Hipposideros boeadii, Bates, 2007

Don E. Wilson & Russell A. Mittermeier, 2019, Hipposideridae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 9 Bats, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 227-258 : 237

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Hipposideros boeadii


25. View Plate 17: Hipposideridae

Boeadi’s Leaf-nosed Bat

Hipposideros boeadii View in CoL

French: Phyllorhine de Boeadi I German: Boeadi-Rundblattnase I Spanish: Hiposidérido de Boeadi

Other common names: Boeadi's Roundleaf Bat

Taxonomy. Hipposideros boeadii Bates et al, 2007 View in CoL ,

“Lanowulu, Rawa Aopa Watumohai National Park, South-East Sulawesi (04°22’S, 121°44’E),” Indonesia GoogleMaps .

Hipposideros boeadii is the sole member of the boeadii species group. Monotypic.

Distribution. Known only from type locality in SE Sulawesi. View Figure

Descriptive notes. Tail 16-21 mm, ear 16' 8—18 mm, hindfoot 6'9—8' 7 mm, forearm 40-2-43-1 mm; weight 6-8-8-5 g.

Ears of Boeadi’s Leaf-nosed Bat are rounded. Noseleaf has two supplementary leaflets; inner is short whereas outer reaches midline anteriorly. Tail is very short. Hair is uniformly reddish brown. Rostrum is moderately inflated with slight depression in midline. Anterior and posteromedial rostral chambers are equally inflated. Zygoma is broad and robust.Jugal bone has well-developed dorsal projection. Sagittal crest is well developed anteriorly. C1 is moderately large. P2 is very small and extruded, so C1 and P4 are almost in contact. Dental formula for all members of this genus (except the Largeeared Leaf-nosed Bat, Hipposideros megalotis ) is 11/2, C 1/1, P 2/2, M 3/3 (x2) = 30.

Habitat. Lowland rainforests. The forest where individuals were captured was disturbed, and vegetation near the edge had a high incidence of bamboo and rattan. Boeadi’s Leaf-nosed Bat was found in the same area as New Guinea Broad-eared Horseshoe Bats { Rhinolophus euryotis ), Sulawesi Horseshoe Bats (AE celebensis), Fawncolored Leaf-nosed Bats {H. ceruinus), H. cf. ater , Hardwicke’s Woolly Bats {Kerivoula hardwickii), Papillose Woolly Bats (K. papillosa), Peters’s Trumpet-eared Bats (Phoniscus jagorii), and Flores Tube-nosed Bats (Murinaflorium).

Food and Feeding. Boeadi’s Leaf-nosed Bat feeds on insects in the understory of lowland rainforest.

Breeding. No information.

Activity patterns. Echolocation calls are typical CF, with frequency of maximum energy of the F portion of 116-6 kHz (114-2—118-3 kHz). Duration of F portion is 2-5-4 milliseconds, whereas the duration of the FM tail is of 1-1-5 milliseconds.

Movements, Home range and Social organization. No information.

Status and Conservation. Classified as Data Deficient on The IUCN Red List. Boeadi’s Leaf-nosed Bat is a very poorly known species, known from the single record of seven specimens collected from the type locality.

Bibliography. Bates, Rossiter eta/. (2007), Chiozza & Bates (2016).

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