Crematogaster malahelo Blaimer, 2013

Blaimer, Bonnie B. & Fisher, Brian L., 2013, Taxonomy of the Crematogaster degeeri-species-assemblage in the Malagasy region (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 51, pp. 1-64 : 44-46

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scientific name

Crematogaster malahelo Blaimer

sp. nov.

Crematogaster malahelo Blaimer sp. nov.

Fig. 17 View Fig


Workers of Crematogaster malahelo sp. nov. can usually be distinguished from other species in the C. degeeri -assemblage given the characteristic promesonotal structure with a propodeum usually distinctly set off from the promesonotum in lateral view (as in Fig. 17C View Fig ). C. alafara sp. nov. could cause possible confusion with this species, but C. malahelo sp. nov. bears sharp lateral margins on the pronotum (absent in C. alafara sp. nov.) and has shorter, triangular spines (SPI 0.03 - 0.07).

Mean genetic distance for C. malahelo sp. nov. to other species within the C. degeeri -assemblage in the barcode region is 10.9 - 19.6 % ( Table 3 View Table 3 ).


The Malagasy word malahelo means “sad.” This name alludes to the rather sad fact that all three of the montane rainforest locations where this species is known to occur is heavily disturbed. The name is treated as noun in apposition.

Type specimens


Worker: pinned, CASENT0317768 , BLF17431, ex dead twig above ground [imaged on AntWeb]; original locality label: MADG’R: Kaloy , 1423 m, 18º35.39’S, 47º39.06’E, 27 Apr. 2007, disturbed montane rainforest, Fisher et al., BLF#; deposited at CASC.



4 workers, pinned. #1: CASENT0317767 , deposited at SAMC. #2: CASENT0317769 , deposited at MHNG. GoogleMaps #3: CASENT0317770 , deposited at MCZC. GoogleMaps #4: CASENT0317771 , deposited at UCDC. #1 and # 2 same collection and locality data as holotype. GoogleMaps #3 and #4: BBB004 , on tree trunk, Station Forestière Manjakatompo , -19.37083, 47.33900, 1575 m, disturbed montane rainforest, 31 Mar. 2007, B.B.Blaimer.


Type locality

MADAGASCAR: Antananarivo: Kaloy   GoogleMaps : -18.58998, 47.65102, 1423 m, disturbed montane rainforest.

Other material examined

( BBBC, CASC): refer to Supplementary Material 1.



(n = 10) [holotype] HW 0.86 - 1.03 [0.93]; HL 0.80 - 0.94 [0.80]; EL 0.18 - 0.24 [0.20]; SL 0.63 - 0.71 [0.63]; WL 0.92 - 1.08 [0.94]; SPL 0.03 - 0.07 [0.05]; PTH 0.19 - 0.25 [0.21]; PTL 0.25 - 0.31 [0.29]; PTW 0.33 - 0.43 [0.43]; PPL 0.15 - 0.20 [0.17]; PPW 0.28 - 0.37 [0.34]; LHT 0.64 - 0.77 [0.67]; CI 1.03 - 1.16 [1.16]; OI 0.22 - 0.26 [0.25]; SI 0.74 - 0.80 [0.79]; SPI 0.03 - 0.07[0.06]; PTHI 0.66 - 0.82 [0.72]; PTWI 1.24 - 1.52 [1.52]; PPI 1.71 - 2.04 [2.04]; LBI 1.36 - 1.53 [1.40].


( Fig. 17A View Fig , C-D) Small to medium size (HW 0.86 - 1.03, WL 0.92 - 1.08).

Masticatory margin of mandibles with four teeth; head shape fairly quadrate or slightly wider than long (CI 1.03 - 1.16); posterior margin of head in full-face view laterally subangular or rounded, sometimes slightly medially depressed; occipital carinae distinct; antennal scapes usually about reaching or surpassing head margin; midline of eyes situated at or slightly above midline of head in full-face view; eyes moderately large (OI 0.22 - 0.26), slightly protruding.

Pronotum laterally angular, with sharp, raised margins; promesonotal suture indistinct, mesonotum more or less forming one plane with pronotum, but often the two separated by distinct variation in sculpture (see below); mesonotum usually without a distinct posterior face; laterally mesonotum angular to carinate, often with posterolateral denticles setting off the promesonotum distinctly from propodeum; metanotal groove fairly shallow, laterally constricted; propodeal spines very short ( SPI 0.03 - 0.07), triangular dents or spines; dorsal face of propodeum distinct, convex; posterior face of propodeum steeply sloping; petiole in dorsal view from broadly to strongly flared and usually strongly concave, dorsolaterally carinate but without posterolateral tubercules or denticles; subpetiolar process usually present as small rounded tooth; postpetiole wider than long, very distinctly bilobed, with broad median impression; subpostpetiolar process absent.

Head sculpture shiny to aciculate; pronotum dorsally costulate and contrasting abruptly with a shiny to aciculate mesonotum; dorsal face of propodeum carinulate or reticulate; rest of mesosoma, petiole and postpetiole aciculate to reticulate; face usually with <four erect, longer setae, and regular, shorter, appressed to suberect pubescence; promesonotum usually with <eight erect, long setae; otherwise promesonotum dorsally with sparse appressed to subdecumbent pubescence; petiole and postpetiole usually with a pair of short, erect setae posterolaterally, and shorter suberect, decumbent or appressed pubescence; abdominal tergites four to seven with sparse, short, erect pilosity, more abundant and longer on sternites four to seven, and regular appressed to decumbent pubescence throughout. Color reddish brown to dark brown.

Queen and male

Queens and males remain unknown for this species.

Distribution and biology

MADAGASCAR. Crematogaster malahelo sp. nov. is a rare species endemic to montane forest of the central highlands in Madagascar ( Fig. 17B View Fig ). It has been collected from only three locations, all of which harbor unprotected, rather disturbed forest fragments (SF Manjakatompo, Andranorovitra, Kaloy). Given this restricted distribution the species is exclusively sympatric with C. mafybe sp. nov. and allopatric with the rest of the C. degeeri -assemblage. The few collections have been made from dead twigs above the ground, indicating arboreal nesting preferences.


USA, California, San Francisco, California Academy of Sciences


South Africa, Cape Town, Iziko Museum of Capetown (formerly South African Museum)


Switzerland, Geneva, Museum d'Histoire Naturelle


USA, Massachusetts, Cambridge, Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology


USA, California, Davis, University of California, R.M. Bohart Museum of Entomology


Iziko Museums of Cape Town


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle


Stavropol State University













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