyopidae). Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 48: 373 - 384. [in Russian]

Kulczynski W. 1911. Fragmenta Arachnologica, IX. XVI. Aranearum species nonnullae in Syria a Rev. P. Bovier-Lapierre et in Palaestina a Rev. E. Schmitz collectae. Bulletin de l'Academie des Sciences de Cracovie 1911: 12 - 75.

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Fig. 28. Somatic characters and palp of Zaitunia beshkentica (Andreeva & Tyshchenko, 1969), ♂♂ from Khurshedi (A – C, G – I) and Babatagh (D – F). — A, E. Habitus, dorsal. B. Body, dorsal. C. Prosoma, dorsal. D, F. Habitus, doro-lateral and lateral. G. Palp, retrolateral. H – I. Same, prolateral.

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Fig. 31. Somatic characters of Zaitunia wunderlichi sp. nov., paratype, ♀ (A, C – D, F), paratype (B), ♂ and holotype (E), ♂. — A – B. Habitus, dorsal. C. Abdomen, ventral. D. Spinnerets, ventral. E. Habitus, lateral. F. Calamistrum, lateral.

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Fig. 32. Somatic characters and copulatory organs of Zaitunia wunderlichi sp. nov., paratype, ♂. — A. Prosoma, lateral. B. Habitus, dorso-lateral. C. Palp, prolateral. D. Cymbium and bulb, dorsal. E. Terminal part of palp, prolateral. F – G. Same, retrolateral.

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Fig. 33. Somatic characters and copulatory organs of Zaitunia wunderlichi sp. nov., paratype, ♀ (A – B, D), Z. beshkentica (Andreeva & Tyshchenko, 1969), ♀ from Babatagh Mts (C), Z. logunovi sp. nov., paratype, ♂ (E, G) and Z. schmitzi (Kulczyński, 1911), ♀ from Jerusalem area (F). — A – D. Endogyne, dorsal (A, C – D) and ventral (B). E – F. Posterior respiratory system, dorsal. G. Close-up view of male tarsus IV, prolateral, showing pseudosegmentation. Scale bars: A – B, D – G = 0.1 mm; C = 0.2 mm.

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Fig. 42. Variations of coloration and setation of carapace in ♂♂ (A, D, F – G) and ♀♀ (B – C, E, H) of some Zaitunia species. — A – B. Z. logunovi sp. nov. C. Z. inderensis Ponomarev, 2005. D – E. Z. beshkentica (Andreeva & Tyshchenko, 1969). F. Zaitunia wunderlichi sp. nov. G – H. Z. maracandica (Charitonov, 1946). Scale bars = 0.5 mm.

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Fig. 49. Distribution of Zaitunia beshkentica and Zaitunia maracandica species groups.


Tel-Aviv University


Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University











