Opilio morini, Snegovaya, 2016

Snegovaya, Nataly Yu., 2016, Two New Opilio Herbst, 1798 Species (Arachnida: Opiliones: Phalangiidae) From Caucasus Region, Ecologica Montenegrina 8, pp. 27-33 : 31

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.37828/em.2016.8.3

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scientific name

Opilio morini

sp. nov.

Opilio morini View in CoL sp.n.

( Figs. 20-36 View Figures 20-36 )

Material (holotype and paratypes): Azerbaijan, Nakhichevan MR: holotype ♂, Sharur Distr., Akhura vill., 22.06.2012, leg. N.Snegovaya ; paratypes 7♂, 5♀, 4 juv., Sharur Distr., Akhura vill., 22.06.2012, leg. N.Snegovaya ; 6♂, 7♀, 6 juv., Sirab vill., 21.06.2011, leg. N.Snegovaya ; 5♂, 4♀, Sirab vill., 22.06.2012, leg. N.Snegovaya ; 10♂, 4♀, Askhabi- Kehv , 21.06.2011, leg. N.Snegovaya, H.Aliyev ; 7♂, 6♀, Djulfa , 19.06.2009, leg. H.Aliyev.

Large harvestman, body length 5.4, wide 3.2. Body covered with transverse rows of small denticles along margins of tergites. In front of eye mound, there is a group of black-tipped denticles. Eye mound low with 6- 7 denticles. Legs long, Femur I cylindrical in form, all segments covered with denticles ( Table 3). Chelicera small, basal segment dorsally with some denticles. Cheliceral basal segment 1.6 long, distal segment 2.0. Pedipalps normal, without enlargements or large denticles, femur dorsally and ventrally with denticles; patella dorsally with numerous denticles; tibia ventrally with denticles; tarsus ventrally with microdenticles. Pedipalp lengths 1.3+0.7+0.7+1.8 = 4.5. Penis not very large, with wide base, glans of the penis triangular in form, wings narrow. Penis length 2.4, glans 0.3, stylus 0.1.

Female differs from the male by larger and more rounded body, by shorter legs and fewer denticles on pedipalps and chelicera. Cheliceral basal segment 1.3 long, distal segment 1.7. Pedipalp lengths 1.2+0.6+0.7+1.5 = 4.0.

Diagnosis –The new species Opilio morini sp.n. very close to Opilio parietinus (De Geer, 1778) , but differs from it by the structure of the penis – more narrowed wings and glans form (triangular vs oval), less wide and long form of the femur I, smaller number of denticles on the body. From other similar species Opilio arborphilus Snegovaya, 2010 , Opilio morini sp.n. differs by details in the penis, the form of the femur I (considerably shorter and thicker towards the distal end in O.arborphilus ), densely covered by denticles on the legs and body, penis structure (more narrowed wings and longer penis in O. aborphilus ) ( Table 4).

Habitat. This species was collected on tree trunks and rocks.

Etymology. The species is named in honor of the famous Soviet zoologist Sergei Mikhailovich Morin, who first found this species, defining it as Opilio parietinus De Geer, 1778 ( Morin, 1937).













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