Dirhinosia REBEL, 1905

Tokár, Z. & Gozmány, L., 2004, Review Of The Palaearctic Species Of Dirhinosia Rebel, 1905 (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 50 (1), pp. 63-74 : 64

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12586928

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scientific name

Dirhinosia REBEL, 1905


Dirhinosia REBEL, 1905 View in CoL

Type species: Dirhinosia trifasciella REBEL, 1905

Description.Rathersmalltomedium-sizedgelechiids.Labialpalpuslong,recurvedandslen- der. Antenna simple. Forewing slender to rather broad with one or two more or less striking fasciae. Colour and pattern are relatively variable. Hindwing rather broad with slightly emarginated termen before short apex.

Male genitalia. Uncus broad basally, triangular, pointed. Tegumen broad. Gnathos absent. Valva elongate, more or less broader medially. Sacculus broad, joined to with valva by narrow rib, withcharacteristicneck-likeprocess.Saccuspointed,mediuminsize.Aedeaguslong,broadbasally, vesica with numerous minute cornuti.

Female genitalia. Papilla analis weakly sclerotized, apophysis posterior long or mediumsized. VIII abdominal segment simple, apophysis anterior shorter than or about as long as VIII segment. Ostium bursae elongate, distally with plicate rotund protrusion, more or less sclerotized and covered with fine spines. Ductus bursae extremely long with colliculum in distal part. Bursa copulatrix oval or egg-shaped, signum serrate, oval or round, with or without lobes.

Systematic position. According to the European checklist of Lepidoptera ( KARSHOLT & RAZOWSKI 1996) the Dirhinosia group belongs to the subfamily Gelechiinae in the tribe Anomologini . It is placed between the groups of Deltophora JANSE,1950 ,and Ornativalva GOZMÁNY,1955 .Someattributesinexternal appearance or genitalia characters of Dirhinosia species indicate that they are close to those of two other genera, Aristotelia HÜBNER, 1825 (discussed also by BIDZILYA & BUDASHKIN 1998) and Chrysoesthia HÜBNER, 1825 .











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