Lophozia guttulata (Lindb. & Arnell) A.Evans.

Unan, Ayşe Dilek & Ören, Muhammet, 2021, New and noteworthy records of deadwood dwelling bryophyte species for Turkey and Southwest Asia, Cryptogamie, Bryologie 20 (4), pp. 33-44 : 40

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5252/cryptogamie-bryologie2021v42a4

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scientific name

Lophozia guttulata (Lindb. & Arnell) A.Evans.


3. Lophozia guttulata (Lindb. & Arnell) A.Evans. View in CoL

( Fig. 5 View FIG )

Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences 2 (17): 302 (1900). — Lophozia ventricosa var. guttulata (Lindb. & Arnell) Bakalin, Annales Botanici Fennici View in CoL 40 (1): 52 (2003).

SPECIMEN EXAMINED. — Turkey. Karabük province, Yenice district, around Eğriova lake, 41°04’47”N, 032°26’13”E, on decayed Abies nordmanniana subsp. equitrojani stump, 1357 m. a.s.l., 29.IV.2018, Unan & Ören 185.2/A, ZNG; Bolu province, Mengen district, 40°52’36”N, 032°16’13”E, on decayed Abies nordmanniana subsp. equitrojani stump, 1645 m. a.s.l., 01.IX.2018, Unan & Ören 230.1/A, ZNG.

ECOLOGY. — Lophozia guttulata is acidophyte, hygrophyte-mesophyte, and adapts to different light conditions (Dierssen 2001). The main substrate for this species is deadwood, but as an exception, it can be found on peat (Dierssen 2001; Bakalin 2016).

New specimens of Lophozia guttulata was found on two Abies nordmanniana subsp. equitrojani stumps. The first stump was in pure Trojan fir forest, decayed to stage 5 according to Ódor & Van Hees (2004), very moist, and 38 × 75 cm in dimensions. 50% of the visible surface of the stump was covered with the following bryophytes (in alphabetical order): Blepharostoma trichophyllum , Fuscocephaloziopsis lunulifolia , Dicranum scoparium , Herzogiella seligeri , Rhizomnium punctatum , Riccardia palmata , Scapania umbrosa , and Tetraphis pellucida Hedw .. The second stump was in Trojan fir and Scots pine mixed forest, decayed to stage 3 according to Ódor & Van Hees (2004), moist, and 25 × 35 cm in dimensions. 70% of the visible surface of the stump was covered with the following bryophytes (in alphabetical order): Brachytheciastrum velutinum var. velutinum , Brachythecium rutabulum (Hedw.) Schimp. , Dicranum scoparium , Herzogiella , Lophocolea heterophylla , Plagiothecium curvifolium , and Sanionia uncinata . Both two specimens have perianths and gemmae, which is important to the identification of this species.

DISTRIBUTION. — The records of Lophozia guttulata are scattered through Europe ( Hodgetts & Lockhart 2020). This species has also been recorded from Asia ( China, and Turkey), North America ( Canada, and United States) and Russia ( Schuster 1969; Potemkin & Sofronova 2009; Bakalin 2011; Bakalin & Xiong 2015).














Lophozia guttulata (Lindb. & Arnell) A.Evans.

Unan, Ayşe Dilek & Ören, Muhammet 2021

Lophozia ventricosa var. guttulata (Lindb. & Arnell)

Bakalin 2003: 52
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