Hypsopygia insolitus Kirpichnikova, 2018

Kirpichnikova, Valentina A. & Kuprin, Alexander V., 2018, A new species of genus Hypsopygia Hübner (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae: Pyralinae) from the South of the Russian Far East, Ecologica Montenegrina 17, pp. 26-28 : 26-27

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.37828/em.2018.17.4

publication LSID




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scientific name

Hypsopygia insolitus Kirpichnikova

sp. nov.

Hypsopygia insolitus Kirpichnikova , sp. n.

Material examined:

Holotype: female, Primorsky krai, Gornotayazhnaya station, 13.VII.2000 (Kirpichnikova leg.). The Holotype is deposited in Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity , Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, (Vladivostok, Russia) .

Description of the imago ( Fig. 1a View Figure 1 ). Wingspan 25 mm. Female antennae simple; basal segment thickened and powdered with pink scales; funiculus filiform. Short labial palpi oriented upwards; their middle segment powdered with long sordid creamy white scales and oriented frontwards. Maxillary palpi small, thin, sordid creamy white. Proboscis well-developed. Ocelli and chaemosemata absent. Frons, vertex and occiput covered with sordid creamy white scales.

Forewings patternless, violet-brown, with blackish scales that are thicker along the costal and posterior margins and in the outside field. Fringe concolorous with wing but with two dark, brownblackish lines. Hindwings unicolorous brown. Fringe with two dark lines.

Forewings with veins R 1 and R 2 arising from the median cell; veins R 3, R 4 and R 5 sharing a common stalk; veins M 2 and M 3 separating from the median cell at the same point. Hindwings with veins M 2 and M 3 also separating from the median cell at the same point.

Female genitalia ( Fig. 1b View Figure 1 ): Apophyses thin and long, almost the same length; ostium membranous; ductus long and narrow, with the caudal portion surrounded by a weakly sclerotized ring and the basal portion having a weakly sclerotized hardly visible band not connected with signa; bursa copulatrix oblong, almost pear-shaped, with a small funnel-shaped signa.

Male: unknown.

Distribution: Russia: Primorsky Krai.

The newly discovered species is close to Hypsopygia kawabei Yamanaka found in Japan ( Yamanaka 1965). However, the size, wing colour pattern and the morphology of female genitalia ( Fig. 1c View Figure 1 ) provide a distinct difference between these two species. The wingspan of H. kawabei is 16-21 mm; the forewings are yellowish ash-gray mixed with fuscous scales; the costal margin has a narrow fringe consisting of dark and yellow dots, with costal dots becoming blurred at the apex; the postmedial line is blurred and almost straight between the costal and the posterior margin; the fringe is of the same color as the ground color of the wing. The hindwings are ash-gray, without dots on the forewings, with fuscous scales like on the forewings; the postmedial line almost disappears; the fringe is similar to that on the forewings. The ductus of female genitalia of H. kawabei has a strongly sclerotized band connected to the basal segment of signa; signa is large, having three protruding thorns, one being longer than the other two thorns.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













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