Baccharis lychnophora Gardner (1848: 85)

Heiden, Gustavo & Pirani, José Rubens, 2016, Taxonomy of Baccharis subgen. Tarchonanthoides (Asteraceae: Astereae: Baccharidinae), a group from the southeastern South American grasslands and savannas, Phytotaxa 241 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

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scientific name

Baccharis lychnophora Gardner (1848: 85)


5. Baccharis lychnophora Gardner (1848: 85) View in CoL . Lanugothamnus lychnophorus (Gardner) Deble (2012: 16) . Type:— BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: July 1840, ♂, G. Gardner 4898 (holotype BM! (000554168); isotypes B† photo in F! (0BN015009, Macbride negative number 15009), BHCB! (000042), F! (878646, fragment), G! (00222623), GH! (00003953), K!, NY! (00162263), P! (00755476), R! (154123), W, US! (00129312)).

Baccharis tarchonanthoides var. integrifolia Baker (1882: 50) View in CoL .— Syntypes: “in prov. S. Paulo : Sello n. 175 (syntype not found); in Minas Geraës ad Itambé: Martius ” (syntype not found, photo in US!).

Illustration: —Borges & Forzza (2008: 139). Fig. 12 View FIGURE 12 , 13 View FIGURE 13 .

Shrubs to treelets 1–4 m tall, erect; fertile shoots virgate, branches axillary. Stems grey, shoots tomentose. Leaves 3–20 cm long, 0.9–4.5 cm wide, evenly distributed along the branches; petioles 4–30 mm long; leaf blade indurate, obovate, elliptic to oblanceolate, apex rounded or acute to obtuse, base acute to cuneate, margins entire, flat to slightly revolute; leaves pinnate, semicraspedodromous, adaxial surface glabrous or glabrescent, with a caducous lanose indumentum, abaxial surface with a persistent tomentose indumentum. Capitulescences terminal; panicles corymbiform, ellipsoid or broadly conical, 2–22 cm long, 2–23 cm wide. Capitula pedunculate; peduncles 0.1–1.2 cm long, tomentose. Male capitula 2.9–4 mm long; involucre 2.8–3.3 mm long, 3.3–4.9 mm wide, hemispheric; phyllaries 3–4-seriate, light green or stramineous, outer ones ovate, median and inner ones elliptic, margins scarious, entire, apex rounded, pubescent apically; clinanthium concave, nearly glabrous, with scarce flagelliform and biseriate trichomes; florets 18–24; corollas 1.6–2.2 mm long, tube 0.7–0.9 mm long, throat 0.4–0.6 mm, biseriate hairs on the throat, lobes 0.5–0.7 mm long, lobes papillose; anthers yellow, 1.8–2 mm long; style 1.7–2.2 mm long; ovary abortive, 0.1–0.2 mm long, 0.05–0.07 mm wide, glabrous; pappus 1.5–2.1 mm long, bristles 24–28, straight, apically broadened. Female capitula 3.8–6.8 mm long; involucre 3.8–5.8 mm long, 3–4.2 mm wide, cylindrical; phyllaries 3–4-seriate, light green or stramineous, outer ones ovate, median ones elliptic,

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FIGURE 14. Distribution of B. lychnophora (Z) and B. tarchonanthoides (○).

inner ones oblanceolate, margins entire, apex rounded, pubescent apically; clinanthium plane, glabrous; florets 8–16; corollas 2.5–3 mm long; style 2.8–3.2 mm long, branches 0.2–0.4 mm long. Cypselae 1.7–2 mm long, 0.5–0.8 mm wide, brown, glabrescent, sparse biseriate glandular trichomes near the apex, oblong, slightly narrowed at base, 5-ribbed; pappus 3–3.7 mm long; bristles 44–66, slightly broadened apically, with long protruding cell apices. Chromosome number unknown.

Etymology: —The specific epithet refers to the resemblance to the Brazilian genus Lychnophora Mart. ( Asteraceae : Vernonieae), as circumscribed at the time of publication of the species.

Distribution and habitat: — Baccharis lychnophora occurs in southeastern Brazil (Minas Gerais), known from several locations in the highlands of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero (Iron Quadrangle), the Serra do Espinhaço and the Serra do Ibitipoca, which is a portion of the Serra da Mantiqueira range, at elevations between 1250 and 2050 m a.s.l. (Fig. 14). It forms sparse populations in open or closed vegetation types, such as high altitude grasslands, thickets of dry forests or riverine vegetation on rocky grasslands (campos rupestres —a type of edaphic and orographic vegetation on quartzite and ironstone outcrops and soils, occurring in between the tropical savannas along the Cerrado province).

Phenology: —Fertile specimens have been collected all year round, but with a low season between September and December.

Conservation status: —Vulnerable (VU D2). The species is represented in several conservation units and in non-protected primary areas. It was previously evaluated for the Brazilian Flora red list (Nakajima et al. 2013) and assessed as vulnerable due to the restricted area of occupancy and known habitat suppression or loss of habitat quality due to anthropogenic pressure, mainly related to mining of ironstone.

Vernacular names: —Unknown.

Comments: —Two collections were cited by Baker (1882) in the description of Baccharis tarchonanthoides var. integrifolia . Since none has been found so far, a lectotype cannot be designated here. During collection revision at US, a photo of Martius s.n. collected at Itambé and labelled as B. tarchonanthoides var. integrifolia was examined. The photo and the description provided in the protologue also agree with B. lychnophora , confirming this name as a synonym of B. lychnophora , as previously published by Barroso (1976).

Baccharis lychnophora is found mainly at high elevations across the rocky grasslands in southeasern Brazil. Due to the natural patchy distribution of its habitat and geographical isolation among its populations, its leaf shape


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and size, and also capitulescence shape and size are strongly variable among plants from different sites. Despite the great variation within the species, the variable characters are not correlated to each other, and cannot justify the recognition of segregated taxa.

Bacccharis tarchonanthoides is sometimes sympatric with B. lychnophora , and both are frequently confused. In adittion to the characters contrasted in the key, the robust and few-branched habit of B. lychnophora and the leaves with margins always entire helps to differentiate the species from B. tarchonanthoides , which is usually a small and much branched shrub, mostly with at least partially dentate leaves. Entire leaves can be found in B. tarchonanthoides , but this trait was not recorded up to now in the areas where both species co-occur.

Specimens examined: — BRAZIL. MINAS GERAIS: Belo Horizonte, Serra da Piedade, 13 January 1971, ♀, H. S. Irwin et al. 30253 ( NY). Belo Vale, Mina Casa de Pedra, 1500 m, 10 September 2003, P. L. Viana 992 ( BHCB). Caeté, Serra da Piedade, 720 m, 6 December 1985, ♂, L. Lobo & T. S. M. Grandi 2166 ( BHCB, FCAB); 10 VI 1933, ♀, H. L. Mello-Barreto 3863 ( F); 16 June 1933, ♂, H. L. Mello-Barreto 3866 ( SP); 15 July 1987, ♀, J. A. Paula 18550 ( BHCB48903 About BHCB ); 1800 m, ♀, E. Pereira 2682 & G. Pabst 3518 ( HB, RB); s.d., ♀, E. Warming 215 ( C, K, S). Catas Altas, Serra do Caraça , s.d., ♀, G. Casaretto 2772 ( G); January 1840, P. Claussen 25 ( G); 1600 m, 20 July 1972, ♂, L. Emygdio et al. 3522 ( R); February 1884, st., A. F. M. Glaziou s.n. ( P02404225 ); Serra do Caraça , ♂, A. Saint-Hilaire 636 ( P); Cova da Onça , 12 April 1884, ♂ & ♀, A. F. M. Glaziou 15052 ( B, C, G, ICN, K, MO, NY, US); Pico Cangerana, 1901 m, 27 August 2008, ♂ & ♀, C. T. Oliveira & L. L. Giacomin 97 ( BHCB); Pico Conceição, 1791 m, 26 August 2008, ♀, C. T. Oliveira & L. L. Giacomin 32 ( BHCB); Pico do Inficionado , 5 April 2007, ♂, A. Teles et al. 378 ( BHCB, S); 2030 m, ♀, 4 September 1999, M. F. Vasconcelos s.n. ( BHCB48903 About BHCB , US 3396170); 2060 m, 22 March 2000, ♂, M. F. Vasconcelos s.n. ( BHCB53698 About BHCB US3406777); 2050 m, 13 May 2000, ♀, M. F. Vasconcellos s.n. ( BHCB53704 About BHCB , US 3406782); Pico do Sol , 1918 m, 25 April 2009, ♂, C. T. Oliveira, L. L. Giacomin & R. S. Viveiros 414 ( BHCB). Congonhas, Mineração Casa de Pedra , s.d., M. S. Mendes & A. E. Brina s.n. ( BHCB107365 About BHCB , RB451321 ). Couto Magalhães, Chapada do Couto , 17 July 1984, ♀, M. G. Wanderley et al. CFCR 4613 ( SP, SPF). Datas, rodovia Datas-Serro, Morro do Coco , 1300–1330 m, 8 January 1988, ♀, R. Simão et al. CFCR11727 ( BHCB, SPF). Diamantina, 1400 m, June 1934, ♂, A. C. Brade 13960 ( RB); 1370 m, 19 January 1969, H. S. Irwin et al. 22259 ( B, F, K, MO, NY, RB, UB, US); ♀, 6 July 1996, ♀, V. C. Souza 12009 ( ESA, K). Itabirito, Serra de Capanema , 1904 m, 12 July 2007, ♂, F. F. Carmo 817 ( BHCB); 10 June 1971, ♀, L. Krieger 10679 ( CESJ, RB). Jaboticatubas, 6 January 1973, ♂, J. Semir & A. M. Joly 3753 ( UEC). Lima Duarte, Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca, 8 August 2001, ♀, F. S. Araújo 9 ( CESJ); 25 March 2001, ♀, R. M. Castro & M. A. Heluey 216 ( CESJ); 24 April 2007, ♂, F. M. Ferreira, P. L. Viana & F. R. G. Salimena 968 ( CESJ); 31 March 2004, ♀, R. C. Forzza et al. 3341 ( RB); 28 May 1923, ♂, J. P. Godoy 8402 ( SP); 13 May 1970, ♂, L. Krieger 8534 ( CESJ, K, RB); 26 January 2010, 1710 m, ♀, R. Mello-Silva et al. 3255 ( SPF). Lombada, 20 January 2005, ♂, R. C. Forzza et al. 3961 ( K, RB, SPF); base do Pico do Peão , 16 May 2006, ♂, M. M. Saavedra et al. 282 ( RB, NY); ♀, M. M. Saavedra et al. 283 ( BCHB, RB); 1580–1600 m, 13 May 1970, ♂, D. Sucre & L. Krieger 6752 ( K, RB). Ouro Preto, s.d., ♂, J. Badini s.n. ( OUPR20828 About OUPR ); April 1892, ♂ & ♀, E. Ule 2583 ( HBG, R); Cachoeira das Andorinhas, 1250 m, 15 July 1978, ♂, A. M. V. de Carvalho 34 ( ECT, JE, RB, SPF); Campo de São João , 29 July 1890, ♀, A. F. M. Glaziou 18333 ( K, P); Itacolomi, September 1941, ♂, J. Badini 3937 ( OUPR); 13 June, ♂, M. Peron 193 ( RB); August 1824, ♂ & ♀, L. Riedel 412 ( NY, P, US); Lavras Novas, 1941, ♂, J. Badini 3924 ( OUPR); ♂, J. Badini 3931 ( OUPR); Morro São Sebastião, July 1896, ♂, A. Silveira 1545 ( R); s.d., ♀, L. Damazio 1130 ( G, RB); 11 August 1937, ♂, H. L. Mello-Barreto 9184 ( F, R); Serra do Antônio Pereira , ♂, J. Badini s.n. ( OUPR20829 About OUPR ); Serra das Camarinhas, 16 May 1979, ♂, Barroso & Ferreira 56 ( PAMG); s.d., bud, J. Badini s.n. ( OUPR19851 About OUPR ); s.d., ♂, J. Badini s.n. ( OUPR20827 About OUPR ); 1350–1400 m, 6 August 1980, ♀, H. C. Lima 1334 ( F, RB); 1350 m, 24 May 1979, ♂, L. Mautone et al. 770 ( CEPEC, F, R, RB). Rio Acima , Serra de Gandarela , 1624 m, 13 November 2007, ♀, F. F. Carmo 1441 ( BHCB). Rio Preto , Serra Negra, 20 April 2007, ♂, A. Teles et al. 408 ( BHCB). Santa Bárbara, Serra do Caraça , 27 May 1983, ♀, J. R. Pirani & O. Yano 704 ( SP, SPF). Santa Luzia, Serra do Cipó , estrada de Conceição, 1260 m, 12 December 1949, ♂, A. P. Duarte 2295 ( F, G, K, NY, RB); km 138, 4 November 1938, ♀, H. L. Mello-Barreto 8842 ( F, R); estrada do Pilar, km 139, 3 February, ♂, s.l. ( R154125 ). Santana do Pirapama , Serra do Cipó , 9 March 2009, ♂, D. Zappi et al. 1969 ( K, SPF); Santo Antônio do Itambé , Pico do Itambé , 1550 m, 12 February 1972, ♂, W. R. Anderson , M. Stieber & J. H. Kirkbride Jr. 35870 ( COL, F, K, LIL, MO, NY, US); s.d., bud, M. Magalhães 1620 ( ICN); 7 April 1998, ♂, V. C. Souza et al. 21073 ( ESA, K). São Gonçalo do Rio Preto , Parque Estadual do Rio Preto , Pico Dois Irmãos , 2 April 2004, ♂, P. L. Viana et al. 1499 ( BHCB). Serra do Cipó , Rio Preto , s.d., bud, A. F. M. Glaziou 19553 ( K, P). Serro , Pico do Itambé , 5 May 1942, ♂, G. Mendes-Magalhães

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1619 (RB); 5 October 1942, ♀, G. Mendes-Magalhães 1690 ( RB). S.l., Gandarela, 1570 m , 13 July 1972, ♂, L. Emygdio 3305 ( R); ♀, L. Emygdio et al. 3309 ( R); 1816–1821, ♀, A. Saint-Hilaire 481 ( LP); ♀, A. Saint-Hilaire 639 D 93 ( F, P); ♂, A. Saint-Hilaire 640 D 93 ( P, US); ♂, A. Saint-Hilaire 641 C 1 78 ( P); s.l., s.d., ♂, A. F. M. Glaziou 18332 ( C); s.l., 1841, ♂, K. F. P. Martius 750 ( G, K, MO, NY, P, US) .


University of Helsinki


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Botanische Staatssammlung München


Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


Instituto de Botânica


University of the Witwatersrand


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Herbarium Bradeanum


Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro


University of Copenhagen


Royal Botanic Gardens


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Museo de Historia Natural


Missouri Botanical Garden


Universidade de São Paulo


Laboratoire de Biostratigraphie


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Universidade de São Paulo


Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora


Universidade Estadual de Campinas


Hiroshima Botanical Garden


Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena


Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Campus Universitário


Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais (EPAMIG)




Botanical Museum - University of Oslo


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


Universidad Nacional de Colombia


Fundación Miguel Lillo


Laboratory of Palaeontology














Baccharis lychnophora Gardner (1848: 85)

Heiden, Gustavo & Pirani, José Rubens 2016

Baccharis tarchonanthoides var. integrifolia

Baker, J. G. 1882: )
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF