Doryrhina muscinus (Thomas & Doria, 1886)

Don E. Wilson & Russell A. Mittermeier, 2019, Hipposideridae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 9 Bats, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 227-258 : 231

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scientific name

Doryrhina muscinus


9. View Plate 16: Hipposideridae

Fly River Leaf-nosed Bat

Doryrhina muscinus View in CoL

French: Phyllorhine de Fly River / German: Fly-River-Rundblattnase / Spanish: Doryrina de Fly River

Other common names: Fly River Roundleaf Bat

Taxonomy. Phyllorhina [sic] muscina Thomas & Doria, 1886 ,

“Fly River,” Western Province, Papua New Guinea.

This species is monotypic.

Distribution. Endemic to New Guinea, mostly along the Central Range, including Papua Province of Indonesia and Sandaun, Western, Chimbu, Gulf, and Central provinces of Papua New Guinea. View Figure

Descriptive notes. Head—body 44-52 mm, tail 23 mm, ear 18 mm, hindfoot 7-4- 11 mm, forearm 45-47 mm. Like Wollaston’s Leaf-nosed Bat ( D. wollastoni ), the Fly River Leaf-nosed Bat presents a posterior lateral leaflet, extended beneath anterior leaflet onto upper lip. Both species also present club-shaped processes in intermediate and posterior leaves. The Fly River Leaf-nosed Bat differs from Wollaston’s Leaf-nosed Bat in its lack of posterior leaf, and in its nearly flat rostrum profile. This species is brownish.

Habitat. The Fly River Leaf-nosed Bat occupies lowland tropical forest rather than the caves typical for its congeners. Altitudinal range was reckoned to extend from sea level up to 750 m, but a more recent study suggested its presence up to 2400 m, based on acoustic registrations. However, its echolocation call might be confused with that of Wollaston’s Leaf-nosed Bat, which is a more montane species.

Food and Feeding. The Fly River Leaf-nosed Bat is probably insectivorous.

Breeding. This species probably reproduces in forests, as it does not inhabit caves.

Activity patterns. The Fly River Leaf-nosed Bat has been found roosting in tree holes. Small aggregations of this species have been observed roosting in hollow trees and, on one occasion, inside a curled banana leaf. Echolocation call frequency is c.89— 90 kHz

Movements, Home range and Social organization. No information.

Status and Conservation. Classified as Least Concern on The IUCNRed List (as Hipposideros muscinus ). Current population size and trends are unknown, but it is probably not greatly fragmented. Habitat loss and fragmentation might be the major threats for this species, although large areas of intact forest still remain within its range. It is thought to be more tolerant to habitat modification than other congeneric cave-dwellers. More research is needed to study and assess its ecology and population status.

Bibliography. Armstrong & Aplin (2017d), Armstrong, Aplin & Lamaris (2015), Decher & Fahr (2005), Flannery I Colgan (1993).














Doryrhina muscinus

Don E. Wilson & Russell A. Mittermeier 2019

Phyllorhina [sic] muscina

Thomas & Doria 1886
GBIF Dataset (for parent article) Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF