Pseudonortonia, Giordani Soika, 1936

Selis, Marco & Nguyen, Lien Thi Phuong, 2024, The Oriental species of the genus Pseudonortonia Giordani Soika (Hymenoptera Vespidae: Eumeninae), Zootaxa 5477 (2), pp. 171-194 : 188-189

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5477.2.4

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Key to the Oriental species of Pseudonortonia View in CoL

[The key is mostly based on the females, as the males are described for P. abbreviaticornis and P. henrica only. In the case of male specimens, the characters relating to the pronotal carina may not be applicable, since in P. abbreviaticornis the female has a strongly reduced carina and the male has it complete and well developed and similar differences could be observed in the other species too.]

1. T1 short and wide, postcarinal area shorter than wide at apex ( Fig. 7A View FIGURE 7 ); transverse carina of T1 strongly bulging and followed in lateral view by a depression. S2 shallowly depressed basally, almost smoothly passing into S1 ( Fig. 7B View FIGURE 7 ).................................................................................................. P. henrica (Cameron) View in CoL

- T1 elongate, postcarinal area longer than wide at apex ( Figs 1H View FIGURE 1 , 2E View FIGURE 2 , 3F View FIGURE 3 , 4F View FIGURE 4 , 5E View FIGURE 5 , 6F, 6H View FIGURE 6 , 8F View FIGURE 8 , 9F View FIGURE 9 ); transverse carina of T1 weakly bulging and not followed in lateral view by a depression. S2 basally convex, clearly separated from S1 ( Figs 1B View FIGURE 1 , 2B View FIGURE 2 , 3B View FIGURE 3 , 4B View FIGURE 4 , 5B, 5F View FIGURE 5 , 6B View FIGURE 6 , 8B View FIGURE 8 , 9B View FIGURE 9 )................................................................................... 2

2. T1 more elongate, 1.3–1.55× as long as apically wide, and with smaller and sparser punctures, interspaces wide and flattened ( Figs 2E View FIGURE 2 , 6F, 6H View FIGURE 6 ). Apical margin of T2 at least weakly reflexed, without a hyaline lamella following the pigmented part ( Figs 2E View FIGURE 2 , 6F, 6H View FIGURE 6 ).......................................................................................... 3

- T1 less elongate, 1.0–1.15× as long as apically wide, and with larger and denser punctures, interspaces narrow and mostly reduced to ridges ( Figs 1H View FIGURE 1 , 3F View FIGURE 3 , 4F View FIGURE 4 , 5E View FIGURE 5 , 8F View FIGURE 8 , 9F View FIGURE 9 ). Apical area of T2 variably depressed and placed below level of the rest of the tergite, preapical margin variably swollen and followed by a variably developed but always evident hyaline lamella ( Figs 1H View FIGURE 1 , 3F View FIGURE 3 , 4F View FIGURE 4 , 5E View FIGURE 5 , 8F View FIGURE 8 , 9F View FIGURE 9 ).................................................................................... 4

3. Clypeus distinctly emarginate at apex, apical teeth subtriangular ( Fig. 2C View FIGURE 2 ). Anterior margin of pronotum entirely rounded, pronotal carina entirely absent on the dorsal part; pronotal humeri sharply spiniform ( Fig. 2D View FIGURE 2 ). T1 shorter, 1.3× as long as apically wide, and more strongly convex, apical margin distinctly reflexed ( Fig. 2E View FIGURE 2 ). T2 with a depressed and densely punctate preapical area, then strongly reflexed; apical margin irregular, weakly but evidently crenate ( Fig. 2E View FIGURE 2 ). Pale markings bright yellow and more extensive on head and tegula; legs mostly bright ferruginous ( Figs 2A–B View FIGURE 2 )....... P. accliva (Gusenleitner)

- Clypeus subtruncate at apex, apical teeth blunt and slightly pointing out ( Figs 6D, 6G View FIGURE 6 ). Anterior margin of pronotum not entirely rounded, with traces of pronotal carina in the middle of the dorsal part; pronotal humeri blunt or sharp, but not spiniform ( Fig. 6E View FIGURE 6 ). T1 longer, 1.4–1.55× as long as apically wide, and less convex, apical margin nearly flattened ( Figs 6F, 6H View FIGURE 6 ). T2 not particularly depressed or densely punctate in the preapical area, and weakly reflexed; apical margin regular and not crenate ( Figs 6F, 6H View FIGURE 6 ). Pale markings ivory and less extensive on head and absent on tegula; legs mostly blackish brown ( Figs 6A–B View FIGURE 6 )................................................................................... P. gujaratica (Nurse)

4. Clypeus densely and strongly punctate ( Fig. 9D View FIGURE 9 ). Occipital carina strongly developed and reflexed, strongly angled in lower third ( Fig. 9B View FIGURE 9 ). Pronotal carina complete ( Fig. 9E View FIGURE 9 ). T2 and S2 with strongly bulging preapical margin, followed by a long and reflexed yellowish-hyaline lamella ( Fig. 9F View FIGURE 9 ); S2 distinctly longer than T2 ( Fig. 9B View FIGURE 9 ).................. P. lamellata sp. nov.

- Clypeus very sparsely and finely punctate ( Figs 1D–E View FIGURE 1 , 3D View FIGURE 3 , 4D View FIGURE 4 , 5C View FIGURE 5 , 8D View FIGURE 8 ). Occipital carina weakly reflexed, nearly straight on whole gena ( Figs 1B View FIGURE 1 , 3B View FIGURE 3 , 4B View FIGURE 4 , 5B, 5F View FIGURE 5 , 8B View FIGURE 8 ). Pronotal carina largely absent dorsally, reduced to lateral teeth and sometimes to very short median portion ( Figs 1G View FIGURE 1 , 3E View FIGURE 3 , 4E View FIGURE 4 , 5D View FIGURE 5 , 8E View FIGURE 8 ). T2 and S2 at most shallowly bulging preapically, with a variably long smooth pigmented part and a very short apical lamella ( Figs 1H View FIGURE 1 , 3F View FIGURE 3 , 4F View FIGURE 4 , 5E View FIGURE 5 , 8F View FIGURE 8 ); S2 as long as T2 or very slightly longer ( Figs 1B View FIGURE 1 , 3B View FIGURE 3 , 4B View FIGURE 4 , 5B, 5F View FIGURE 5 , 8B View FIGURE 8 )................................................................................ 5

5. Propodeal shelf in the middle longer than metanotum ( Fig. 4E View FIGURE 4 ). T2 with coarse and dense punctures in the basal third, becoming abruptly much finer and sparser posteriorly, except for a preapical series of coarse and dense punctures; smooth apical part of T2 long, about 4× as long as the apical lamella ( Fig. 4F View FIGURE 4 )................................... P. camarinensis sp. nov.

- Propodeal shelf in the middle as long as metanotum or shorter ( Figs 1G View FIGURE 1 , 3E View FIGURE 3 , 5D View FIGURE 5 , 8E View FIGURE 8 ). T2 with coarse punctures on whole surface, becoming very slightly finer on disc; smooth apical part of T2 short, 1.5–2.5× as long as the apical lamella ( Figs 1H View FIGURE 1 , 3F View FIGURE 3 , 5E View FIGURE 5 , 8F View FIGURE 8 ).......................................................................................... 6

6. Anterior vertical face of T1 with many dense and deep punctures. Smooth apical part of T2 preceded by a serie of elongate pits, distinctly larger than the punctures preceding them; margin produced in long and pointed costulations above apical lamella ( Fig. 8F View FIGURE 8 )............................................................................... P. incola sp. nov.

- Anterior vertical face of T1 with few sparse punctures, mostly impunctate. Smooth apical part of T2 not preceded by elongate pits; margin produced in short rounded digitations above apical lamella ( Figs 1H View FIGURE 1 , 3F View FIGURE 3 , 5E View FIGURE 5 )............................ 7

7. S 2 in lateral view straight for most of the surface, then strongly and abruptly curved in the basal fourth ( Fig. 3B View FIGURE 3 )....................................................................................... P. bhamensis Giordani Soika View in CoL

- S 2 in lateral view gently and evenly curved in the basal half or basal third ( Figs 1B View FIGURE 1 , 5B, 5F View FIGURE 5 ).......................... 8

8. Propodeal shelf strongly developed and about at same level as scutellum, as long as metanotum and with a deep and narrow median longitudinal furrow ( Fig. 1G View FIGURE 1 ). Punctures on T2 becoming abruptly coarser and denser in front of apical smooth part; interspaces on T2 with sparse micropunctures and pubescence, appearing markedly shiny ( Fig. 1H View FIGURE 1 )............................................................................................. P. abbreviaticornis Giordani Soika View in CoL

- Propodeal shelf little developed and placed well below level of scutellum, shorter than metanotum and widely and shallowly depressed ( Fig. 5D View FIGURE 5 ). Punctures on T2 becoming progressively and weakly coarser and denser in front of apical smooth part; interspaces on T2 with dense micropunctures and pubescence, with a weak silky shine, almost matte ( Fig. 5E View FIGURE 5 )....................................................................................... P. flavolimbata Giordani Soika











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